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Scientific Reports , 6:25067 (2016)

已有 4801 次阅读 2016-5-11 22:27 |系统分类:论文交流

Role of time delay on intracellular calcium dynamics driven by non-Gaussian noises
                   Wei-Long Duan & Chunhua Zeng*     Effect of time delay (τ) on intracellular calcium dynamics with nonGaussian noises in transmission processes of intracellular Ca2+ is studied by means of second-order stochastic Runge-Kutta type algorithm. By simulating and analyzing time series, normalized autocorrelation function, and
characteristic correlation time of cytosolic and calcium store’s Ca2+ concentration, the results exhibit:

(i) intracellular calcium dynamicss time coherence disappears and stability strengthens as τ → 0.1s;
(ii) for the case of τ < 0.1s, the normalized autocorrelation functions of cytosolic and calcium storesCa2+ concentration show damped motion when τ is very short, but they trend to a level line as τ → 0.1s,and for the case of τ > 0.1s, they show different variation as τ increases, the former changes fromunderdamped motion to a level line, but the latter changes from damped motion to underdampedmotion; and (iii) at the moderate value of time delay, reverse resonance occurs both in cytosol and
calcium store.

2016 srep25067.pdf


上一篇:Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2016
下一篇:Applied Mathematics and Computation XXX (2016) 1–6
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2 李孔斋 王文锋

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