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《上海大学学报(自然科学版)》2014年第6期 两篇“特稿”

已有 3504 次阅读 2015-1-4 13:55 |个人分类:学术出版|系统分类:论文交流

1. 基于Si3N4 探针的单晶硅表面小线宽结构的摩擦诱导纳米加工.pdf

姚洋洋, 陈磊, 郭剑, 钱林茂

西南交通大学牵引动力国家重点实验室摩擦学研究所, 成都610031

摘要:  针对传统纳米加工方法存在的操作复杂和成本昂贵等问题, 提出采用以表面自然氧化层作为掩膜, 结合Si3N4 探针扫描和KOH 溶液后续选择性刻蚀的摩擦诱导纳米加工方法. 基于针尖半径对加工线宽影响的规律, 实现了单晶硅表面较小线宽沟槽结构的加工. 在此基础上, 通过研究沟槽深度随刻蚀时间的变化规律, 确定了最佳的刻蚀加工时间, 并详细研究了载荷以及针尖扫描次数对表面沟槽结构加工的影响规律. 该方法无需专门制备掩膜, 操作简单,有望应用于加工功能表面织构、表面微阀、微反应器及单电子器件等, 为纳米结构的加工提供了新途径.

2. Effect of AIBI as Free Radical Initiator on Abrasive-Free Polishing of Hard Di.pdf

REN Xiao-yan, LEI Hong, CHEN Ru-ling, CHEN Yi.

Nano-Science and Technology Research Center, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, China

AbstractTo optimize the existing slurry for abrasive-free polishing (AFP) of hard disk substrate, a water-soluble free radical initiator, 2, 20-azobis [2-(2-imidazolin-2-yl) propane]  dihydrochloride (AIBI)  is introduced to the  H2O2-based slurry.  The polishing results show that, the material removal rate (MRR) of hard disk substrate polished with H2O2-based slurry containing AIBI is obviously higher than that without AIBI. The acting mechanism of the improved MRR is investigated. Electron paramagnetic resonances tests show that, by comparison with H2O2 slurry, H2O2-AIBI slurry provides higher concentration of hydroxyl radicals. Auger electron spectrometer analyses further demonstrate that the oxidation ability of H2O2-AIBI slurry is much greater than H2O2 slurry. In addition, potentiodynamic polarization tests show that the corrosion dissolution rate of hard disk substrate in H2O2-AIBI slurry is increased. Therefore that stronger oxidation ability and a higher corrosion dissolution rate of H2O2-AIBI slurry lead to higher MRR can be concluded.




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