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Citation information  Citations to this article       (44)
Title and authors   题名和作者Publication 发表期刊发表年Year
Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase signaling determines kidney size
JK Chen, K Nagai, J Chen, D Plieth, M Hino, J Xu, F Sha, TA Ikizler, CC Quarles, DW Threadgill, EG Neilson, RC Harris  
Journal of Clinical Investigation  2015
Lignans from the bark of Eucommia ulmoides inhibited Ang II-stimulated extracellular matrix biosynthesis in mesangial cells
Z Li, X Deng, W Huang, L Li, H Li, X Jing, Y Tian, P Lv, T Yang, H Zhou, D Ouyang  
Chinese medicine  2014
Phosphorylation of ribosomal protein S6 mediates compensatory renal hypertrophy
J Xu, J Chen, Z Dong, O Meyuhas, JK Chen  
Kidney International  2014
Markers of increased cardiovascular risk in patients with chronic kidney disease
A Gluba-Brzózka, M Michalska-Kasiczak, B Franczyk-Skóra, M Nocuń, M Banach, J Rysz  
Lipids in Health and Disease  2014
Diabetic nephropathy: lessons from the mouse
H Vashistha, L Meggs  
The Ochsner journal  2013
Brenner and Rector's The Kidney
C Brugnara, KU Eckardt  
Brenner and Rector's The Kidney  2012
The Role of Apelin on the Alleviative Effect of Angiotensin Receptor Blocker in Unilateral Ureteral Obstruction-Induced Renal Fibrosis
M Nishida, Y Okumura, T Oka, K Toiyama, S Ozawa, T Itoi, K Hamaoka  
Nephron Extra  2012
The role of the Janus kinase family/signal transducer and activator of transcription signaling pathway in fibrotic renal disease
F Matsui, KK Meldrum  
Journal of Surgical Research  2012
Null mutations at the p66 and bradykinin 2 receptor loci induce divergent phenotypes in the diabetic kidney
H Vashistha, PC Singhal, A Malhotra, M Husain, P Mathieson, MA Saleem, C Kuriakose, S Seshan, A Wilk, L Delvalle, F Peruzzi, M Giorgio, PG Pelicci, O Smithies, HS Kim, M Kakoki, K Reiss, LG Meggs  
American journal of physiology. Renal physiology  2012
Exploring the mechanisms of renoprotection against progressive glomerulosclerosis
T Oite  
Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Series B, Physical and biological sciences  2011
Urinary Heme Oxygenase-1 as a Sensitive Indicator of Tubulointerstitial Inflammatory Damage in Various Renal Diseases
T Yokoyama, M Shimizu, K Ohta, T Yuno, M Okajima, T Wada, T Toma, S Koizumi, A Yachie  
American Journal of Nephrology  2011
Involvement of glomerular renin−angiotensin system (RAS) activation in the development and progression of glomerular injury
S Kagami  
Clinical and Experimental Nephrology  2011
The effect of renal administration of a selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor or stable prostaglandin I2 analog on the progression of sclerotic glomerulonephritis in rats
Y Nozawa, A Sato, H Piao, T Morioka, I Narita, T Oite  
Clinical and Experimental Nephrology  2011
MS Goligorsky  
Regenerative Nephrology  2011
Hypertension treatment update: Focus on direct renin inhibition: Direct renin inhibition in hypertension
MA Fitzgerald  
Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners  2011
Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease
A Maitra  
Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease  2010
S6 kinase 1 knockout inhibits uninephrectomy- or diabetes-induced renal hypertrophy
JK Chen, J Chen, G Thomas, SC Kozma, RC Harris  
American journal of physiology. Renal physiology  2009
Postobstructive regeneration of kidney is derailed when surge in renal stem cells during course of unilateral ureteral obstruction is halted
HC Park, K Yasuda, B Ratliff, A Stoessel, Y Sharkovska, I Yamamoto, JF Jasmin, S Bachmann, MP Lisanti, P Chander, MS Goligorsky  
American journal of physiology. Renal physiology  2009
Nox4 NAD(P)H oxidase mediates Src-dependent tyrosine phosphorylation of PDK-1 in response to angiotensin II: role in mesangial cell hypertrophy and fibronectin expression
K Block, A Eid, KK Griendling, DY Lee, Y Wittrant, Y Gorin  
The Journal of biological chemistry  2008
Indolent course of tubulointerstitial disease in a mouse model of subpressor, low-dose nitric oxide synthase inhibition
A Stoessel, A Paliege, F Theilig, F Addabbo, B Ratliff, J Waschke, D Patschan, MS Goligorsky, S Bachmann  
American journal of physiology. Renal physiology  2008
Renin-angiotensin system blockade is renoprotective in immune complex-mediated glomerulonephritis
S Guo, J Kowalewska, TA Wietecha, M Iyoda, L Wang, K Yi, M Spencer, M Banas, S Alexandrescu, KL Hudkins, CE Alpers  
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology : JASN  2008
Telmisartan but not valsartan inhibits TGF-beta-mediated accumulation of extracellular matrix via activation of PPARgamma
Y Yao, R Zou, X Liu, J Jiang, Q Huang, Y He, M Li, S Wang, J Zhou, D Ma, G Xu  
Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology [Medical Sciences]  2008
Albumin suppresses vascular endothelial growth factor via alteration of hypoxia-inducible factor/hypoxia-responsive element pathway
P Katavetin, R Inagi, T Miyata, T Tanaka, R Sassa, JR Ingelfinger, T Fujita, M Nangaku  
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications  2008
Terminal dialysepflichtige Niereninsuffizienz als Folge einer Langzeitbehandlung mit Carbamazepin?
C Kurth, V Wegerer, BJ Steinhoff  
Zeitschrift für Epileptologie  2007
Reduced nephron number and glomerulomegaly in Australian Aborigines: A group at high risk for renal disease and hypertension
WE Hoy, MD Hughson, GR Singh, R Douglas-Denton, JF Bertram  
Kidney International  2006

Citation information

 Citations to this article       (44)

Title and authorsPublicationYear
Toward a Unified Theory of Renal Progression
RC Harris, EG Neilson  
Annual Review of Medicine  2006
Mechanisms of progression and regression of renal lesions of chronic nephropathies and diabetes
G Remuzzi, A Benigni, A Remuzzi  
Journal of Clinical Investigation  2006
Turbulence of glomerular hemodynamics involved in progressive glomerulosclerosis
K Kawamura, S Okada, B Li, M Suwa, J Yao, T Morioka, F Gejyo, T Oite  
Kidney International  2006
Mechanisms of Disease: fibroblasts—a new look at an old problem
EG Neilson  
Nature Clinical Practice Nephrology  2006
Local delivery of angiotensin receptor blocker into the kidney ameliorates progression of experimental glomerulonephritis
J Mahmood, F Khan, S Okada, N Kumagai, T Morioka, T Oite  
Kidney International  2006
Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 A-2518G gene polymorphism and renal survival of Japanese patients with immunoglobulin A nephropathy
H Mori, Y Kaneko, I Narita, S Goto, N Saito, D Kondo, F Sato, J Ajiro, D Saga, A Ogawa, M Sakatsume, M Ueno, K Tabei, F Gejyo  
Clinical and Experimental Nephrology  2005
Combination therapy with ACE inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor blockers to halt progression of chronic renal disease: Pathophysiology and indications
G Wolf, E Ritz  
Kidney International  2005
Renal ultrasound findings in an Australian Aboriginal population with high rates of renal disease
GR Singh, AV White, WE Hoy  
Nephrology  2005
Combination therapy with ACE inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor blockers to halt progression of chronic renal disease: Pathophysiology and indications
G Wolf, E Ritz  
Kidney International  2005
Experimental Strategies to Reverse Chronic Renal Disease
M Zeisberg, R Kalluri  
Blood Purification  2004
Real-time observation of glomerular hemodynamic changes in diabetic rats: Effects of insulin and ARB
B Li, J Yao, K Kawamura, Y Oyanagi-Tanaka, M Hoshiyama, T Morioka, F Gejyo, M Uchiyama, T Oite  
Kidney International  2004
Diabetic renal disease: from recent studies to improved clinical practice
CE Mogensen, ME Cooper  
Diabetic Medicine  2004
From secondary to primary prevention of progressive renal disease: The case for screening for albuminuria
PE de Jong, BM Brenner  
Kidney International  2004
Progression of renal disease: new insights into risk factors and pathomechanisms:
ML Gross, K Amann  
Current Opinion in Nephrology and Hypertension  2004
Intervención sobre el sistema renina-angiotensina para la protección vascular del paciente hipertenso y en la nefropatía diabética
P Gómez-Fernández  
Revista Clínica Española  2004
Glomerular hemodynamic changes associated with arteriolar lesions and tubulointerstitial inflammation
LG Sanchez-Lozada, E Tapia, RJ Johnson, B Rodriguez-Iturbe, J Herrera-Acosta  
Kidney International  2003
Renal fibrosis: not just PAI-1 in the sky
AB Fogo  
Journal of Clinical Investigation  2003
Microalbuminuria and hypertension with focus on type 1 and type 2 diabetes*
CE Mogensen  
Journal of Internal Medicine  2003
Diabetic nephropathy
R Rabkin  
Clinical Cornerstone  2003




Journal of Clinical Investigation

Country: United States

Subject Area: Medicine

Subject Category:

CategoryQuartile (Q1 means highest values and Q4 lowest values)
Medicine (miscellaneous) Q1Q1Q1Q1Q1Q1Q1Q1Q1Q1Q1Q1Q1Q1Q1Q1


Publisher: The American Society for Clinical Investigation. Publication type: Journals. ISSN: 15588238, 00219738

Coverage: 1945-2015

H Index: 381


The Journal of Clinical Investigation is a top-tier venue for critical advances in biomedical research. The JCI combines a 2008  [...]








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