一篇综述 Analysing and interpreting DNA methylation data
biocLite(c("IlluminaHumanMethylation450kmanifest","IlluminaHumanMethylation450kanno.ilmn12.hg19","minfiData", "sva"," minfi"))nn
library(minfi)library(minfiData)library(sva)Reading DatabaseDir <- system.file("extdata", package="minfiData")targets <- read.450k.sheet(baseDir)RGSet <- read.450k.exp(targets = targets)Preprocessing and normalizationGRSET <- preprocessFunnorm(RGSet)[preprocessFunnorm] Background and dye bias correction with noob [preprocessNoob] Using sample number 2 as reference level...[preprocessFunnorm] Mapping to genome[preprocessFunnorm] Quantile extraction[preprocessFunnorm] Normalizationannotation <- getAnnotation(GRset)names(annotation)GRset <- dropLociWithSnps(GRset, snps=c("SBE","CpG"), maf=0)Identifying DMRs and DMPsbeta <- getBeta(GRSET)age <- pData(GRSET)$ageposition analysis:dmp <- dmpFinder(beta, pheno = age , type = "continuous")head(dmp) DMR analysis:
1. Define yourphenotype of interest
pheno <- pData(GRSET)$statusdesignMatrix <- model.matrix(~ pheno)2. Run the algorithmwith B=0 permutation on the Beta-values, with a medium difference cutoff, say0.2 (which corresponds to 20% difference on the Beta-values):
dmrs <- bumphunter(GRSET, design = designMatrix, cutoff = 0.2, B=0, type="Beta")3. If the number ofcandidate bumps is large, say >30000, increase the cutoff to reduce thenumber of candidate bumps. The rationale behind this is that the most of theadditional candidate regions found by lowering the cutoff will be found to benon-significant after the permutation scheme, and therefore time can be savedby being more stringent on the cutoff (high cutoff).
4. Once you havedecided on the cutoff, run the algorithm with a large number of permutations,say B=1000:
dmrs <- bumphunter(GRSET, design = designMatrix, cutoff = 0.2, B=1000, type="Beta")5.
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