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MR2014年11月份数论最新文献题录229条(见附件MR2014-11-229 for Number Theory.pdf

MR2014年12月份总共题录文献8049条,其中数论研究最新文献题录197条(MR2014-12-197 for Number Theory.pdf,摘录部分如下,更多可以参考附件或者直接登录MathSciNet ®数据库进行浏览。

MR3274664 Matsuki, Norichika Counting problems and ranks ofmatrices. Linear Algebra Appl. 465 (2015), 104–106.

MR3273736 O'Ryan, Manuel Products of higher degree forms. LinearMultilinear Algebra 63(2015), no. 1, 34–45.

MR3272929 Maynard, James Small gaps between primes. Ann.of Math. (2) 181(2015), no. 1, 383–413.

MR3272928 Hough, Bob Solution of the minimum modulus problemfor covering systems. Ann. of Math. (2) 181 (2015), no. 1, 361–382.

MR3272927 Clozel, Laurent; Thorne, Jack A. Level raising and symmetric powerfunctoriality, II. Ann. of Math. (2) 181 (2015), no. 1, 303–359.

MR3272925 Bhargava, Manjul; Shankar, Arul Binary quartic forms having boundedinvariants, and the boundedness of the average rank of elliptic curves. Ann.of Math. (2) 181(2015), no. 1, 191–242.

MR3271271 Lee, Kyu-Hwan; Zhang, Yichao Weyl group multiple Dirichlet seriesfor symmetrizable Kac-Moody root systems. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 367 (2015), no. 1, 597–625.

MR3271266 Mazur, Barry; Rubin, Karl Selmer companion curves. Trans.Amer. Math. Soc. 367(2015), no. 1, 401–421.

MR3271264 Banks, William; Finch, Carrie; Luca, Florian; Pomerance, Carl; Stănică, PantelimonSierpiński and Carmichael numbers. Trans.Amer. Math. Soc. 367(2015), no. 1, 355–376.

MR3269490 Chaubey, Sneha; Malik, Amita; Zaharescu, Alexandru k-moments of distancesbetween centers of Ford circles. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 422 (2015), no. 2, 906–919.

MR3265529 Fathima, S. N.; Kathiravan, T.; Jamudulia, Yudhisthira An interesting q-continued fractionsof Ramanujan. Palest. J. Math. 4 (2015), no. 1, 198–205.

MR3265526 Rabago, Julius Fergy T. On sequences ofnumbers in generalized arithmetic and geometric progressions. Palest.J. Math. 4 (2015), no.1, 170–176.

MR3265525 Rabago, Julius Fergy T. Periodicsequences of numbers in generalized arithmetic and geometric alternateprogressions. Palest. J. Math. 4 (2015), no. 1, 164–169.

MR3267124 Soudry, David; Tanay, Yaacov On local descent for unitary groups. J.Number Theory 146(2015), 557–626.

MR3267122 Ramakrishnan, Dinakar A mild Tchebotarev theorem for GL(n). J. NumberTheory 146 (2015),519–533.

MR3267120 Lapid, Erez; Mao, Zhengyu A conjecture on Whittaker-Fouriercoefficients of cusp forms. J. Number Theory 146 (2015), 448–505.

MR3267119 Kaplan, Eyal Complementary results on theRankin-Selberg gamma factors of classical groups. J. Number Theory 146 (2015), 390–447.

MR3267118 Jiang, Dihua; Liu, Baiying On special unipotent orbits and Fouriercoefficients for automorphic forms on symplectic groups. J. NumberTheory 146 (2015),343–389.

MR3267117 Hanzer, Marcela; Muić, Goran Degenerate Eisenstein series for Sp(4). J. NumberTheory146 (2015), 310–342.

MR3267116 Green, Michael B.; Miller, Stephen D.; Vanhove, Pierre Small representations, stringinstantons, and Fourier modes of Eisenstein series. J. Number Theory 146 (2015), 187–309.

 Furusawa, Masaaki; Martin, Kimball Local root numbers, Bessel models, anda conjecture of Guo and Jacquet. J. Number Theory 146 (2015), 150–170.

MR3267113 Friedberg, Solomon; Ginzburg, David Metaplectic theta functions and globalintegrals. J. Number Theory 146 (2015), 134–149.

MR3267109 Ash, Avner; Gunnells, Paul E.; McConnell, Mark Mod2 homology for GL(4) and Galoisrepresentations. J. Number Theory 146 (2015), 4–22.

MR3275725 Ji, Qingzhong; Qin, Hourong CM elliptic curves and primes capturedby quadratic polynomials. Asian J. Math. 18 (2014), no. 4, 707–726.

MR3275672 Kátai, Imre; Phong, Bui Minh Uniform distribution of somearithmetical functions. Ann. Univ. Sci. Budapest. Sect. Comput. 42 (2014), 209–218.

MR3275667 De Koninck, Jean-Marie; Kátai, Imre Constructing normal numbers usingresidues of selective prime factors of integers. Ann. Univ. Sci.Budapest. Sect. Comput. 42(2014), 127–133.

MR3275402 Wang, Xin The value of polynomials represented bynorm forms. Sci. ChinaMath. 57 (2014), no. 12,2525–2528.

MR3275401 Chen, YongGao; Fang, JinHui On a problem of Sierpiński, II. Sci.ChinaMath. 57 (2014), no. 12,2519–2524.

MR3275400 Peng, ZhiFeng Stable local trace formula. Sci.ChinaMath. 57 (2014), no. 12,2509–2518.

MR3275288 Hernando, Fernando; McGuire, Gary; Monserrat, Francisco On the classification of exceptionalplanar functions over Fp. Geom.Dedicata 173 (2014),1–35.

MR3274982 Zhang, Yichao Newforms of level 4 and of trivialcharacter. Commun. Korean Math. Soc. 29 (2014), no. 4, 497–503.

MR3274961 Davis, Donald M. 2-adic partial Stirlingfunctions and their zeros. J. Comb. 5 (2014), no. 3, 355–378.

MR3274880 Bayad, Abdelmejid; Hamahata, Yoshinori Multiple Dedekind-Rademacher sums infinite fields. Ramanujan J. 35 (2014), no. 3, 493–502.

MR3274878 Kim, Byungchan; Nam, Hayan On a conjecture of Soon-Yi Kang on acertain partition rank difference. Ramanujan J. 35 (2014), no. 3, 467–477.

MR3274876 Barman, Rupam; Saikia, Neelam On the polynomials xd+axi+b and xd+axdi+b overFq and Gaussianhypergeometric series. Ramanujan J. 35 (2014), no. 3, 427–441.

MR3274875 Zhou, Fan Weighted Sato-Tate verticaldistribution of the Satake parameter of Maass forms on PGL(N). RamanujanJ. 35 (2014), no. 3,405–425.

MR3274874 Alaniz, Andrew; Huber, Tim On cubic multisections of Eisensteinseries. Ramanujan J. 35 (2014), no. 3, 391–403.

MR3274873 Coffey, Mark W.; De Angelis, Valerio; Dixit, Atul; Moll, Victor H.; Straub, Armin; Vignat, Christophe The Zagier polynomials. Part II:Arithmetic properties of coefficients. Ramanujan J. 35 (2014), no. 3, 361–390.

MR3274872 Dousse, Jehanne On generalizations of partitiontheorems of Schur and Andrews to overpartitions. Ramanujan J. 35 (2014), no. 3, 339–360.

MR3274823 Hajdu, Lajos; Luca, Florian Erratum to: On the length of arithmeticprogressions in linear combinations of S-units [MR2643969]. Arch.Math. (Basel) 103 (2014), no. 4, 399–400.

 Goda, Takashi On the Lp discrepancy oftwo-dimensional folded Hammersley point sets.Arch. Math. (Basel) 103 (2014), no. 4, 389–398.

MR3274817 Sankaranarayanan, Ayyadurai; Singh, Saurabh Kumar On the Riesz means of nϕ(n)-II. Arch.Math. (Basel) 103 (2014), no. 4, 329–343.

MR3274185 Trudgian, Tim There are no socialist primes less than 109. Integers 14 (2014), Paper No. A63, 4 pp.

MR3274184 Edgar, Tom Totienomial coefficients. Integers 14 (2014), Paper No. A62, 7 pp.

MR3274183 Kadiri, Habiba; Lumley, Allysa Short effective intervals containingprimes. Integers 14 (2014), Paper No. A61, 18 pp.

MR3274182 Eger, Steffen A proof of the Mann-Shanks primalitycriterion conjecture for extended binomial coefficients. Integers 14 (2014), Paper No. A60, 5 pp.

MR3274181 McIntosh, Richard J. Carmichael numbers with (p+1)|(n−1). Integers 14 (2014), Paper No. A59, 9 pp.

MR3270785 Koskivirta, Jean-Stefan Congruencerelations for Shimura varieties associated withGU(n−1,1). Canad. J.Math. 66 (2014), no. 6,1305–1326.

MR3270504 Vasuki, K. R.; Veeresha, R. G.; Alloush, Khaled A. A. Further two dimensional seriesevaluations via the elliptic functions of Ramanujan and Jacobi. Acta Univ. Apulensis Math. Inform. No. 39 (2014), 225–247.

MR3270496 Pathan, M. A.; Khan, Waseem A. Some implicit summation formulas andsymmetric identities for the generalized Hermite-based polynomials. Acta Univ. Apulensis Math. Inform. No. 39 (2014), 113–136.

MR3242596 Laurinchikas, A.; Matsaĭtene, R. Joint universality of Dirichlet L-functions and Lerchzeta-functions. (Russian) Sibirsk.Mat. Zh. 55 (2014),no. 4, 790–805.

MR3274529 Gómez Ruíz, Carlos Alexis; Luca, Florian k-generalizedFibonacci numbers of the form 1+2n1+4n2++(2k)nk. Math.Commun. 19 (2014),no. 2, 321–332.

MR3270399 Zhang, Junli; Li, Xiaoxue The powers of a kind of integral valuedpolynomials. Int. J. Appl. Math. Stat. 52 (2014), no. 8, 20–23.

MR3274413 Kaptan, D. A. Erratum to: "A generalization ofthe Goldston-Pintz-Yildirim prime gaps result to number fields'' [MR3102972]. ActaMath. Hungar. 144(2014), no. 2, 530.

MR3274412 Ozden, H.; Simsek, Y. Unified presentation of p-adic L-functions associatedwith unification of the special numbers. Acta Math. Hungar. 144 (2014), no. 2, 515–529.

MR3274409 Mance, B. Number theoretic applications of aclass of Cantor series fractal functions. I.Acta Math. Hungar. 144 (2014), no. 2, 449–493.

MR3274403 Dong, D.; Meng, X. Irrational factor of order k and itsconnections with k-free integers.ActaMath. Hungar. 144(2014), no. 2, 353–366.

MR3274401 Liu, H.-Q. On the distribution of k-free integers. ActaMath. Hungar. 144(2014), no. 2, 269–284.

MR3274354 Vaughan, R. C. Integer points on elliptic curves. RockyMountain J. Math. 44(2014), no. 4, 1377–1382.

MR3274347 Kim, Dae San; Kim, Taekyun A study on the integral of the productof several Bernoulli polynomials. Rocky Mountain J. Math. 44 (2014), no. 4, 1251–1263.

 Dujella, Andrej; Peral, Juan Carlos Elliptic curves coming from Herontriangles. Rocky Mountain J. Math. 44 (2014), no. 4, 1145–1160.

MR3273065 Büyükboduk, Kazım Main conjectures for CM fields and aYager-type theorem for Rubin-Stark elements. Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN 2014, no. 21, 5832–5873.

MR3273064 Shen, Xin The Whittaker-Shintani functions forsymplectic groups. Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN 2014, no. 21, 5769–5831.

MR3242128 Mihăilescu, Preda Around ABC. Eur. Math. Soc.Newsl. No. 93(2014), 29–34.

MR3241772 Xinwen, Zhang; Wenpeng, Zhang The exponential Diophantine equation ((22m−1)n)x+(2m+1n)y=((22m+1)n)z. Bull. Math.Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie (N.S.) 57(105) (2014), no. 3, 337–344.

MR3273940 Szynal-Liana, Anetta; Włoch, Andrzej; Włoch, Iwona On types of distance Fibonacci numbersgenerated by number decompositions. J. Appl. Math. 2014, Art. ID 491591, 8 pp.

MR3273869 Murakami, Kazuaki On the isomorphism classes of Iwasawamodules with λ=3 and μ=0.Osaka J. Math. 51 (2014), no. 4, 829–865.

MR3273828 Daghigh, H.; Didari, S. On the elliptic curves of the form y2=x3−3px. Bull.Iranian Math. Soc. 40(2014), no. 5, 1119–1133.

MR3272014 Tian, Ye Congruent numbers and Heegner points. Camb.J. Math. 2 (2014), no.1, 117–161.

MR3272013 Templier, Nicolas Large values of modular forms. Camb.J. Math. 2 (2014), no.1, 91–116.

MR3272012 Charollois, Pierre; Dasgupta, Samit Integral Eisenstein cocycles on GLn, I: Sczech's cocycleand p-adic L-functions of totally real fields. Camb. J. Math. 2 (2014), no. 1, 49–90.

MR3272011 Colmez, Pierre; Dospinescu, Gabriel; Paškūnas, Vytautas The p-adic local Langlandscorrespondence for GL2(Qp). Camb. J.Math. 2 (2014), no. 1,1–47.

MR3273629 Pakovich, Fedor; Zvonkin, Alexander K. Minimum degree of the difference of twopolynomials over Q, and weighted plane trees. SelectaMath. (N.S.) 20(2014), no. 4, 1003–1065.

MR3241276 Iwaniec, H. Lectures on the Riemann zeta function. University Lecture Series, 62.American MathematicalSociety, Providence, RI, 2014. viii+119 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4704-1851-9

MR3273499 Madritsch, Manfred G. Construction of normal numbers viapseudo-polynomial prime sequences. Acta Arith. 166 (2014), no. 1, 81–100.

MR3273497 Hare, Kathryn E.; Yamagishi, Shuntaro A generalization of a theorem of Erdős-Rényito m-fold sums and differences. Acta Arith. 166 (2014), no. 1, 55–68.

MR3273496 Liu, Kui On the mean value of a kind of zetafunctions. Acta Arith. 166 (2014), no. 1, 33–54.

MR3273495 Micheli, Giacomo; Schipani, Davide On canonical subfield preservingpolynomials. Acta Arith. 166 (2014), no. 1, 23–32.

MR3273494 Biswas, Arunabha Asymptotic nature of higher Mahlermeasure. Acta Arith. 166 (2014), no. 1, 15–22.

MR3273493 Sofos, Efthymios Uniformly counting rational points onconics. Acta Arith. 166 (2014), no. 1, 1–14.


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