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Review of Tensile Surface Structures

已有 3170 次阅读 2015-10-22 10:58 |个人分类:书文评论|系统分类:科研笔记| 书评, 结构, 数学文摘

Some designers prefer tensile surface structures to achieve remarkable visual effects. However, there was no exhaustive description produced on a scientific basis of all the knowledge required for construction with flexible structural elements including ropes, belts, fabrics, yarns and foils until the publication of the book under review.


The monograph consists of two parts. The first one deals with materials used to form structural elements for different geometries and production processes. The second part treats the erection of membrane structures and their load-bearing elements with the emphasis on devices and equipment for tensioning wire ropes and membranes. In addition, the details of projects from 1989 to 2007, with photographs, are listed at the endof the book.


The architects and engineers concerned with the design and construction of membrane structures as well as students in relevant fields will find the monograph helpful in their work and study. It should be remarked that the problems that the monograph focuses on are engineering rather than mathematical or even mechanical. Anyway, it is a very practical book and a beautiful one.


Tensile surface structures. A practicle guideto cable and membrane construction. Materials, design, assembly and erection. With a foreword by Werner Sobek. (English) Zbl 1178.74002

Berlin :Ernst & Sohn (ISBN 978-3-433-02922-0/hbk). xi, 229 p. EUR 144.00;£ 120.00 (2009).


Zentralblatt MATH Zbl1178.74002


收藏 IP: 101.80.218.*| 热度|

1 袁天宇

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