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已有 3850 次阅读 2014-4-9 16:32 |个人分类:《中国科学》论文|系统分类:论文交流| 水科学专题

最新上线的《中国科学:物理学力学天文学》英文版SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy2014年第5期发表了科学与技术前沿论坛-水科学专题,内容如下: 

Special Topic on WaterScience

SCIENCE CHINA Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy 2014, Volume 57, Issue 5




Cover    The Forum on Frontiers of Science & Technology held on June 4–5, 2013, organized by the Mathematics & Physics Academic Division of Chinese Academy of Sciences, is devoted to the topic of water science. In this special issue we publish five review articles drawn from the reports on this occasion, which deal with problems such as wetting phenomenon, liquid-liquid phase transition in water, quantum confinement effect, water splitting on the facets of nanocrystals, water transport, wettability manipulation, and so on. The background of this cover image is a water drop impacting on water surface.

Theenormous abundance of water on Earth and its pivotal significance to our lifeare well known, but the many anomalies of such a matter of very simplecomposition, and the difficulties for scientists to access them, however, arenot fully recognized. In fact, rarely any result over the understanding of aproperty of water is free of debate.

Water science is atraditional multidisciplinary research topic. In recent years, various workinggroups from the institutes of Chinese Academy of Sciences and some universitiesof China have devoted their efforts toward this intriguing and challengingenterprise, and now they all begin to gain some authority in the internationalcircle of water science. In this special topic we publish five review articles,all of which are based on the results of the corresponding research groups. Thearticle contributed by Prof. FANG HaiPing and his coworkers reviews some ofrecent advances in the atom-level pictures of interfacial water which exhibitsan ordered character on various solid surfaces at room temperature or cryogenictemperature. Special focus is devoted to the wetting phenomenon of “orderedwater monolayer that does not completely wet water” and the underlyingmechanism. Prof. XU LiMei et al. present the experimental and theoretical progresses on the study of the liquid-liquid phase transition in water, includingdiscussion on the first-order liquid-liquid phase transition in supercooledwater and the detection of liquid-liquid critical point. In the articleauthored by Prof. WU XingLong and his coworkers, the quantumconfinement effect and the stability of 3C-SiC nanocrystals in aqueous solution are discussed, aiming at a more efficientsplitting of water. The physicalproperties and the transport of confined bulk water are the long-term concernfor the work group ofProf. WEN WeiJia, and the investigationover this topic is scrutinized with regard to understanding water transport inplant and groundwater extraction. A brief review by Prof. JIANG Lei et al. covers the recent progressin wettability manipulation in nanoconfined environment, water transportationthrough biological and artificial nanochannels, and the wettability control ofsmart nanofluidic gating systems.

It is our greatpleasure to have served as the guest editors of this special topic, and we arevery grateful to all the authors who have contributed to both theaccomplishment of relevant researches and the compiling of the review articles.We expect more marvelous works on water science to appear in China, and we arealso looking forward to the editing of a voluminous special issue over waterscience in the near future.


CAO ZeXian &YANG GuoZhen

Guest Editors,

Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences



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