

Frontiers of Mathematics in China 数学前沿 201602 目录

已有 2298 次阅读 2016-4-1 15:26 |系统分类:论文交流

Frontiers of Mathematics in China (indexed by SCI,2014 IF = 0.497)


数学前沿 第 11 卷 第 2 目录

Volume 11 Number 2

pp. 255—508(正文共254页)

2016 April

Research articles

255  Qifeng BAI, Fang LI

    Classification of Bott towers by matrix

269  Xue CHEN

    Classification of irreducible non-zerolevel quasifinite modules over

twisted affine Nappi-Witten algebra

279  Yanan FENG, Shuo DENG, Lu WANG, Changli MA

Minimum distances of threefamilies of low-density parity-check codes

based on finite geometries

291  Hui JIANG

    Largeand moderate deviations in testing Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process

with linear drift

309  Wentian KUANG, Yiming LONG

Geometric characterizations for variationalminimizing solutions of

charged 3-body problems

323  Dexin LAN, Xiaoli KONG, Jinglian JIANG

    Wakimotomodules for twisted multi-loop algebra of type A1 x A1

339  Luyang LI, Yujuan SUN, Weiguo ZHANG

    Construction of balanced Boolean functionswith high nonlinearity,

good local and global avalanchecharacteristics

353  Genqiang LIU, Yueqiang ZHAO

Irreducible A1(1)-modules from modules overtwo-dimensional

non-abelian Lie algebra

365  Heping LIU, Manli SONG

    A restriction theorem for Grushinoperators

377  Lixin MAO

Generalizations of von Neumannregular rings, PP rings, and Baer


401  Keyan SONG, Yuehui ZHANG

    Injective objects of monomorphismcategories

411  Hanjun ZHANG, Guoman HE

Domain of attraction ofquasi-stationary distribution for

one-dimensional diffusions

423  Jing ZHANG, Huoxiong WU

Oscillation and variation inequalitiesfor singular integrals and

commutators on weighted Morreyspaces

449  Meng ZHANG

Waring-Goldbach problems forunlike powers with almost equal


461  Shaoqin ZHANG

    Shift Harnack inequality and integrationby parts formula for

semilinear stochastic partialdifferential equations

497  Shanghua ZHENG, Li GUO

Free involutiveHom-semigroups and Hom-associative algebras

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