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Goodbye Message Chair of the University Council 澳门大学校董

已有 3070 次阅读 2014-7-22 20:46 |个人分类:我所景仰的学者 My Respected Scholars|系统分类:人物纪事| 澳门大学校董會主席, 谢志伟博士

Goodbye Message Chair of the University Council


Dear colleagues and students,

I am writing to inform you that after nearly 13 years of service to the University of Macau as Chair of the University Council (UC), I will step down from that position at the end of this month. To most of you, particularly to the students, the Chair of the UC may not mean much because it is not a front line position on campus. But to me who has witnessed the development of the University from this position, the experience of the last 13 years has been nothing but exciting and satisfying.

I recalled that when I took up the UC Chairmanship from the former Chief Executive Mr. Edmund Ho, the mandate he gave me was to help the University of Macau become a modern and international university. To achieve this goal, my first task was to lead a task force for the Revision of the University Charter in 2002. Through this Charter Revision that was completed in 2006, the University was able to restructure much of its academic and administrative operation according to common international practices. It gained the very important autonomous power to develop and manage its own academic programs. The Government also made special provisions by law to allow the University to recruit senior leaders internationally at salaries above the Civil Service Ceiling, thereby enabling the University to compete in the international market for top talents. 

In the subsequent three years after the Charter revision, the UC worked closely with our SAR Government on acquiring a green field site in Hengqin from the Central Government for a new campus, while making special efforts in recruiting top talents to strengthen the University leadership at the helm. The speedy progress made by the University during those years demonstrated the positive effects of the Charter Revision, but also revealed some limiting inflexibilities that were remaining in the system. There were still public rules and regulations about financial and personnel management that were adequate for public administrative units of the Government, but not flexible enough for a university striving for academic excellence internationally. Happily another chance to revise the University Charter came when the Central Government acceded to the request of the University for land to develop a residential campus on the Hengqin Island. At the Groundbreaking Ceremony on December 20, 2009, Mr. Hu Jintao, the then President of our Country openly urged the University of Macau to pursue the goal of becoming a first rate university internationally. Taking the cue from Mr. Hu, the UC proposed, and the SAR Government agreed, to start a second major Charter Reform in 2011. This time the Charter Revision Task Force took a bold step, proposing to revamp the Governance structure of the University, allowing the UC to take over most of the governing responsibilities from the Government, so that the University would gain the necessary flexibilities in its operation, but at the same time accountable to the Community.

Two years ago, at a UM senior management retreat, I told my colleagues that I expected the Charter Revision to be completed by 2014, when the present term of the UC ended, and it would be the opportune time for me to step down and retire. I am happy to say that the Revision is now basically complete, because the main proposals of the Reform have been agreed by the SAR Government. The rest would be legal and procedural formalities. With the new Hengqin Campus formally open for the new academic year next month, indeed it is time for me to close happily this month the last chapter of my fifty years of involvement in higher education. 

Good Bye and God Bless

With best wishes

Daniel C. W. Tse
Chair of University Council
July, 2014










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