

日本出的天才还是少, 大家同意不同意?

已有 7574 次阅读 2016-1-29 22:10 |系统分类:教学心得

技术可以 仿制,引进,然后一步一步改进、并控制成本和削减成本

科学与人文的发展更需要天才 - posted by Wang Jshiang

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DemisHassabis (生于197627) 是一个人工智能研究员、神经科学科研人员、电脑游戏设计师、和世界级的游戏运动员。Demis Hassabis在伦敦北部出生长大。他父亲是希腊族塞浦路斯人、母亲新加坡华人。国际象棋神童。Demis Hassabis达到了master standard an Elo rating 2300 (世界14岁以下第二高分,Judit Polgár 2335分,比Demis Hassabis4  )

16岁完成他的高中A-LevelS-Level 考试后,他开始在Bullfrog Productions工作,设计游戏。first level designing on Syndicate and then at 17 co-designing and lead programming on the classic game Theme Park, with the games designer Peter Molyneux.

在16岁完成他的高中A-Level 是提前了,而且开始了 设计游戏。
17岁  at 17 co-designing and lead programming 领头 编程 on the classic game 经典游戏 Theme Park.

主题公园Theme Park,一个著名的模拟游戏,卖出了几百万拷贝,并赢得了Golden Joystick Award,激发新一代management sim game风格。 Hassabis然后离开Bullfrog,在剑桥大学皇后学院学习计算机科学并于1997年以成绩优异毕业.  在运行科技公司数年后,Hassabis 返回学术界,并在2009获得他来自伦敦大学学院(UCL)认知神经科学博士学位。其后在Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit, UCL and as a visiting scientist jointly at MIT and Harvard继续神经科学和人工智能研究Hassabis 在世界智力运动会奥运会(被称为'Pentamind')游戏比赛破纪录获五次冠军,2003年从竞技比赛上退休。当时的被认为是世界上最好的全能游戏比赛选手。他是许多游戏包括国际象棋、Diplomacy将棋和扑克专家的高手。He has cashed at the World Series of Poker six times including in the Main Event.

Demis Hassabis (born 27 July 1976) is an artificial intelligence researcher, neuroscientist, computer game designer, and world-class gamer. Demis Hassabis was born and grew up in North London. He is of Greek Cypriot and Singaporean descent. A child prodigy in chess, Hassabis reached master standard at the age of 13 with an Elo rating of 2300 (at the time the second highest rated player in the world Under-14 after Judit Polgár who had a rating of 2335, and is 4 days older than Hassabis) and captained many of the England junior chess teams.

After completing his high school A-Level and S-level exams early at 16 he began his computer games career at Bullfrog Productions, first level designing on Syndicate and then at 17 co-designing and lead programming on the classic game Theme Park, with the games designer Peter Molyneux. Theme Park, a celebrated simulation game, sold several million copies and won a GoldenJoystick Award, and inspired a whole genre of management sim games. Hassabis then left Bullfrog to take up his place at Queens' College, Cambridge where he studied the ComputerScience Tripos graduating in 1997 with a Double First from the Computer Laboratory,University of Cambridge. After running technology companies for several years, Hassabis returned to academia to obtain his PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience from University College London (UCL) in 2009 and continued his neuroscience and artificial intelligence research as a Wellcome Trust Research Fellow at the Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit, UCL and as a visiting scientist jointly at MIT and Harvard.

Hassabis won the world games championship (called the'Pentamind') at the Mind Sports Olympiad a record five times,prior to his retirement from competitive play in 2003, and at the time wasregarded as the best all-round games player in the world. He is an expert player of many games including chess, Diplomacy, shogi and poker. He has cashed at the World Seriesof Poker six times including inthe Main Event.

Following his graduation from Cambridge, Hassabis worked as a lead AI programmer on the Lionhead Studios title Black &White beforefounding Elixir Studios in 1998, a London-based independentgames developer. He grew the company to 60 people,  其公司发展成60signing publishing deals with Eidos Interactive, Vivendi Universal and Microsoft, and was the executive designer ofthe BAFTA-nominated Republic: TheRevolution and Evil Genius games.

The release of Elixir's first game, Republic: TheRevolution, a highly ambitious and unusual political simulation game, was delayed several times. The final game was reduced from its original vision and greeted with lukewarm reviews, receiving a Metacritic scoreof 62/100. Evil Genius, a tongue-in-cheek Bond simulator, fared much better with a score of 77/100. In April 2005 the intellectual property and technology rights were sold to various publishers and the studio was closed.

Hassabis then left the video game industry, 离开游戏工业界 switching to cognitive neuroscience, 转向认知科学研究 in order to find inspiration from the brain for new algorithmic ideas for AI. Working in the field of autobiographical memory and amnesia he authored several influential papers. His most highly cited paper to date, published in PNAS, argued that patients with damage to their hippocampus, known to cause amnesia, were also unable to imagine themselves in new experiences. Importantly this established a link between the constructive process of imagination and the reconstructive process of episodic memory recall.

Based on these findings and a follow-up fMRI study, Hassabis developed his ideas into a new theoretical account of the episodic memory system identifying scene construction, the generation and online maintenance of a complex and coherent scene, as a keyprocess underlying both memory recall and imagination.

This work was widely covered in the mainstream media and was listedin the top 10 scientific breakthroughs of the year (at number 9) in any fieldby the journal Science.

Science 评为该年度10大科学突破之一。

Recently some of Hassabis' findings and interpretations have been challenged by other researchers. A paper by Larry R. Squire and colleagues reported a dissociation between hippocampal lesions and imagination deficits as well as between amnesia and imagination deficits. Furthermore, Squire and colleagues questioned whether the lesions of the patients tested by Hassabis and colleagues were restricted to the hippocampus. Recent studies support the original findings, although the debate is ongoing.

In 2011, 创建DeepMind Technologies,任CEOheco-founded and was CEO of  DeepMind Technologies, a London-based machine learning startup, specializing in building general-purpose learning algorithms.

In January 2014 DeepMind was acquired by Google fora reported £400 million (approximately $625 million), where Hassabis is now Vice President of Engineering leading their general AI projects.

In January 2016 DeepMind achieved an AI 'breakthrough' by beating the European Go champion.

下一篇:e: 李本先老师: 研究生别再玩了你玩不起的 不同意见
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