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已有 4281 次阅读 2014-7-6 06:37 |个人分类:书评书介|系统分类:科研笔记




斯坦尼斯拉夫·莱姆(Stanislaw Lem,1921-2006)是20世纪最伟大的科幻作家之一,《索拉里斯星》的作者,介绍他的百科词条见http://baike.so.com/doc/4044350.html。1964年,他用母语波兰语写了一本非虚构著作,Summa Technologie ,直到50年之后的2013年,该书才被Joanna Zylinska(伦敦大学新媒体与传播学教授、文化理论学者)译为英文,由美国明尼苏达大学出版社推出。下面是该书目录。他比英国进化生物学家道金斯更早地思考了人类进化的一些相关问题。




Translator’sIntroduction. Evolution May Be Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts, but It’s NotAll That Great: On Lem’s Summa Technnologiae


进化也许大于其组成部分之和,但没有多大了不起:论莱姆的Summa Technnologiae
Joanna Zylinska


Summa Technologie
1. Dilemmas

2. Two Evolutions 两种进化
Similarities 相似点
Differences 差异点
The First Cause 第一原因
Several Naïve Questions 几个幼稚的问题

3. Civilizations inthe Universe 宇宙中的文明
The Formulation of the Problem 问题之形成
The Formulation of the Method 方法之形成
The Statistics of Civilizations in the Universe 宇宙中文明的统计
A Catastrophic Theory of the Universe 宇宙灾变论
A Metatheory of Miracles 关于奇迹的元理论
Man’s Uniqueness 人类的独特性
Intelligence: An Accident or a Necessity? 智慧:偶然还是必然
Hypotheses 假说
Votum Separatum ?(请博友帮助翻译)
Future Prospects 未来前瞻

4. Intelectronics 智慧电子学
Return to Earth 回归地球
A Megabyte Bomb 兆字节炸弹
The Big Game 大博弈
Scientific Myths 科学神话
The Intelligence Amplifier 智能放大器
The Black Box 黑匣子
The Morality of Homeostats 自体平衡的德性
The Dangers of Electrocracy 电子政制的危险
Cybernetics and Sociology 控制论与社会学
Belief and Information 信念与信息(博主:在中文里,二者都是“信”哦!)
Experimental Metaphysics 实验性超物理学
The Beliefs of Electric Brains 对电学脑的信念
The Ghost in the Machine ,机器中的鬼魂
The Trouble with Information 信息的麻烦之处
Doubts and Antinomies 疑问与自相矛盾

5. Prolegomena toOmnipotence 从绪论到全能
Before Chaos 混沌之前
Chaos and Order 混沌与秩序
Scylla and Charybdis: On Restraint 进退两难:论节制
The Silence of the Designer 设计者的沉默
Methodological Madness 方法论疯狂
A New Linnaeus: About Systematics 新的林奈:分类学
Models and Reality 模型与现实
Plagiarism and Creation 抄袭与创造
On Imitology 论人工生命学

6. Phantomology 脑体学
The Fundamentals of Phantomatics 灵境学概要
The Phantomatic Machine 灵境机
Peripheral and Central Phantomatics 边缘灵境学和中枢灵境学
The Limits of Phantomatics 灵境学的局限
Cerebromatics 大脑改造学
Teletaxy and Phantoplication, Teletaxy和灵境化
Personality and Information 个性与信息

7. The Creation ofWorlds 世界之创造
Information Farming 信息“种植”
Linguistic Engineering 语言工程
The Engineering of Transcendence 超越工程学
Cosmogonic Engineering 天体演化工程学

8. A Lampoon ofEvolution 进化反讽
The Reconstruction of the Species 物种再造
Constructing Life 构建生命
Constructing Death 构建死亡
Constructing Consciousness 构建意识
Error-based Constructs 基于错误的构念
Bionics and Biocybernetics 仿生学和生物控制论
In the Eyes of the Designer 在设计者看来
Reconstructing Man 再造人类
Cyborgization 电子人化
The Autoevolutionary Machine 自进化机
Extrasensory Phenomena 超感官现象
Conclusion 结论


Summa Technologiae

UMP blog - Evolution is not all that

How do things emerge in the world?

What is the relationship between an organism and its environment?

In recent years both the humanities and the sciences have embraced a moreprocess-based, relational way of thinking about these questions, with matterseen as stabilizing into organisms which always remain intertwined with theirenvironment. If the process of organismic differentiation is continuous, theorganism needs to be perceived not as an entity but as multiple processes ofentanglement, a temporally unfolding set of relations that keep making andunmaking the topological boundaries.

Read the full article.

PJacketed Cloth



Jacketed Cloth











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