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ÈÈ¶È 1 2018-5-3 15:41
µØÇòµÄ¡°Æ¤·ô°©¡±---¶ÔÍÁÈÀÇÖÊ´»·¾³ÎÊÌâµÄͨË×Àí½â ÁõÁÁ Î÷±±Å©ÁֿƼ¼´óѧˮÍÁ±£³ÖÑо¿Ëù Âí­ . Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1995. 2 Montgomery D. R. Soil erosion and agricultural sustainability . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States o ...
¹ØÓÚÍÁÈÀÇÖÊ´£¨Soil Erosion£©µÄ¿ÆÆÕÍøÕ¾
ÁõÁÁ 2014-12-16 20:47
https://www.soils.org/discover-soils http://soilerosion.net/
Book List
ÁõÁÁ 2014-3-8 09:39
Âõ¿Ë¶û¡¤É£µÂ¶û http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%BF%88%E5%85%8B%E5%B0%94%C2%B7%E6%A1%91%E5%BE%B7%E5%B0%94 1. ¡¶¹«¹²ÕÜѧ¡·£¨Public Philosophy: Essays on Morality in Politics£¬2005Ä꣩ 2. ¡¶ÕýÒå¶Á±¾¡·£¨Justice: A Reader£¬2007Ä꣩ 3. ¡¶ÕýÒ壬ÔõÑù×ö²ÅÕýÈ·£¿¡·£¨Justice: What ...
Digests of ¡¶The Art of Scientific of Investigation¡·
ÁõÁÁ 2011-9-27 07:14
ÕâÊÇÒ»±¾¹ØÓÚÂÛÊö¿ÆѧÑо¿µÄʵ¼ùºÍ˼ά¼¼ÇɵÄÊé¡£ ×÷ÕߣºÍþÁ®.ÒÁ¶÷.±ÈµÂĶû.±´¸¥ÀïÆ棨William Ian Beardmore Beveridge£© д´ËÊé×÷ΪÑо¿¹¤×÷ÈëÃŵĵ¼Òý(дÊéµÄÄ¿µÄ)¡£Õâ±¾ÊéÊ×ÒªµÄ¶ÔÏóÊǼ´½«´ÓÊÂÑо¿¹¤×÷µÄѧÉú£¬µ«Ò²Ï£ÍûÄÜÎüÒý¸ü¹ã·ºµÄ¶ÁÕß(±¾ÊéµÄ¶ÔÏó£¬reader)¡£ 1. ¶Ô´ý¡º»úÓö¡»¡¢¡ºÖ±¾õ¡»ÕâЩżȻÐԺܴóµÄÒòËØ£¬ ...
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ÈÈ¶È 1 ÁõÁÁ 2011-7-2 22:22
Éú»î»·±£³«Òé---¼¯Öд¦Àí·Ï¾Éµç³Ø ºÏÀí´¦Àí·Ï¾Éµç³Ø£¬½«Ê¹ËæÒⶪÆúµç³ØÔì³ÉµÄ»·¾³ÎÛȾΣº¦½µÖÁ×îС¡£ÒÔÏ´¦ÀíÉú»îÖеķϾɵç³ØµÄ·½·¨ÊDZ¾ÈËÔÚÉú»îÖÐ×ܽá³öÀ´£¬¾õµÃÐÐÖ®ÓÐЧµÄ°ì·¨£¬ÏëÇëÅóÓÑÃÇ·ÖÏí²¢Íƶø¹ãÖ®£¬Ð»Ð»£¡ ²½ÖèÒ»£º×¼±¸·Ï¾Éµç³Ø¡¢·Ï¾ÉËÜÁÏÒûÁÏÆ¿¡¢¸ÉÔï¼Á£¨¿ÉÑ¡£© ²½Öè¶þ£ºµç³Ø×°Æ¿ ...
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ÁõÁÁ 2011-3-27 12:46
A man-made desert is not fantastic as it sounds. Two major factors are believed to account for the growth of man-made deserts. One is that the borders of desert in arid or semi-arid regions are extended far beyond the natural true desert into more humid climat ...
About Two Costly Lessons: the Dust Bowl and Virgin Lands
ÁõÁÁ 2011-3-27 12:41
The Dust Bowl from the Great Plains happened on May 11, 1934, covering half the nation with a thin layer of grit. This was an expensive lesson in the ecological history of the United States. From both economic and ecological viewpoints, most of the Great Plains ...

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