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已有 4223 次阅读 2014-4-29 11:06 |个人分类:学海拾贝|系统分类:科普集锦| 领导力, 职业生涯, 图书馆馆长

本文编译自:Steven Bell.Seeing Your Future Self: Do You See a Library Director? | Leading From the Library.http://lj.libraryjournal.com/2014/04/opinion/leading-from-the-library/seeing-your-future-self-do-you-see-a-library-director-leading-from-the-library/ April 23, 2014

   Steven Bell先生是2012-2013年度美国大学与研究图书馆协会(ACRL)理事长,有着34年图书馆工作经历,其中25年担任高校图书馆领导。美国《图书馆杂志》2014年4月23日刊发了Steven Bell的《看到自己的未来:你会是图书馆馆长吗?》(Seeing Your Future Self: Do You See a Library Director?)。本文予以摘编。
  (1)不懈学习(Endless Learning)。大学校长必须判断他或她是否做好升迁到更高行政地位的准备。如果你喜欢或相信你擅长讲话开始活动、主持颁奖仪式或接待来访贵宾,那么你可能做好升迁至馆长的准备。(If you enjoy or believe you would excel at giving remarks to start events, presiding at awards ceremonies, or meeting with visiting dignitaries, then you may be ready to move to a dean or directorship.)
  (2)你有什么需要?(Do You Have What it Takes?)未任馆长前,先谋馆长事。无法事先获得所需技能,需要持续的学习过程。如果你伴随着这样一种愿望,你希望你的图书馆愿景如愿以偿,但在你当前的位置无法实现,那么你可能做好升迁的心理准备。( If that’s accompanied by a feeling that the changes you want to make happen, the vision you have for what a library can be, have no chance to materialize where you are now—then you are probably in the right mental state to make the jump.)
  (3)何以见得?(How Do You Know?)作为一个有馆长潜质的人,需要保持头脑冷静,超前思考,踏实行事,以便抓住机遇。
  (4)关注无形资产(Focus on the Intangibles)。风物长宜放眼量。如果你能简明阐述图书馆的愿景,并且能对员工、同事和外部合作伙伴产生影响和共鸣,那么你能找到合适的位置,是时候了。千万不要浪费机会!( If you are able to concisely articulate your library vision, and if it resonates with and influences staff, colleagues, and external partners—and you can find the right place —now may be your time. Don’t squander the opportunity.)


附Steven Bell简介
Accomplished library professional with 34 years of experience, 25 in academic library administration.
Proven leader and manager capable of directing an academic research library, and skilled at maximizing human and material resources in the delivery of dynamic, innovative, faculty and student-centered research and learning services.
Dedicated to integrating library services and resources into the teaching and learning process.
President, Association of College & Research Libraries, 2012-2013.
Profiled as a "Mover & Shaker" in Library Journal’s first "Movers & Shakers" issue, 2002.
Author of the weekly "From the Bell Tower" column for Library Journal Academic Newswire.
Strong commitment to public service, publishing, public speaking, and professional development as a subject matter expert on higher education and academic library services.



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