Report about joint undergraduate programs in China: Tens of my friends either Chinese students and professors replied exact information. There lots of joint undergraduate programs between Chinese U. and foreign U. in specific majors through either 2+2 or 3+1 mode. Generally, this kind of programs ...
Position in stub for FEI Magellan400L STEM FEI Magellan400的STEM上样顺序。 ===================== STEM stub From left to right, 1,2,3,4,5,6 ------------------------ STEM holder From up to down 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 --------------------- In display From left to right 1,2,3,4,5,6 ======= ...
动态光散射中的尺寸、分散度和峰值的贴士 Tips about size, PDI, peak value in DLS Based on Malvern Zetasizer Nano with software V5.10@Win XP 1. The average size based on intensity weighted average hydrodynamic size,is the only reliable and stable value. 2. & ...
Walter McCrone 说”每个化合物都有不同的形态,通常,对于 所知的 某一化合物的形态取决于对其投入的时间和金钱。“ 学术何尝不是,敏锐的眼睛判断重要性,优先级,潜在价值很必要。继续努力。 Walter McCrone stated that ev ...
动态光散射样品高度不超过15毫米为了避免温度梯度 The reason why the height of cell in dynamic laser scattering should lower than 15 mm is to avoid temperature slope above the chamber. ===================== 以Malvern Nano ZS为例,虽然日常测试中,样品高度高于15毫米不影响测试,但是据Malvern工程师讲“ ...