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Charles W. Bailey,Jr.DigitalScholarship(数字学术)开放获取网站(http://digital-scholarship.org)的创办人。他曾任美国休斯顿大学图书馆系统数字图书馆规划与发展部助理主任,在数字图书馆、数字出版等领域著述甚丰。年轻的时候,他的诗歌还获过奖。他对艺术的兴趣保持到今天,所以,他不仅关注数字图书馆,还关注数字艺术。


从拼写来判断,这些文献作者中的华裔有Liwen VaughanShirley WuXiaoling SunJennifer Lin, Xuemei LiJean LiuShuai Xin,万锦堃等。


The AltmetricsBibliography includes selected English-language articles and technicalreports that are useful in understanding altmetrics.

The"altmetrics" concept is still evolving. In "The AltmetricsCollection," Jason Priem, Paul Groth, and Dario Taraborelli definealtmetrics as follows:

Altmetrics is the study and use of scholarly impact measures based on activity in online tools and environments. The term has also been used to describe the metrics themselves—one could propose in plural a "set of new altmetrics."Altmetrics is in most cases a subset of both scientometrics and webometrics; itis a subset of the latter in that it focuses more narrowly on scholarlyinfluence as measured in online tools and environments, rather than on the Webmore generally.

This bibliographydoes not cover books, conference papers, digital media works (such as MP3files), editorials, e-mail messages, interviews, letters to the editor,presentation slides or transcripts, unpublished e-prints, or weblog postings.Coverage of technical reports is very selective.

Sources have beenpublished from January 2001 through September 2013. The bibliography includeslinks to freely available versions of included works.

Such links, evento publisher versions and versions in disciplinary archives and institutionalrepositories, are subject to change. URLs may alter without warning (orautomatic forwarding) or they may disappear altogether. Inclusion of links toworks on authors' personal websites is highly selective. Note that e prints andpublished articles may not be identical.

Readers interestedin open access aspects will find the Steve Hitchcock's extensive "The Effect of Open Access andDownloads ('Hits') on Citation Impact: A Bibliography of Studies"to be of interest.


Adie, Euan, andWilliam Roe. "Altmetric: Enriching Scholarly Content with Article-LevelDiscussion and Metrics." Learned Publishing 26, no. 1(2013): 11-17.http://figshare.com/articles/Enriching_scholarly_content_with_article_level_discussion_and_metrics/105851

Allen, Heidi G.,Tasha R. Stanton, Flavia Di Pietro, and G. Lorimer Moseley. "Social MediaRelease Increases Dissemination of Original Articles in the Clinical PainSciences." PLOS ONE 8, no. 7 (2013): e68914.http://www.ploscollections.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0068914

Alperin, JuanPablo. "Ask Not What Altmetrics Can Do for You, but What Altmetrics Can Dofor Developing Countries." Bulletin of the American Society forInformation Science and Technology 39, no. 4 (2013): 18-21. http://www.asis.org/Bulletin/Apr-13/AprMay13_Alperin.html

Barjak, Franz,Xuemei Li, and Mike Thelwall. "Which Factors Explain the Web Impact ofScientists' Personal Homepages?" Journal of the American Societyfor Information Science and Technology 58, no. 2 (2007): 200-211.

Bollen, Johan, andHerbert Van de Sompel. "Usage Impact Factor: The Effects of SampleCharacteristics on Usage-Based Impact Metrics." Journal of theAmerican Society for Information Science and Technology59, no. 1 (2008):136-149. http://arxiv.org/abs/cs/0610154

Bollen, Johan,Herbert Van de Sompel, Aric Hagberg, and Ryan Chute. "A PrincipalComponent Analysis of 39 Scientific Impact Measures." PLOS ONE 4,no. 6 (2009): e6022.http://www.ploscollections.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0006022

Bollen, Johan,Herbert Van de Sompel, Aric Hagberg, Luis Bettencourt, Ryan Chute, Marko A.Rodriguez, and Lyudmila Balakireva. "Clickstream Data YieldsHigh-Resolution Maps of Science." PLOS ONE 4, no. 3(2009): e4803. http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0004803

Bollen, Johan,Herbert Van de Sompel, Joan A. Smith, and Rick Luce. "Toward AlternativeMetrics of Journal Impact: A Comparison of Download and Citation Data." InformationProcessing & Management 41, no. 6 (2005): 1419-1440. http://arxiv.org/abs/cs/0503007

Brody, Tim, StevanHarnad, and Leslie Carr. "Earlier Web Usage Statistics as Predictors ofLater Citation Impact." Journal of the American Society forInformation Science and Technology 57, no. 8 (2006): 1060-1072. http://arxiv.org/abs/cs/0503020

Buschman, Mike,and Andrea Michalek. "Are Alternative Metrics Still Alternative?" Bulletinof the American Society for Information Science and Technology 39, no.4 (2013): 35-39. http://www.asis.org/Bulletin/Apr-13/AprMay13_Buschman_Michalek.html

Cameron Neylon,and Shirley Wu. "Article-Level Metrics and the Evolution of ScientificImpact." PLOS Biology 7, no. 11 (2009): e1000242.http://www.plosbiology.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pbio.1000242

Chamberlain,Scott. "Consuming Article-Level Metrics: Observations and Lessons." InformationStandards Quarterly 25, no. 2 (2013): 4-13. http://www.niso.org/publications/isq/2013/v25no2/chamberlain

Cronin, Blaise."Bibliometrics and beyond: Some Thoughts on Web-Based CitationAnalysis." Journal of Information Science 27, no. 1(2001): 1-7.

Finbar Galligan,and Sharon Dyas-Correia. "Altmetrics: Rethinking the Way We Measure." SerialsReview 39, no. 1 (2013): 56-61. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.serrev.2013.01.003

Gunn, William."Social Signals Reflect Academic Impact: What it Means When a Scholar Addsa Paper to Mendeley." Information Standards Quarterly 25,no. 2 (2013): 33-39.http://www.niso.org/publications/isq/2013/v25no2/gunn/

Haustein,Stefanie, and Tobias Siebenlist. "Applying Social Bookmarking Data toEvaluate Journal Usage." Journal of Informetrics 5, no. 3(2011): 446-457.

Kaur, Jasleen,Diep Thi Hoang, Xiaoling Sun, Lino Possamai, Mohsen JafariAsbagh, Snehal Patil,and Filippo Menczer. "Scholarometer: A Social Framework for AnalyzingImpact across Disciplines." PLOS ONE 7, no. 9 (2012):e43235. http://www.ploscollections.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0043235

Konkiel, Stacey."Altmetrics: A 21st-Century Solution to Determining ResearchQuality." Online Searcher 37, no. 4 (2013): 11-15. http://www.infotoday.com/OnlineSearcher/Articles/Features/Altmetrics-A-stCentury-Solution-to-Determining-Research-Quality-90551.shtml

Konkiel, Stacy."Tracking Citations and Altmetrics for Research Data: Challenges andOpportunities." Bulletin of the American Society for InformationScience and Technology 39, no. 6 (2013): 27-32.http://www.asis.org/Bulletin/Aug-13/AugSep13_Konkiel.html

Konkiel, Stacy,and Dave Scherer. "New Opportunities for Repositories in the Age ofAltmetrics." Bulletin of the American Society for InformationScience and Technology 39, no. 4 (2013): 22-26.http://www.asis.org/Bulletin/Apr-13/AprMay13_Konkiel_Scherer.html

Kousha, Kayvan,and Mike Thelwall. "Assessing the Impact of Disciplinary Research onTeaching: An Automatic Analysis of Online Syllabuses." Journal ofthe American Society for Information Science and Technology 59, no. 13(2008): 2060-2069.

———. "GoogleScholar Citations and Google Web/Url Citations: A Multi-Discipline ExploratoryAnalysis." Journal of the American Society for Information Scienceand Technology 58, no. 7 (2007): 1055-1065.

———. "OnlinePresentations as a Source of Scientific Impact? An Analysis of Powerpoint FilesCiting Academic Journals." Journal of the American Society forInformation Science and Technology 59, no. 5 (2008): 805-815.

Kousha, Kayvan,Mike Thelwall, and Mahshid Abdoli. "The Role of Online Videos in ResearchCommunication: A Content Analysis of Youtube Videos Cited in AcademicPublications." Journal of the American Society for InformationScience and Technology 63, no. 9 (2012): 1710-1727.

Kousha, Kayvan,Mike Thelwall, and Somayeh Rezaie. "Assessing the Citation Impact ofBooks: The Role of Google Books, Google Scholar, and Scopus." Journalof the American Society for Information Science and Technology 62, no.11 (2011): 2147-2164.

———. "Can theImpact of Scholarly Images Be Assessed Online? An Exploratory Study Using ImageIdentification Technology." Journal of the American Society forInformation Science and Technology 61, no. 9 (2010): 1734-1744.

Kurtz, Michael J.,and Johan Bollen. "Usage Bibliometrics." Annual Review ofInformation Science and Technology 44, no. 1 (2010): 1-64.

Lapinski, Scott,Heather Piwowar, and Jason Priem. "Riding the Crest of the AltmetricsWave: How Librarians Can Help Prepare Faculty for the Next Generation ofResearch Impact Metrics." College & Research Libraries News 74,no. 6 (2013): 292-300. http://crln.acrl.org/content/74/6/292.long

Li, Xuemei, MikeThelwall, and Dean Giustini. "Validating Online Reference Managers forScholarly Impact Measurement." Scientometrics 91, no. 2(2012): 461-471.

Lin, Jennifer, andMartin Fenner. "Altmetrics in Evolution: Defining & Redefining theOntology of Article-Level Metrics." Information StandardsQuarterly 25, no. 2 (2013): 20-26.http://www.niso.org/publications/isq/2013/v25no2/lin/

———. "TheMany Faces of Article-Level Metrics." Bulletin of the AmericanSociety for Information Science and Technology 39, no. 4 (2013):27-30. http://www.asis.org/Bulletin/Apr-13/AprMay13_Lin_Fenner.html

Liu, Jean, andEuan Adie. "Five Challenges in Altmetrics: A Toolmaker'sPerspective." Bulletin of the American Society for InformationScience and Technology 39, no. 4 (2013): 31-34.http://www.asis.org/Bulletin/Apr-13/AprMay13_Liu_Adie.html

———. "NewPerspectives on Article-Level Metrics: Developing Ways to Assess ResearchUptake and Impact Online." Insights: the UKSG journal 26,no. 2 (2013): 153-158.

Moed, Henk F."Statistical Relationships between Downloads and Citations at the Level ofIndividual Documents within a Single Journal." Journal of theAmerican Society for Information Science and Technology 56, no. 10(2005): 1088-1097.

Mohammadi, Ehsan,and Mike Thelwall. "Assessing Non-Standard Article Impact Using F1000Labels." Scientometrics 97, no. 2 (2013): 383-395.

Mounce, Ross."Open Access and Altmetrics: Distinct but Complementary." Bulletinof the American Society for Information Science and Technology 39, no.4 (2013): 14-17. http://www.asis.org/Bulletin/Apr-13/AprMay13_Mounce.html

Ovadia, Steven."When Social Media Meets Scholarly Publishing." Behavioral& Social Sciences Librarian 32, no. 3 (2013): 194-198.

Pinkowitz, Lee."Research Dissemination and Impact: Evidence from Web SiteDownloads." The Journal of Finance 57, no. 1 (2002):485-499.

Piwowar, Heather,and Jason Priem. "The Power of Altmetrics on a CV." Bulletinof the American Society for Information Science and Technology 39, no.4 (2013): 10-13. http://www.asis.org/Bulletin/Apr-13/AprMay13_Piwowar_Priem.html

Priem, Jason."Scholarship: Beyond the Paper." Nature 495 (2013):437-440. http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v495/n7442/full/495437a.html

Priem, Jason, PaulGroth, and Dario Taraborelli. "The Altmetrics Collection." PLOSONE 7, no. 11 (2012): e48753. http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0048753

Priem, Jason, andBradely H. Hemminger. "Scientometrics 2.0: New Metrics of Scholarly Impacton the Social Web." First Monday 15, no. 7 (2010). http://firstmonday.org/ojs/index.php/fm/article/view/2874

Rasmussen,Pernille G., and Jens Peter Andersen. "Altmetrics: An AlternatePerspective on Research Evaluation." ScieCom Info 9, no.2 (2013). http://journals.lub.lu.se/index.php/sciecominfo/article/view/7292

Roemer, RobinChin, and Rachel Borchardt. "Institutional Altmetrics and AcademicLibraries." Information Standards Quarterly 25, no. 2(2013): 14-19. http://www.niso.org/publications/isq/2013/v25no2/roemer/

Rowlands, Ian, andDavid Nicholas. "The Missing Link: Journal Usage Metrics." AslibProceedings 59, no. 3 (2007): 222-228.

Schloegl,Christian, and Juan Gorraiz. "Comparison of Citation and Usage Indicators:The Case of Oncology Journals." Scientometrics 82, no. 3(2010): 567-580.

Schloegl,Christian, and Wolfgang G. Stock. "Impact And Relevance of LIS Journals: AScientometric Analysis of International and German-Language LISJournals—Citation Analysis Versus Reader Survey." Journal of theAmerican Society for Information Science and Technology 55, no. 13(2004): 1155-1168.

Shema, Hadas,Judit Bar-Ilan, and Mike Thelwall. "Research Blogs and the Discussion ofScholarly Information." PLOS ONE 7, no. 5 (2012): e35869.http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0035869

Shuai, Xin,Alberto Pepe, and Johan Bollen. "How the Scientific Community Reacts toNewly Submitted Preprints: Article Downloads, Twitter Mentions, and Citations." PLOSONE 7, no. 11 (2012): e47523.http://www.ploscollections.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0047523

Tananbaum, Greg. Article-LevelMetrics: A SPARC Primer. Washington, DC: SPARC, 2013. http://www.sparc.arl.org/bm~doc/sparc-alm-primer.pdf

Taylor, Mike."Exploring the Boundaries: How Altmetrics Can Expand Our Vision of ScholarlyCommunication and Social Impact." Information Standards Quarterly 25,no. 2 (2013): 27-32.http://www.niso.org/publications/isq/2013/v25no2/taylor/

Thelwall, Mike."A History of Webometrics." Bulletin of the American Societyfor Information Science and Technology 38, no. 6 (2012): 18-23. http://www.asis.org/Bulletin/Aug-12/AugSep12_Thelwall.html

———. "JournalImpact Evaluation: A Webometric Perspective." Scientometrics 92,no. 2 (2012): 429-441.

Thelwall, Mike,Stefanie Haustein, Vincent Larivière, and Cassidy R. Sugimoto. "DoAltmetrics Work? Twitter and Ten Other Social Web Services." PLOSONE 8, no. 5 (2013): e64841.http://www.ploscollections.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0064841

Vaughan, Liwen,and Kathy Hysen. "Relationship between Links to Journal Web Sites andImpact Factors." Aslib Proceedings 54, no. 6 (2002):356-361.

Vaughan, Liwen,and Debora Shaw. "Bibliographic and Web Citations: What Is theDifference?" Journal of the American Society for Information Scienceand Technology 54, no. 14 (2003): 1313-1322.

———. "WebCitation Data for Impact Assessment: A Comparison of Four ScienceDisciplines." Journal of the American Society for InformationScience and Technology 56, no. 10 (2005): 1075-1087.

Vaughan, Liwen,and Mike Thelwall. "Scholarly Use of the Web: What Are the Key Inducers ofLinks to Journal Web Sites?" Journal of the American Society forInformation Science and Technology 54, no. 1 (2003): 29-38.

Wan, Jin-kun,Ping-huan Hua, Ronald Rousseau, and Xiu-kun Sun. "The Journal DownloadImmediacy Index (DII): Experiences Using a Chinese Full-Text Database." Scientometrics 82,no. 3 (2010): 555-566.

Yan, Koon-Kiu, andMark Gerstein. "The Spread of Scientific Information: Insights from theWeb Usage Statistics in PLoS Article-Level Metrics." PLOS ONE 6,no. 5 (2011): e19917.http://www.ploscollections.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0019917

About the Author

Charles W. Bailey,Jr. is the publisher of DigitalScholarship. He has over 30 years of information and instructionaltechnology experience, including 24 years of managerial experience in academiclibraries. From 2004 to 2007, he was the Assistant Dean for Digital LibraryPlanning and Development at the University of Houston Libraries. From 1987 to2003, he served as Assistant Dean/Director for Systems at the University ofHouston Libraries.

Previously, heserved as Head, Systems and Research Services at the Health Sciences Library,The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Systems Librarian at theMilton S. Eisenhower Library, The Johns Hopkins University; User DocumentationSpecialist at the OCLC Online Computer Library Center; and Media LibraryManager at the Learning Resources Center, SUNY College at Oswego. For moredetails, see the "Brief Resume ofCharles W. Bailey, Jr."

Bailey has been an open accesspublisher for over 24 years. In 1989, Bailey established PACS-L,a mailing list about public-access computers in libraries, and The Public-AccessComputer Systems Review, the first open access journal in thefield of library and information science. He served as PACS-L Moderator untilNovember 1991 and as Editor-in-Chief of The Public-Access ComputerSystems Review until the end of 1996.

In 1990, Baileyand Dana Rooks established Public-AccessComputer Systems News, an electronic newsletter, and Baileyco-edited this publication until 1992.

In 1992, hefounded the PACS-P mailinglist for announcing the publication of selected e-serials, and he moderatedthis list until 2007.

In 1996, heestablished the ScholarlyElectronic Publishing Bibliography (SEPB), an openaccess book that has been updated 80 times.

In 2001, he addedthe ScholarlyElectronic Publishing Weblog, which announces relevant newpublications, to SEPB.

In 2001, he wasselected as a team member of Current Cites, and hehas subsequently been a frequentcontributor of reviews to this monthly e-serial.

In 2005, hepublished the Open AccessBibliography: Liberating Scholarly Literature with E-prints and Open AccessJournals with the Association of Research Libraries (also a website).

In 2005, Baileyestablished Digital Scholarship (http://digital-scholarship.org/),which provides information and commentary about digital copyright, digitalcuration, digital repositories, open access, scholarly communication, and otherdigital information issues. Digital Scholarship's digital publications are openaccess. Publications are under versions of the Creative CommonsAttribution-Noncommercial License.

He alsoestablished DigitalKoans,a weblog that covers the same topics as Digital Scholarship.

From April 2005through August 2013, Digital Scholarship had over 12.5 million visitors from229 counties and over 60.9 million file requests, including over 42.9 millionpage views.

From February 2005through August 2013, Bailey published the following books and book supplements:the ScholarlyElectronic Publishing Bibliography: 2008 Annual Edition (2009), DigitalScholarship 2009 (2010),TransformingScholarly Publishing through Open Access: A Bibliography (2010),the ScholarlyElectronic Publishing Bibliography 2010 (2011), the Digital Curationand Preservation Bibliography 2010 (2011), theInstitutionalRepository and ETD Bibliography 2011 (2011), the Digital Curation Bibliography:Preservation and Stewardship of Scholarly Works (2012), andthe Digital CurationBibliography: Preservation and Stewardship of Scholarly Works, 2012 Supplement (2013).

During thisperiod, Bailey also published and updated the following bibliographies andwebliographies as websites with links to freely available works: the Scholarly ElectronicPublishing Bibliography (1996-2011), theElectronic Theses and DissertationsBibliography (2005-2012), the GoogleBooks Bibliography (2005-2011), the Institutional Repository Bibliography (2009-2011),the Open AccessJournals Bibliography (2010), theDigital Curationand Preservation Bibliography (2010-2011), the E-science and Academic LibrariesBibliography (2011), the Digital Curation Resource Guide (2012),and the Research DataCuration Bibliography(2012-2013).

For more details,see the "DigitalScholarship Publications Overview."

In 2010, Baileywas given a Best Content byan Individual Award by The Charleston Advisor.In 2003, he was named as one of Library Journal's "Movers& Shakers." In 1993, he was awarded the first LITA/Library HiTech Award For Outstanding Communication for Continuing Education in Libraryand Information Science.

In 1973, Baileywon a Wallace StevensPoetry Award. He is the author of The Cave ofHypnos: Early Poems, which includes several poems that won thataward.

Bailey has writtenover 30 papers about digital copyright, expert systems, institutionalrepositories, open access, scholarly communication, and other topics. See the"SelectedPublications of Charles W. Bailey, Jr." for a more completedescription of his publications.

He has served onthe editorial boards of Information Technology and Libraries, LibrarySoftware Review, and Reference Services Review.

Bailey usesPhotoshop and other digital image manipulation programs to create digital art,and he makes it available at his Flickr photostream and Flickr RSS feed.

He holds master'sdegrees in information and library science and instructional media and technology.

His e-mail addressis digitalscholarship at gmail.com.


Digital Scholarship > AltmetricsBibliography

Copyright © 2013by Charles W. Bailey, Jr.

This work is licensed under a Creative CommonsAttribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.



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