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已有 5193 次阅读 2014-6-6 14:40 |个人分类:|系统分类:观点评述


不想俺的two cents犯忌了。虽然博文没有被拿下,但是被关了禁闭。同时遭罪的还有LL的相关博文。于是,俺的结论是“CAS是科学网的禁区”。


Manchester Manifesto

On the occasion of the largest global meeting of historians of science, technology, and medicine we, the officers and members of the Division of the History of Science and Technology of the International Union of the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology affirm the following:

(1) Science, technology, and medicine have been abiding features of humanity for millennia and are integral parts of society and culture throughout the globe.

(2) Scientific, technical, and medical literacy is a public good.

(3) We support the study of nature and strive to render it comprehensible to the scientific community and to the wider public through conscientious scholarship and public outreach activities in the human familys many languages.

(4) Historical scholarship on science, technology, and medicine should seek a full and nuanced accounting of the growth, progress, problems, and prospects of these essential human activities. This supports awareness that science, technology and medicine, when rightly prosecuted, are a public good.

(5) Historians of science, technology, and medicine can build bridges between different cultures through collaboration and examination of different perspectives, heritages, and styles of thinking.

(6) An understanding of the history of science, technology, and medicine enhances the teaching of general history as well as the teaching of the methods and context of science, technology, and medicine.  

(7) The artifacts of science, technology, and medicine constitute an essential material heritage of humankind. These materials must be preserved, interpreted, and further developed by professionals with a deep knowledge of their cultural significance.

Therefore, in the interests of global betterment and putting knowledge to work, the united participants of the 24th International Congress of History of Science, Technology, and Medicine held at Manchester, UK, in July 2013 declare:

1. The history of science, technology, and medicine should be supported and financed regularly and continuously by state and private institutions to ensure that younger generations are familiar with their scientific, technological, and medical heritage as interpreted by appropriately-trained historians.

2. The history of science, technology, and medicine merits prominent integration into the curricula of high schools, colleges, and universities.  Local and national practices should guide this integration.




(1)  科学、技术和医学是数千年来持久不变的人文特征,是全球社会与文化不可分割的部分。

(2)  科学、技术与医学素养是一种公益。

(3)  我们支持对自然的研究,并采用各种语言对其认真研究、开展公益普及活动,努力使之能为科学界及广大社会所理解。

(4)  科学、技术和医学是人类十分重要的活动,其历史研究要追求对其生长、发展、问题和前景有一个全面而细致的叙述。这样才能促使我们意识到:科学、技术和医学,当其正确地进行时,是一种公益。  

(5)  通过合作,通过研究不同的视角、不同的传统和不同的思维方式,科学、技术和医学史家能够建立沟通不同文化的桥梁。

(6)  对科学、技术和医学史的理解,既有利于促进科学、技术和医学的方法与语境教育,又有利于通史教育。

(7)  科学、技术和医学的产物,是人类物质遗产的重要方面。这些产物必须由对其文化价值有充分认识的专家对其进行保护、解释并进一步发展。


   1. 国家与私人机构应该经常不断地支持并资助科学、技术和医学史研究,确保后代如训练有素的历史学家们所解释的那样,对他们继承的科学技术和医学遗产有所了解。 

   2. 科学技术和医学史理应大量整合到中学、学院和大学课程之中。地方和国家应因地制宜,进行这种整合。 



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