Metrics for the titles listed below are not published in the 2013 JCR data due to anomalous citation patterns found in the 2013 citation data. These patterns result in a significant distortion of the Journal Impact Factor and rank that does not accurately reflect the journal’s citation performance in the literature. The Journal Impact Factor provides an important and objective measure of a journal’s contribution to scholarly communication. In the interest of fairness and accuracy for all journals, the distortion of the Journal Impact Factor by an excessive concentration of citations gives rise to the need for suppression. JCR staff will monitor these journals going forward and the titles will be included in a future edition of JCR when the anomalous patterns are resolved. Coverage of these journals in Web of Science and other Thomson Reuters products is not immediately affected by suppression from the JCR, however, the titles may be subject to review to determine if they continue to meet the quality and publication standards necessary for inclusion in Web of Science. More information on journal suppression is available at: http://wokinfo.com/media/pdf/jcr-suppression.pdf.
A list of title suppressions for previous years can be downloaded here.
JCR Title | Full Title | Type |
ANAT SCI EDUC | Anatomical Sciences Education | Self Cite |
ANN AGR ENV MED | Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine | Stacking |
APPL INTELL | Applied Intelligence | Self Cite |
ASIAN J CONTROL | Asian Journal of Control | Self Cite |
BEHAV ANALYST | Behavior Analyst | Self Cite |
BUS LAWYER | Business Lawyer | Self Cite |
CYTOJOURNAL | CytoJournal | Self Cite |
ENTERP INF SYST-UK | Enterprise Information Systems | Stacking |
FOUND SCI | Foundations of Science | Self Cite |
INDIAN J PHYS | Indian Journal of Physics | Self Cite |
INSUR MATH ECON | Insurance Mathematics & Economics | Self Cite |
INT ENTREP MANAG J | International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal | Stacking |
INT J ELEC POWER | International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems | Self Cite |
INT J ENVIRON RES | International Journal of Environmental Research | Self Cite |
INT J PHOTOENERGY | International Journal of Photoenergy | Stacking |
INT J PROD ECON | International Journal of Production Economics | Stacking |
INT J SENS NETW | International Journal of Sensor Networks | Stacking |
IRAN J FUZZY SYST | Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems | Self Cite |
J AUDIO ENG SOC | Journal of the Audio Engineering Society | Self Cite |
J SAUDI CHEM SOC | Journal of the Saudi Chemical Society | Stacking |
J THEOR COMPUT CHEM | Journal of Theoretical & Computational Chemistry | Self Cite |
KLIN PADIATR | Klinische Padiatrie | Self Cite |
LAW LIBR J | Law Library Journal | Self Cite |
MANAGE DECIS | Management Decision | Stacking |
MED CHEM RES | Medicinal Chemistry Research | Stacking |
NUCL TECHNOL RADIAT | Nuclear Technology & Radiation Protection | Stacking |
PLANT BIOSYST | Plant Biosystems | Self Cite |
POLYM-PLAST TECHNOL | Polymer Plastics Technology and Engineering | Self Cite |
POSTEP DERM ALERGOL | Postepy Dermatologii i Alergologii | Stacking |
PROG ELECTROMAGN RES | Progress in Electromagnetics Research-PIER | Self Cite |
REV LAT-AM ENFERM | Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem | Self Cite |
SCHOOL PSYCHOL INT | School Psychology International | Self Cite |
SERV IND J | Service Industries Journal | Stacking |
SYST RES BEHAV SCI | Systems Research and Behavioral Science | Stacking |
TOTAL QUAL MANAG BUS | Total Quality Management & Business Excellence | Self Cite |
TURK J BOT | Turkish Journal of Botany | Self Cite |
Z PSYCHIATR PSYCH PS | Zeitschrift fur Psychiatrie Psychologie und Psychotherapie | Stacking |
Z PSYCHOSOM MED PSYC | Zeitschrift fur Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie | Stacking |
Self Citation Suppressed Titles with Key Data Points*
This table lists the categories for each journal (note that each journal may be included in multiple categories), the percentage of citations in the Journal Impact Factor numerator that are self cites, and the distortion in category rank due to self cites. The distortion in category rank is based on analysis of all journals in all categories of the JCR ranked both with and without the inclusion of self cites. Here distortion equals the percentage shift in rank with self cites included versus excluded.
Full Title | Category | % Self cites in JIF numerator | % Distortion of category rank |
Anatomical Sciences Education | Education, Scientific Disciplines | 65% | 39% |
Applied Intelligence | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence | 71% | 46% |
Asian Journal of Control | Automation & Control Systems | 63% | 37% |
Behavior Analyst | Psychology, Clinical | 78% | 46% |
Business Lawyer | Law | 76% | 44% |
CytoJournal | Pathology | 58% | 48% |
Foundations of Science | History & Philosophy of Science | 69% | 13% |
Indian Journal of Physics | Physics, Multidisciplinary | 83% | 58% |
Insurance Mathematics & Economics | Statistics & Probability | 59% | 48% |
Insurance Mathematics & Economics | Mathematics, Interdisciplinary Applications | 59% | 42% |
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems | Engineering, Electrical & Electronic | 65% | 35% |
International Journal of Environmental Research | Environmental Sciences | 68% | 44% |
Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems | Mathematics | 59% | 55% |
Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems | Mathematics, Applied | 59% | 40% |
Journal of the Audio Engineering Society | Acoustics | 69% | 39% |
Journal of the Audio Engineering Society | Engineering, Multidisciplinary | 69% | 42% |
Journal of Theoretical & Computational Chemistry | Chemistry, Multidisciplinary | 79% | 42% |
Klinische Padiatrie | Pediatrics | 60% | 42% |
Law Library Journal | Information Science & Library Science | 90% | 45% |
Law Library Journal | Law | 90% | 51% |
Plant Biosystems | Plant Sciences | 71% | 37% |
Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering | Polymer Science | 64% | 31% |
Progress in Electromagnetics Research-PIER | Engineering, Electrical & Electronic | 63% | 24% |
Progress in Electromagnetics Research-PIER | Physics, Applied | 63% | 22% |
Progress in Electromagnetics Research-PIER | Telecommunications | 63% | 21% |
Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem | Nursing | 64% | 42% |
School Psychology International | Psychology, Educational | 75% | 57% |
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence | Management | 76% | 44% |
Turkish Journal of Botany | Plant Sciences | 70% | 39% |
Citation Stacking Suppressed Titles with Key Data Points*
This table lists the recipient and donor journal pairs along with the percentage of citations in the Journal Impact Factor numerator that are from the donor to the recipient (x% of the JIF Numerator cites to Recipient journal from Donor journal). The percentage exchange to the Journal Impact Factor years is the proportion of all citations from donor to recipient (all years) that reference the two years considered in the Journal Impact Factor calculation (x% of all citations from Donor to Recipient were concentrated in the Journal Impact Factor years).
Recipient Journal | Donor Journal | % JIF Numerator | % Exchange to JIF Years |
Enterprise Information Systems | International Journal of Production Economics | 27% | 82% |
Enterprise Information Systems | Systems Research and Behavioral Science | 22% | 93% |
International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal | Management Decision | 37% | 90% |
International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal | Service Industries Journal | 31% | 85% |
International Journal of Sensor Networks | 2013 IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC) | 53% | 82% |
Journal of the Saudi Chemical Society | Medicinal Chemistry Research | 19% | 96% |
Management Decision | International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal | 30% | 94% |
Management Decision | Service Industries Journal | 41% | 95% |
Nuclear Technology & Radiation Protection | International Journal of Photoenergy | 28% | 97% |
Postepy Dermatologii i Alergologii | Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine | 18% | 97% |
Zeitschrift fur Psychiatrie Psychologie und Psychotherapie | Zeitschrift fur Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie | 29% | 93% |
* These key data points as well as other factors are considered in the suppression decision.
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