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MR2014年11月份数论最新文献题录229条(见附件MR2014-11-229 for Number Theory.pdf

     今天介绍MR数据库201411月份收录情况,11月份MR数据库新增题录8779,其中数论研究229.现摘录其中部分列入以下(有些信息可能无法正确显示,可以根据题录号或者作者姓名,直接登录MathSciNet或者Mathematical Reviews免费浏览页面进行搜索),更多信息请浏览附件(正在整理上传之中如果附件仍然无法正确显示数学公式,建议在"MathSciNetMathematical Reviews on the Web"进行浏览)

MR3266973 Grau, José María; Oller-Marcén, Antonio M.; Sadornil, Daniel A primality test for Kpn+1numbers. Math.Comp. 84 (2015), no. 291,505–512.

MR3266969 Rubinstein, Michael O.; Yamagishi, Shuntaro Computing the moment polynomials of thezeta function. Math. Comp. 84 (2015), no. 291, 425–454.

MR3266967 Pappalardi, Francesco Divisibility of reduction in groups ofrational numbers. Math. Comp. 84 (2015), no. 291, 385–407.

MR3266966 Pitoun, Frédéric; Varescon, Firmin Computing the torsion of the p-ramified module of anumber field. Math. Comp. 84 (2015), no. 291, 371–383.

MR3266965 Belabas, Karim; Friedman, Eduardo Computing the residue of the Dedekindzeta function. Math. Comp. 84 (2015), no. 291, 357–369.

MR3266964 Loeffler, David; Weinstein, Jared Erratum: "On the computation oflocal components of a newform'' [MR2869056]. Math.Comp. 84 (2015), no. 291,355–356.

MR3266963 Kim, Minkyu; Cheon, Jung Hee Computing prime divisors in aninterval. Math. Comp. 84 (2015), no. 291, 339–354.

MR3266962 Zhang, Zhenxiang Estimating the counts of Carmichael andWilliams numbers with small multiple seeds. Math. Comp. 84 (2015), no. 291, 309–337.

MR3268858 Hamieh, Alia Special values of anticyclotomic L-functions modulo λ. ManuscriptaMath.145 (2014), no. 3-4,449–472.

MR3268710 Kiral, Eren Mehmet Bounds on sup-norms of half-integralweight modular forms. Acta Arith. 165 (2014), no. 4, 385–400.

MR3268709 Penman, David B.; Wells, Matthew D. Sum-dominant sets andrestricted-sum-dominant sets in finite abelian groups. Acta Arith. 165 (2014), no. 4, 361–383.

MR3268708 Byeon, Dongho; Kim, Taekyung Optimal curves differing by a5-isogeny. Acta Arith. 165 (2014), no. 4, 351–359.

MR3268707 Entin, Alexei Greatest prime divisors of polynomialvalues over function fields. Acta Arith. 165 (2014), no. 4, 339–349.

MR3268706 Mišík, Ladislav On limit points of subsequences ofuniformly distributed sequences. Acta Arith. 165 (2014), no. 4, 333–338.

MR3268705 Fayad, Bassam; Thouvenot, Jean-Paul On the convergence to 0 of mnξmod1. Acta Arith. 165 (2014), no. 4, 327–332.

MR3268704 Liu, Ricky Ini Coefficients of a relative ofcyclotomic polynomials. Acta Arith. 165 (2014), no. 4, 301–325.

MR3268588 Schweiger, Fritz On David's 2-dimensional continuedfraction. Integers 14 (2014), Paper No. A58, 9 pp.

MR3268587 Baker, Simon; Sidorov, Nikita Expansions in non-integer bases: lowerorder revisited.Integers 14 (2014), Paper No. A57, 15 pp.

MR3268586 Ledoan, Andrew; Zaharescu, Alexandru A divisibility obstruction for certainwalks on Gaussian integers. Integers 14 (2014), Paper No. A56, 15 pp.

MR3268585 Flórez, Rigoberto; Higuita, Robinson A.; Junes, Leandro 9-modularity and GCD properties ofgeneralized Fibonacci numbers. Integers 14 (2014), Paper No. A55, 14 pp.

 Kellner, Bernd C. Identities between polynomials relatedto Stirling and harmonic numbers. Integers 14 (2014), Paper No. A54, 22 pp.

MR3268583 Hedetniemi, Jason; James, Kevin; Xue, Hui Champion primes for elliptic curves.Integers 14 (2014), Paper No. A53, 8 pp.

MR3268582 Ye, Dongxi Representations of squares by certainternary quadratic forms. Integers 14 (2014), Paper. No. A52, 17 pp.

MR3268581 Imatomi, Kohtaro Multi-poly-Bernoulli-star numbers andfinite multiple zeta-star values.Integers 14 (2014), Paper No. A51, 10 pp.

MR3268580 Thiel, Johann On RATS sequences in general bases. Integers 14 (2014), Paper No. A50, 18 pp.

MR3268334 Kapetanakis, Giorgos An extension of the (strong) primitivenormal basis theorem. Appl. Algebra Engrg. Comm. Comput. 25 (2014), no. 5, 311–337.

MR3267754 Guo, Victor J. W. Proof of a supercongruence conjecturedby Z.-H. Sun. Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 25 (2014), no. 12, 1009–1015.

MR3267747 Merca, Mircea A new connection between r-Whitney numbers andBernoulli polynomials.Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 25 (2014), no. 12, 937–942.

MR3267744 Kikuta, Toshiyuki; Takemori, Sho Ramanujan type congruences for theKlingen-Eisenstein series. Abh. Math. Semin. Univ. Hambg. 84 (2014), no. 2, 257–266.

MR3267742 Azizi, Abdelmalek; Zekhnini, Abdelkader; Taous, Mohammed Structure of Gal(k(2)2/k) for some fields k=Q(2p1p2−−−−−,i) with Cl2(k)(2,2,2). Abh. Math.Semin. Univ. Hambg. 84(2014), no. 2, 203–231.

MR3267739 Fukuhara, Shinji Generating functions of even Dedekindsymbols with polynomial reciprocity laws. Abh. Math. Semin. Univ.Hambg. 84 (2014),no. 2, 139–153.

MR3267579 Perkins, Rudolph Bronson Explicitformulae for L-values in positive characteristic. Math. Z. 278 (2014), no. 1-2, 279–299.

MR3267576 Zibrowius, Marcus Witt groups of curves and surfaces. Math.Z. 278 (2014), no. 1-2,191–227.

MR3266485 Berg, Jen; Castillo, Abel; Grizzard, Robert; Kala, Vítězslav; Moy, Richard; Wang, Chongli Congruences for Ramanujan's f and ω functions viageneralized Borcherds products.Ramanujan J. 35 (2014), no. 2, 327–338.

MR3266483 Pi, Qinghua On the effective determination of Maasscusp forms by L-values.RamanujanJ. 35 (2014), no. 2,299–310.

MR3266482 Klosin, Krzysztof A note on Hecke eigenvalues ofHermitian Siegel Eisenstein series.Ramanujan J. 35 (2014), no. 2, 287–298.

MR3266480 Han, Di; Zhang, Wenpeng Some new identities involving Dedekindsums and the Ramanujan sum. Ramanujan J. 35 (2014), no. 2, 253–262.

MR3266479 Xia, Ernest X. W.; Yao, Olivia X. M. Some modular relations for Ramanujan'sfunction k(q)=r(q)r2(q2). RamanujanJ. 35 (2014), no. 2,243–251.

MR3266478 Fowler, Christopher F.; Garcia, Stephan Ramon; Karaali, Gizem Ramanujan sums as supercharacters. RamanujanJ. 35 (2014), no. 2,205–241.

MR3266477 Lauret, Emilio A. A numerical study on exceptionaleigenvalues of certain congruence subgroups of SO(n,1) and SU(n,1). RamanujanJ. 35 (2014), no. 2,179–204.

 Ding, Shi Feng An algorithm for some Euler-typeidentities for multiple Hurwitz-zeta values. (Chinese) Adv. Math. (China) 43 (2014), no. 4, 534–542.

MR3262216 Li, Jianghua; Zhang, Wenpeng A hybrid mean value involving theDedekind sums and exponential sums. Adv. Math. (China) 43 (2014), no. 4, 527–533.

MR3262215 Guan, Xun Gui Integral points on the elliptic curve y2=x3+(p−4)x−2p. (Chinese)Adv. Math. (China) 43 (2014), no. 4, 521–526.

MR3237472 Wang, Xiao Han; Gou, Su The Miyazaki conjecture on primitivePythagorean numbers.(Chinese) Math. Pract.Theory 44 (2014),no. 8, 287–290.

MR3237471 Su, Juan Li The Diophantine equation ax+by=z2. (Chinese) Math. Pract.Theory 44 (2014),no. 8, 284–286.

MR3267534 Kionke, Steffen Lefschetz numbers of symplecticinvolutions on arithmetic groups.Pacific J. Math. 271 (2014), no. 2, 369–414.

MR3267532 Checcoli, Sara; Viada, Evelina On the torsion anomalous conjecture inCM abelian varieties. Pacific J. Math. 271 (2014), no. 2, 321–345.

MR3267251 Pandey, R. K. A note on the equivalence of Motzkin'smaximal density and Ruzsa's measures of intersectivity. Acta Math.Univ. Comenian. (N.S.) 83(2014), no. 2, 157–163.

MR3267240 Lee, Hui Young; Ryoo, Cheon Seoung A note on recurrence formula for valuesof the Euler zeta functions ζE(2n) at positiveintegers. Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 51 (2014), no. 5, 1425–1432.

MR3267236 Park, Poo-Sung Solvability of some entangledDiophantine equations. Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 51 (2014), no. 5, 1369–1374.

MR3267232 María Grau, José; Oller-Marcén, Antonio M. On the lastdigit and the last non-zero digit of nn in base b. Bull.Korean Math. Soc. 51(2014), no. 5, 1325–1337.

MR3265063 Fujita, Yasutsugu Generators for congruent number curvesof ranks at least two and three. J. Ramanujan Math. Soc. 29 (2014), no. 3, 307–319.

MR3265062 Fujii, Satoshi On restricted ramifications andpseudo-null submodules of Iwasawa modules for Z2p-extensions. J.Ramanujan Math. Soc. 29(2014), no. 3, 295–305.

MR3263953 Lee, Jun Ho; Louboutin, Stéphane R. On thefundamental units of some cubic orders generated by units. Acta Arith. 165 (2014), no. 3, 283–299.

MR3263951 Agathocleous, Eleni On the class numbers of real cyclotomicfields of conductor pq. Acta Arith. 165 (2014), no. 3, 257–277.

MR3263949 Chang, Mei-Chu Sparsity of the intersection ofpolynomial images of an interval. Acta Arith. 165 (2014), no. 3, 243–249.

MR3263948 Shiomi, Daisuke On the ordinarity of the maximal realsubfield of cyclotomic function fields. Acta Arith. 165 (2014), no. 3, 225–242.

MR3263947 Bruin, Nils; Flynn, E. Victor; Testa, Damiano Descent via (3,3)-isogeny on Jacobiansof genus 2 curves. Acta Arith. 165 (2014), no. 3, 201–223.

MR3263945 Matera, Guillermo; Pérez, Mariana; Privitelli, Melina On the value set of small families ofpolynomials over a finite field, II. Acta Arith. 165 (2014), no. 2, 141–179.

MR3263944 Schmid, Peter Quaternion extensions with restrictedramification. Acta Arith. 165 (2014), no. 2, 123–140.

更多信息请浏览附件:MR2014-11-229 for Number Theory.pdf


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