Liu W, Dai X*, Xu J. Influences of leaf-mining insects on their host plants: A review. Collectanea Botanica, 2015,34: e005. http://dx.doi.org/10.3989/collectbot.2015.v34.005
Influences of leaf-mining insects on their host plants: A review.— Leaf-mining insects are an herbivore group whose larvae live and feed inside plant leaves. Leaf mines are distinct marks on leaves and can provide much information on insect-plant relationships. Most leaf miners are monophagous or oligophagous. Therefore ecologists and paleontologists use them to study interactions and coevolution among plants, insects and natural enemies. There are many different types of leaf-mining patterns on plant leaves, which may have different impacts on host plants. Compared with ectophagous herbivores, leaf-mining insects should have unique influences on host plant characteristics, such as leaf morphology, leaf chemistry, plant physiology, plant growth and production. Obvious impacts include leaf asymmetry, callus formation, photosynthesis, and green islands. Types and degrees of such influences are varied for different leaf miner species or different host plant species. In turn, the change of plant features may have positive or negative impacts on oviposition and feeding of leaf-mining insects. Studies on plant responses to leaf-mining and the defensive mechanisms of plants are helpful in understanding the coevolution between leaf miners and their food plants.
KEYWORDS: chemical ecology; interspecific interactions; pest resistance.
潜叶昆虫对寄主植物的影响:综述。— 潜叶昆虫是一类植食性昆虫,以幼虫在叶片组织内取食并生活,不破坏叶表皮或至少不破坏外壁。潜道(潜叶幼虫在植物薄壁组织或表皮内部形成的取食道)为学者研究昆虫—植物关系提供了大量的信息。大部分潜叶昆虫为单食性或寡食性。因此,生态学家和古生物学家可将其作为模式生物,用于研究植物、昆虫和天敌三者的种间关系与协同进化。潜叶昆虫在植物叶片上形成许多不同类型的潜道,因而对植物造成的影响也不尽相同。与外食性昆虫相比,潜叶昆虫对植物形状有独特的影响,这些性状包括叶片形态、化学成分、植物生理、生长和产量。比较明显的影响包括叶片的不对称性、形成愈伤组织、降低光合作用以及形成“绿岛效应”。不同潜叶昆虫对不同植物的作用方式及影响程度不同。与此相反,植物特性的改变可能会促进或抑制潜叶昆虫的取食和产卵。因此,研究寄主植物对潜叶为害的应对措施及防御机制,有利于了解潜叶昆虫和寄主植物之间的协同进化。
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