湖南土著分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/qhliu 理论物理博士,湖南大学教授。



已有 12186 次阅读 2016-4-27 09:56 |个人分类:大学教育|系统分类:人文社科| 哲学, 科学, 物理


尽管如此,我喜欢具有哲学修养的科学家! 而这个哲学又不是被我们玩坏了的那种空头学问,而是能外化成为具有生命力知识的深刻洞察力。例如,因斯坦因为马赫的哲学的启发而创立了广义相对论,不是吗?







Hi Quanhui,

finally back from my trip to Japan, I come to answer your last mail. To my opinion, the lines by Wang are still poetic, also in the second translation.It is certainly not a rational or deductive statement, although it has the form of a syllogism, going from premise to conclusion. But the premises are in this case just metaphorical paraphrases and would qualify in any western language as poetry.
The philosophical content is certainly extractable but an interpreting conceptualizationis by itself an act of philosophy. Doing this with Wang Yangming's aphorism, I would say that it belongs more to Berkeley than to Descartes. Berkeley's position is usually summarized as
esse est percipi
"to be is to be perceived" and this sums up Wang's statement but clearlywithout the poetry which makes his "flower" so nice. Berkeley himself has stated many times that "everything is in the mind" and uses this eventually for a type of proof for God's existence (he was a bishop).
So, the difference between Berkeley and Wang is the artistic quality, not the philosophical content. This, of course, concerns only the present aphorism and not Wang's other writings, which I don't know yet.
These short aphorisms are generally oscillating between poetry and philosophy,and in the west we do not make sharp divisions.
As an example, I mention the following poem by Angelus Silesius (i.e. JohannesScheffler, 1624-1677) in German:
Die Ros'ist ohn warumb sie blühet weil sie blühet
Sie acht nicht ihrer selbst fragt nicht ob man sie sihet
My english translation, without keeping the meter, reads
The rose is without why she blooms because she blooms
She does not care for herself and does not ask whether someone sees her
This translation has, I think, a striking similarity with the style of Wang's proposition (the content is just the opposite) but the German original is considered as lyric poetry with philosophical implications.
I have not yet spoken to my Japanese friends whether they know Wang Yangming but on my next trip I shall ask them.








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