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风暴液化沉积的概念(Storm liquefaction deposit)

已有 3006 次阅读 2015-6-26 10:20 |系统分类:科研笔记

风暴液化沉积(Storm liquefaction deposit):是指在浅海区,海床土体由于风暴浪的作用而形成液化,液化土体随风暴浪波动而出现颗粒分选,从而在土体液化区的原地形成具有递变层理等沉积构造的重构地层的一种风暴沉积模式。该模式区别于以水平风暴流携带泥沙具有异地搬运特点的风暴沉积模式,是风暴沉积模式的补充。(参考文献:王欣,许国辉,孙永福,胡光海,于月倩,林霖. 黄河水下三角洲液化海底的重新层化及其试验求证,海洋地质与第四纪地质,2013,336):29-40)

Storm liquefaction deposit is a kind of stormdeposit model which occurs in coastal areas. Storm wave-inducedliquefaction of seabed soil leads to its fluctuation and grain-separation alongwith waves, thus a reconstructed stratum of sedimentary structure such as gradedbedding is developed in the original liquefied position. This is different fromthe model of storm flow transporting sediments at a long distance.(References:WANG Xin;XU Guohui;SUN Yongfu;HU Guanghai;YU Yueqian;LIN Lin. Storm-waves-inducedSeabed Sediment Liquefaction and Re-stratification on the Yellow RiverSubaqueous Delta. Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology. 2013,336):29-40. In Chinese)


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