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已有 11467 次阅读 2014-6-5 15:28 |个人分类:SCI论文|系统分类:观点评述


时至今日,国人对SCI和影响因子(Impact Factor)的看法已出现巨大差异:有奉若神灵无条件接受者,有嗤之以鼻破口大骂者,也有和我一样的有条件接受者。我以为SCI是一部好经,原本可以度人度物,结果被念歪了,有时变成了紧箍咒!招致了不满和批评!





在美国和加拿大,晋升以及工资都有赖于研究人员论文的发表情况。美国专家还认为,基金评委也应用这种定量的文献计量学工具(即SCI影响因子),因为它提供了一个客观的、可行的方法评价基金申请者的研究成果。著名的加州大学旧金山分校(UCSF)也非常看重影响因子的评价功能。2013旧金山宣言(San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment)提倡不再使用影响因子作为评价个人学术贡献的工具(说明以前在使用)。

1Incentives for faculty to publish have a longhistory in the United States and Canada. Promotion and tenure, as well ascompensation, depend to a considerable extent on a faculty member's publicationrecord [1].

2quantitativebibliometric tools seem to offer an objective, measurable way to ascertainresearcher performance[2].

3According to Blake Gurfein in University of California, San Francisco, “my institution(UCSF) also emphasizes the JCR impact factor.

4IF for academicappointments and funding is more important in Europe than in North America.More than 50% of anesthesiologists agree that IF needs to be improved[3].

5The San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessmentpublished in 2013 advises that we should no longer use "journal-basedmetrics, such as journal impact factors, as a surrogate measure of the qualityof individual research articles, to assess an individual scientist’s contributions,or in hiring, promotion or funding decisions." (See attachment).)[4].


巴西建立了基于个人SCI论文平均影响因子的““Qualis” scale”量表,用于评价本国学生和教职员工。

Brazil has established a“Qualis” scale based on the average impact factor of their publications, whichis used to grade students and faculty[6].


四大医学期刊BMJ的执行主编说,英国和其他地方的大学都用影响因子来确定基金的分配。英国早在1986年就率先采取用SCI文章的影响因子来评价研究水平,并将其作为职称晋升的指标。有一位英国医学院的院长在私人场合要求其手下不要向影响因子小于7的期刊投稿。英国2008年的Research Assessment Exercise (RAE)完全受影响因子主导。

1Inthe UK (and elsewhere) university funding is awarded on the basis of impactfactors (research assessment exercise)Kamran Abbasi Acting editor of BMJ.

2When the impact factor was introduced into theUK research assessment exercise (which compares the quality of research indifferent universities), one medical school dean wrote to all academicsinstructing them not to submit papers to any publication with an impact factorof less than seven (personal communication)[7].

2He reveals that in the UK, some universityadministrators multiply the number of articles by the IF of the journal, anduse this as a criterion for promotion. He also reports that administrators ofthe Institute of Nuclear Physics at UniversityCollege, London asked that IF for each academic staffmember be reported. Eston (2004) observes that although the United Kingdom's(UK) Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) of 2008 would be guided by IF alone, IFwould unlikely be used to assess the quality of research[8].



1Germany and Spainmade reforms in the mechanisms that regulate access to university careers,promotion, and salary, linking them more tightly to international publications.In Germany, reforms were made that allow universities to link salaries toresearch performance[9].

2In Germany, Abbasi (2004) explains that “theChief specialist is one notch below God or one notch above, with junior staffpromoted on a whim or shunted to a deadend post in a flash of irritation.”[8]

3The Association of the Scientific MedicalSocieties in Germany (AWMF) also uses its recommendations to evaluatescientific achievement on the basis of the IF[10].



In Spain, the same practice obtains as in the UK (Abbasi2004)[8].Spainmade reforms in the mechanisms that regulate access to university careers,promotion, and salary, linking them more tightly to international publications.In Spain, a national agency was put in place to assess the performance of youngrecruits and to decide tenure and promotions[9].



Norway, Belgium, Denmark, and Italy startedsimilar policies during the past decade for allocating a share of the budget[9].



In Italy, IF is advocated as a means to remedy“purported subjectivity and bias in appointments to higher academic positions.”[8]



Turkey introduced in 2008 anational agency that collects publication data and, for each article, pays acash bonus equivalent to ~7.5%of the average faculty salary[9].



Australia and New Zealand drew on the RAE toput in place policy reforms for funding academic institutions wherebybetter-performing institutions receive more funding than lower-performing onesand, thus, have more resources to compete in the job market for scientists[9].



1In Japan people walk around boasting oftheir own individual impact factorKamran Abbasi Acting editor of BMJ.

2In Japan, theimpact factor is quite important. Your status in the field is dependent on howmany reports you have published in high impact factor journals. Moreover, incases when the journal is not listed on PubMed, the journal is looked downupon. (Japanese scientist interviewed by Roland, Frass, and Bernhard, 2002)[12]

3In Japan,promotion is aided by applicants listing journal IF beside the references intheir citation list. It has been observed that IF is hindering advancement inJapan'sacademia for good clinicians with little basic science research experience(Abbasi 2004). Appointment committees at their universities are often heavilyinfluenced by journal IF (Cameron 2005) [8].

4This year animpact factor has been assigned to the official English journal of the JapanSociety of Ultrasonics in Medicine. We are delighted that our journal can beinternationally recognized as important one in this academic field[13].


早在2002年,印度学者Bachhawat就提出了“影响因子综合征”这一概念, “Impact Factor Syndrome”. 印度的研究人员如果在Science or Nature上发文,就会得到奖金或加薪。

In some developing countries, publishing in top-tier journalshas extra appeal; researchers in China and India sometimes receive bonuses orsalary increases when they get papers into Science or Nature[5].


韩国政府2006年规定:以第一和通讯作者的身份在重要期刊上发表论文能得到3000, 000韩元(约2800美元)。

SouthKorea would be rewarding researchers $3,000 for publishing papers in 'elite'journals [9].



In Singapore, medical school deans and administratorshave adopted IF as a measure of quality of the academic efforts of individualsfaculty and the academic productivity of medical school departments, althoughthere are already serious questions about the validity of the use of IF forthese purposes (Rogers 2003)[8].



In Pakistan scientists can receive between $1,000 and$20,000 on the basis of their annual cumulative impact factors[14].



According to Munvar Shaik in University of ScienceMalaysia,“Why the scientific community is so crazy about Impact Factors (IF)? Thegrants, the scientific jobs everything now rely on IF”, he said in ResearchGate[15].


[1]P. E.Stephan, S. G. Levin. Careerstage, benchmarking and collective research. International Journal of TechnologyManagement, 2001, 22(7): 676-687.

[2]R.Iyengar, Y. Wang, J. Chow, D. S. Charney. Anintegrated approach to evaluate faculty membersresearch performance. AcademicMedicine, 2009, 84(11): 1610-1616.

[3]A.Fassoulaki, C. Sarantopoulos, K. Papilas, K. Patris, A. Melemeni. Academic anesthesiologists viewson the importance of the impact factor of scientific journals: a North Americanand European survey. Canadianjournal of anaesthesia, 2001, 48(10): 953-957.

[4]Problemsassociated with using the impact factor?http://www.researchgate.net/topic/altmetrics?ev=tp_pst_dtl_xkey, 2013.

[5]Sciencepublishing: The golden club. NATURE, 2013:

[6]R. C.Ferreira, F. Antoneli, M. R. Briones. Thehidden factors in impact factors: a perspective from Brazilian science. Frontiers in genetics, 2013, 4.

[7]A.Jackson. Theimpact factor game: the rising impact factor of the British Journal ofRadiology–a success story?2014.

[8]M. O.Okoye. The Useof Impact Factor in the Appraisal of Academic Librarians in Nigeria. Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal), 2010: 351.

[9]C.Franzoni, G. Scellato, P. Stephan.Changingincentives to publish. scienceand engineering, 2011, 5: 6.

[10]E.Frömter, E. Brähler, U. Langenbeck, N. Meenen, K. Usadel. The AWMF model for the evaluation ofpublished research papers in medicine. Arbeitsgemeinschaft derwissenschaftlichen medizinischen Fachgesellschaften (Working Group of theScientific Medical Specialty Societies). Deutschemedizinische Wochenschrift (1946), 1999, 124(30): 910.

[11]A.Casadevall, F. C. Fang. Causesfor the Persistence of Impact Factor Mania.mBio, 2014, 5(2): e00064-00014.

[12]Debates: ImpactFactors. http://www.firstauthor.org/Downloads/Impact_Factors.pdf:

[13]Y.Fujii. Assignmentof an impact factor to our journal. Journalof Medical Ultrasonics, 2010, 37(2): 39-39.

[14]V.Kumar, S. Upadhyay, B. Medhi. Impactof the impact factor in biomedical research: its use and misuse. Singapore Med J, 2009, 50(8): 752-755.

[15]What are yourviews on Impact Factor as a metric of journal quality?http://www.researchgate.net/post/What_are_your_views_on_Impact_Factor_as_a_metric_of_journal_quality2, 2012.





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