明年是Maxwell方程组提出的第150周年,并且也被定为光的国际年(International Year of Light, IYL 2015)。为此,许多杂志都开出专刊来庆祝。最近也读到杨振宁先生在Physics Today的文章,深得益处!
最近,应Nature Photonics编辑的邀请,为庆祝Maxwell方程组提出150周年,我和学生徐林为变换光学撰写了一篇综述论文[Nature Photonics 9, 15-23 (2015)]。其中所描绘的是保角变换的一些应用。有趣的是,其中所描绘的Fig. 1和Fig. 2所涵盖的内容均被Nature Photonics拒绝过。但是这次搭上了这趟顺风车,非常的幸运和荣幸。
在这期最开始的编辑介绍中[Nature Photonics 9, 1 (2015)],有这样一段:“On page 35(应该是搞错了,是15页), HuanyangChen and Lin Xu of Soochow University in China review the principles andcapabilities of transformation optics and the possibilities that it creates.Indeed, the combination of transformation optics with advances in nanoscalefabrication technology and the ability to actually make artificially-engineeredmetamaterials has given a new lease of life to Maxwell’s equations and photonicdesign. It is now possible to actually create materials that can manipulatelight and other forms of electromagnetic radiation in ways that would haveprobably astonished Maxwell.”特别是最后一句,老外的英文就是厉害!希望来年变换光学可以继续给大家带来惊喜。
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