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已有 3600 次阅读 2015-12-8 18:17 |个人分类:新科技|系统分类:人物纪事| 重力, 高效能源

    宇宙建筑公司(Universe Architecture2015年12月4日报道回答了这个问题。该公司的荷兰建筑师加纳普·睿杰森纳(Janjaap Ruijssenaars)已在家中采用可持续方式开发了一种产生自由能的新技术。睿杰森纳技术的作用原理是通过让一个Anchor重物始终得不到平衡来释放能量,它能够成为太阳能和风能技术的替代技术。该技术目前正在申请专利。

加纳普·睿杰森纳(Janjaap Ruijssenaars)


       科学家们称这种技术是“开创性的”。系统架构师、特温特大学(University of Twente)下属机器人与机电一体化小组的资深讲师西奥·德·弗里斯(Theo de Vries)表示:“这是因为,通过巧妙地使用重力,从被称之为‘压电’(Piezo)的方法中所产生的能量将会增长20%至80%,而这种方法的作用原理是将机械压力转变为电能。”
      “睿杰森纳实际上为这种方法打开了思路,而作为科学家,我们已经开始以一种新的思维来关注这一方法。借助这项发明,目前作为机械能所呈现的一切事物都将变得真正有用。”格罗宁根大学(Rijksuniversiteit Groningen)数学与自然科学学院的Beatriz Noheda教授对压电发电将成为人类未来的一部分深以为然,并表示这种能够提升效率的方法非常受欢迎。“在我们不能持续利用太阳能组件的情况下,我们可以很好地采用这一新技术。”
    睿杰森纳现在希望对其发明加以应用。这项发明是由他和弗里斯与简·霍尔特曼(Jan Holterman)这两位科学家一起创造,弗里斯霍尔特曼还写了一本有关压电的参考书。弗里斯和霍尔特曼目前为国际工程公司VIRO工作,这家公司专注于为工业领域的企业解决技术上的问题。他们将会和睿杰森纳一起,找到这一技术的实际应用。睿杰森纳技术的潜在应用可能包括生产可持续并由此“清洁”的手机充电器,或家庭照明发电机;这种技术未来将会有无数的应用可能。



The Magic Issue Interview


Architect and inventor who has found a recipe for discovery

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Janjaap Ruijssenaars is a renowned architect who has been teaching at the Royal Institute of Dutch Architects, the Academy of Architecture Amsterdam and the Academy of Architecture Rotterdam.

He founded 'Universe Architecture' in 2000 which works in the fields of urbanism, architecture, design and research. His company became globally successful with a simple yet effective approach for projects: Innovation by going back in time.

His many projects include the Floating Bed which sits on a magnetic field. It was awarded Best Invention by TIME Magazine and used in the Hollywood film Arthur. Other projects include the Landscape House which is to be constructed using a large 3d printer. It was the hit of 2014 on dezeen.com. TIME magazine commented: "The 3D-Printed House?! A Dutch Architect and Mathematician Break the Mold".

He has a particular interest in the place where the mental and the physical meet. His Tetris House project which built apartments with the highest possible quality at the highest possible density, was described as "Innovative Row Housing with a 360 Degree View!" by the Dutch National Press Agency.

Recently he developed a new technique to generate efficient energy from gravity, a project called Gravity Energy. Scientists from the Technical University Twente are calling the invention, which is an alternative to solar and wind technology, a breakthrough.

Earlier in his career Ruijssenaars was awarded with Best European Public Space for a project that transformed a large area underneath a highway from a no-go area into the centre of the community. And he built an innovative education building at a high school that got Best Debut Buildings in Europe recognition.

He was educated at Western State College of Colorado, Universidad Polytecnica Barcelona Spain and TU Delft, Netherlands and became an internationally acclaimed speaker for the London Speaker Bureau:

The London Speaker Bureau Ruijssenaars

The London Speaker Bureau Thought leaders

Examples of Ruijssenaars talks:

TEDx Talk

TED Talk 

 These are enterprises with strong partners that resulted from the recipe for discovery:







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