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免费杂志:Drug Discovery Today(Dec. 2014)

已有 4355 次阅读 2015-1-16 10:18 |个人分类:药物动态|系统分类:论文交流| Discovery, drug, Today

刚刚看到2014年最后一期“ Drug Discovery Today”电子版,可以免费下载,特摘录如下,供大家参考。其他几期请注意浏览以前的介绍。

The latest issue of Drug Discovery Today is packed full of industry focused research articles, new developments in drug discovery, and expert comment and opinion.

View Drug Discovery Today now »»

Highlights include:

  • Multi-Target approach for natural products in inflammation

  • siRNA nanotherapeutics against HIV

  • Multiscale quantum chemical approaches to QSAR

  • Aldehyde dehydrogenases in cancer

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    • An analysis of FDA-approved drugs for oncology

    • Pages 1831-1835

    • Michael S. Kinch

      •  Highlights

      • New approvals for cancer have increased dramatically since 1990.

      Biotechnology takes the dominant role in early-stage development, whereas pharmaceutical companies gain in the most approvals.
      Kinases in general and tyrosine kinases in particular represent almost half of newly approved cancer drugs.
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    • Finding chemical drugs for genetic diseases

    • Pages 1836-1840

    • Hui-Yong Sun, Ting-Jun Hou, Hong-Yu Zhang

    • Highlights

      Insufficient drug uptake by tumors is the major problem of systemic chemotherapy.
      Systemic drug dose increase offered limited benefits and resulted in toxicities.
      Loco-regional delivery increased drug doses in tumors with low systemic toxicity.
      Although very high doses in tumors achieved, survival benefits are not sufficient.
      We review new RRH approach applications in loco-regional cancer treatment.
    • Open Access Open Access Article 

  1. Keynote

    • Multi-target approach for natural products in inflammationReview Article

    • Pages 1871-1882

    • Andreas Koeberle, Oliver Werz

    • Highlights

      We provide an overview about multi-target drug discovery in inflammation.
      The molecular pharmacology of prominent anti-inflammatory natural products is presented.
      The potential of nature providing privileged structures is discussed.
      We describe a multi-target concept inspired by nature.
      Major challenges of the multi-target approach for natural products are addressed.
    • This article fosters a multi-target concept that makes use of the apparent beneficial broad target profile of well-characterized anti-inflammatory natural lead compounds with privileged structures.

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    • Gestational hypoxia and epigenetic programming of brain development disordersReview Article

    • Pages 1883-1896

    • Qingyi Ma, Fuxia Xiong, Lubo Zhang

    • Highlights

    • Epigenetic mechanisms are important in the brain development.

      Hypoxia is a common form of intrauterine stress.
      Hypoxic-ischemic brain injury is a leading cause of neonatal mortality and subsequent neurological disorders.
      Epigenetic mechanisms play a key role in programming of increased risk of ischemic brain injury.
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    • Channeling postmarketing patient data into pharmaceutical regulatory systemsReview Article

    • Pages 1897-1912

    • Maria D.F.S. Barbosa, David D. Smith

    • Highlights

      Pharmacoepidemiology studies need to consider a myriad of approved drugs.
      Undetected immunogenicity of biotherapeutics can impact patient safety.
      Anti-drug antibodies can decrease or abolish drug efficacy.
      A paradigm shift is needed to exploit knowledge gaps during drug approvals.
      Patient megadata offer an opportunity to reassess therapeutic drugs.
    • Analysis of therapeutic drug postmarketing megadata, coupled with regulatory monitoring, can improve patient safety and advancement of science, and decrease healthcare costs.

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  2. gene-to-Screen
  3. Informatics

    • Multiscale quantum chemical approaches to QSAR modeling and drug designReview Article

    • Pages 1921-1927

    • Pier G. De Benedetti, Francesca Fanelli

    • Highlights

      The fundamentals of correlation analysis and QSAR modeling have been reported.
      Quantum chemical-based QSARs have been compared in the LFER conceptual framework.
      QSAR: empirical model of complexity and complementarity in drug–target interactions.
      Selected examples of QSAR models of inhibitor–enzyme complexes are discussed.
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  4. Post Screen

    • Pharmacological treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: from evidence-based medicine to phenotypingReview Article

    • Pages 1928-1935

    • Paolo Montuschi, Mario Malerba, Giuseppe Santini, Marc Miravitlles

    • Highlights

      Several phenotypes characterize chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
      Response to pharmacological treatment in COPD is highly variable.
      Guidelines suggest similar treatment of COPD patients within a severity class.
      Pharmacotherapy of COPD is changing from evidence-based to personalized medicine.
      This strategy has to be validated in future clinical studies.
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    • Radioligand development for molecular imaging of the central nervous system with positron emission tomographyReview Article

    • Pages 1936-1944

    • Michael Honer, Luca Gobbi, Laurent Martarello, Robert A. Comley

    • Highlights

      The development of radioligands for imaging of the brain with PET is discussed.
      The in vitro and preclinical evaluation of candidate radioligands is described.
      Characteristics predictive of good in vivo performance are presented.
      The steps involved in evaluating new ligands in humans are described.
    •  Not entitled to full text

    • Potential induction of anti-PEG antibodies and complement activation toward PEGylated therapeuticsReview Article

    • Pages 1945-1952

    • Johan J.F. Verhoef, John F. Carpenter, Thomas J. Anchordoquy, Huub Schellekens

    • Highlights

      PEGylated nanocarriers are linked to the accelerated blood clearance (ABC) phenomenon.
      The ABC is induced by anti-PEG antibodies and/or complement activation.
      PEGylated proteins can induce complement activation and anti-PEG antibodies.
      Anti-PEG antibody data are difficult to interpret because no validated assay exists.
    •  Not entitled to full text

    • Aldehyde dehydrogenases in cancer: an opportunity for biomarker and drug development?Review Article

    • Pages 1953-1963

    • Klaus Pors, Jan S. Moreb

    • Highlights

      High ALDH expression in CSCs is associated with a worse prognosis.
      ALDH isozyme expression can to some extent be cancer specific.
      Rational approach to chemical modulators of ALDH isozymes provides selectivity.
      High expression of certain ALDH isozymes provides an opportunity for drug discovery.
      An ALDH inhibitor can only be truly effective in combination treatment.
    •  Not entitled to full text

    • HCV E2 core structures and mAbs: something is still missingReview Article

    • Pages 1964-1970

    • Matteo Castelli, Nicola Clementi, Giuseppe A. Sautto, Jennifer Pfaff, Kristen M. Kahle, Trevor Barnes, Benjamin J. Doranz, Matteo Dal Peraro, Massimo Clementi, Roberto Burioni, Nicasio Mancini


      HCV/E2 core (E2c) crystal structures present structural discrepancies.
      HCV/E2 conformation and cysteine coupling relies on the experimental setup.
      HCV/E2c structures are in partial disagreement with functional data.
      Monoclonal antibody reactivity suggests an alternative E2 cysteine coupling.


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