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已有 3311 次阅读 2014-11-25 02:56 |系统分类:科研笔记


Thank you for your message enquiring about the possibility of pursuing post-doctoral work in my  Laboratory.


If you would like to spend some time working in the laboratory, please send a brief (~1000 word) proposal of the research that you would like to undertake.


You will also need to show that you have funding to cover bench fees of GBP 1,000 per month and subsistence costs of GBP 1,020 per month, together with travel costs and settling in costs of GBP350.  I fear that will add up to rather more than the USD 1,800 per month offered by the China Scholarship Council.  How would you make up thedifference?


Dear professor,

Thank you for you so quick response.According to the CSC requirement, a post-doctoral researcher should be free of tuition, and the money they given are settled. However, as we always say today,"if a problem can be solved by money, there are no problem indeed."May I propose that we first try an interesting Internet experiment together in China: "Crowd-funding for academic research in XXX". Recently there are a growing crowd funding tendency in Chinese business society called"Internet thinking in an Internet world", such as crowd-funding for acoffee house, crowd-funding for publishing book, even crowd-funding for a girl's breast augmentation surgery. However, no try has been done as we will do. I am quite sure it will be a very fantastic test. Let me explain it indetail shortly:  


Supposing I will work in your laboratory for 24 month, which will cost(1,000+1,020+350) ×24=56,880 GBP ≈ 550,000 RMB, and If each participant of this experiment funds 500 RMB, 1100 participants are needed. Fortunately, I am a member of Mr Luo's editing thinking group(罗辑思维), the most popular user-operated media program on intellective reading and an outspoken advocate for Internet thinking in China, which has 3,000,000 audiences following its Public ID in Wechat. It is my right to propose such a crowd-funding in this group, and I am quite sure that if the founder of this group,Mr Luo, agree to help us with 1 minute in his famous media program, it may bevery easy to find the participants.

 As a return, I will give these participants:

  1. Travel notes recoding interesting people I meet and stories happen to me in XXX, once a week.

  2. A detail bill recoding every penny I use in XXX, once a month.

  3. Free suggestions and advises by email for those participants or their Children who want to study in XXX, aperiodicity.

  4. A intellectual friend with a PhD degree in China and a post-doctoral experience in XXX, as long as I live.

   I will open a new Public ID in Wechat for this, only participants can follow that ID.

Dear Professor,if you agree with what I have said above, I will begin to write the brief (~1000 word) proposal you asked. And unless the proposal is accepted by your group, I will not start the crowd-funding project.


If your academic visit is worthwhile, then the China Scholarship Council should pay the full cost.  If it isn't worthwhile, you shouldn't waste time on it.

The important thing is to explore what you would hope to achieve academically by visiting XXX.  As I said before, it would help if you were to send a brief (~1000 word) proposal of the research that you would like to undertake were you to visit.

You should also be aware that we charge higher bench fees to industrial visitors.  If you were to treat the visit as a commercial enterprise by crowd-funding your costs, the bench fees would be GBP 3,000 per month plus VAT at the current rate of 20%.  And I very much doubt that we would want to be involved in such a project anyway.


Thank you for your kind notice, and I will begin to write my brief proposal immediately. Not all groups like yours want visitors to do our own project. On the contrary, most groups want us to be flexible, helping with their project. Maybe this is the difference between XXX and others.

As for the crowd-funding, you sent me a problem "How would you make up the difference?"

, and I find a possible solution through user-operated media.

If you do not like it,just forget it.

User-operated media is not just a commercial enterprise, but the future

of education. Sooner or later, teachers in class will be replaced by it.


I look forward to seeing your proposal.  I hope that it will explore ways in which your particular skills could be brought to bear on the projects that are currently interesting us.



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