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Computer Science
October to December 2014
  1. The Internet of Things: A survey • Article
    Computer Networks, Volume 54, Issue 15, October 2010, Pages 2787-2805
    Atzori, L.; Iera, A.; Morabito, G.

  2. Who interacts on the Web?: The intersection of users' personality and social media use • Article
    Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 26, Issue 2, March 2010, Pages 247-253
    Correa, Teresa; Hinsley, Amber Willard; de Zúñiga, Homero Gil

  3. Mesh generation considering detailed tread blocks for reliable 3D tire analysis • Article
    Advances in Engineering Software, Volume 35, Issue 2, February 2004, Pages 105-113
    Cho, J.R.; Kim, K.W.; Yoo, W.S.; Hong, S.I.

  4. The relationship between cell phone use, academic performance, anxiety, and Satisfaction with Life in college students • Article
    Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 31, February 2014, Pages 343-350
    Lepp, A.; Barkley, J.E.; Karpinski, A.C.

  5. Sliding behaviour of simplified tire tread patterns investigated by means of FEM • Article
    Computers & Structures, Volume 84, Issue 17-18, June 2006, Pages 1151-1163
    Hofstetter, K.; Grohs, Ch.; Eberhardsteiner, J.; Mang, H.A.

  6. Personality and motivations associated with Facebook use • Article
    Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 25, Issue 2, March 2009, Pages 578-586
    Ross, Craig; Orr, Emily S.; Sisic, Mia; Arseneault, Jaime M.; Simmering, Mary G.; Orr, R. Robert

  7. Data-intensive applications, challenges, techniques and technologies: A survey on Big Data • Article
    Information Sciences, Volume 275, August 2014, Pages 314-347
    Philip Chen, C.L.; Zhang, C.Y.

  8. Cloud computing - The business perspective • Article
    Decision Support Systems, Volume 51, Issue 1, April 2011, Pages 176-189
    Marston, Sean; Li, Zhi; Bandyopadhyay, Subhajyoti; Zhang, Juheng; Ghalsasi, Anand

  9. Internet of Things (IoT): A vision, architectural elements, and future directions • Article
    Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 29, Issue 7, September 2013, Pages 1645-1660
    Gubbi, J.; Buyya, R.; Marusic, S.; Palaniswami, M.

  10. The rise of''big data''on cloud computing: Review and open research issues • Review article
    Information Systems, Volume 47, January 2015, Pages 98-115
    Hashem, I.A.T.; Yaqoob, I.; Anuar, N.B.; Mokhtar, S.; Gani, A.; Ullah Khan, S.

  11. GSA: A Gravitational Search Algorithm • Article
    Information Sciences, Volume 179, Issue 13, June 2009, Pages 2232-2248
    Rashedi, Esmat; Nezamabadi-pour, Hossein; Saryazdi, Saeid

  12. Addressing cloud computing security issues • Article
    Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 28, Issue 3, March 2012, Pages 583-592
    Zissis, D.; Lekkas, D.

  13. Reverse logistics and closed-loop supply chain: A comprehensive review to explore the future • Review article
    European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 240, Issue 3, February 2015, Pages 603-626
    Govindan, K.; Soleimani, H.; Kannan, D.

  14. Who uses Facebook? An investigation into the relationship between the Big Five, shyness, narcissism, loneliness, and Facebook usage • Article
    Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 27, Issue 5, September 2011, Pages 1658-1664
    Ryan, Tracii; Xenos, Sophia

  15. A survey on security issues in service delivery models of cloud computing • Review article
    Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Volume 34, Issue 1, January 2011, Pages 1-11
    Subashini, S.; Kavitha, V.

  16. Facebookr and academic performance • Article
    Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 26, Issue 6, November 2010, Pages 1237-1245
    Kirschner, Paul A.; Karpinski, Aryn C.

  17. Social anxiety and technology: Face-to-face communication versus technological communication among teens • Article
    Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 25, Issue 6, November 2009, Pages 1367-1372
    Pierce, Tamyra

  18. Identity construction on Facebook: Digital empowerment in anchored relationships • Article
    Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 24, Issue 5, September 2008, Pages 1816-1836
    Zhao, Shanyang; Grasmuck, Sherri; Martin, Jason

  19. Wireless sensor networks: a survey • Article
    Computer Networks, Volume 38, Issue 4, March 2002, Pages 393-422
    Akyildiz, I.F.; Su, W.; Sankarasubramaniam, Y.; Cayirci, E.

  20. The dark side of smartphone usage: Psychological traits, compulsive behavior and technostress • Article
    Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 31, February 2014, Pages 373-383
    Lee, Y.K.; Chang, C.T.; Lin, Y.; Cheng, Z.H.

  21. Trends in big data analytics • Article
    Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Volume 74, Issue 7, July 2014, Pages 2561-2573
    Kambatla, K.; Kollias, G.; Kumar, V.; Grama, A.

  22. Cloud computing and emerging IT platforms: Vision, hype, and reality for delivering computing as the 5th utility • Article
    Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 25, Issue 6, June 2009, Pages 599-616
    Buyya, R.; Yeo, C.S.; Venugopal, S.; Broberg, J.; Brandic, I.

  23. A tale of two sites: Twitter vs. Facebook and the personality predictors of social media usage • Article
    Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 28, Issue 2, March 2012, Pages 561-569
    Hughes, David John; Rowe, Moss; Batey, Mark; Lee, Andrew

  24. Facebook and texting made me do it: Media-induced task-switching while studying • Article
    Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 29, Issue 3, May 2013, Pages 948-958
    Rosen, Larry D.; Mark Carrier, L.; Cheever, Nancy A.

  25. Online social networks: Why do students use facebook? • Article
    Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 27, Issue 4, July 2011, Pages 1337-1343
    Cheung, Christy M.K.; Chiu, Pui-Yee; Lee, Matthew K.O.

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