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InterPSS Development tutorial (InterPSS使用/开发教程)

已有 7406 次阅读 2014-3-28 01:05 |个人分类:InterPSS|系统分类:科研笔记| InterPSS, 开发教程

一直想将自己这些年对InterPSS这一新的、开放式的电力系统仿真平台的理解和使用、开发经验传递到更多对InterPSS感兴趣的朋友、同行。去年寒假开始断断续续地写了一些教程,现在基本内容和框架已经有了,先公开给大家,以后InterPSS团队也会不定期补充和更新。 Please stay tuned! 欢迎大家使用InterPSS并给我们反馈。


InterPSS Development tutorial  on Google Drive


InterPSS Group @Linkedin



Chapter 1. Setting up the InterPSS Development Environment

       1.1  Import InterPSS library projects

       1.1.1 Library repository as a zip file

       1.1.2 Clone Library project repository via Egit

       1. 2   Run sample load flow test case

Chapter 2.  An introduction to the power system basic models in InterPSS

       2.1. Overview of  power system modeling in InterPSS

       2.2. Inheritance and class hierarchy structure

       2.3  Three basic types of power system models

       2.3.1 Network object

       2.3.2 Bus

       2.3.3 Branch

       2.4. Getting and setting the data of an object

       2.4.1 Network

       2.4.2 Bus

       2.3.3 Branch

       2.4 Example

Chapter 3. Power system load flow analysis

       Introduction to power system load flow

       3.1 Data required for load flow analysis

       3.1.1 System/network data

       3.1.2 Bus data

       3.1.3 Branch data

       3.2.  Supported power system models

       3.3.  Solution methods and internal sparse matrix data structure

       3.3.1 Newton-Raphson

       3.3.2 Fast Decoupled

       3.3.3 DC load flow

       3.4   Adjustment during load flow

       3.5  Configuration of load flow algorithm

       3.6   Example

       3.6.1 Run load flow and output result

       3.6.2 Customize NR load flow

Chapter 4. Short circuit analysis

       Introduction to short circuit analysis

       4.1 Power system sequence data

       4.2  Bus based simple short circuit

       4.3  Branch based simple short circuit

       4.4 Short circuit analysis in InterPSS

       4.4.1 Create ACSC network

       4.4.2 Define a fault

       4.4.3 Calculate short circuit

       4.4.4 Obtain results

       4.5 Example

       4.5.1   Build a system for short circuit analysis

       4.5.2   Short circuit analysis with load flow and sequence data

Chapter 5. Transient stability simulation

       5.1 Introduction to transient stability simulation

       5.2 Dynamic models

       5.3  Numerical Solution

       5.4 Simulation procedure

       5.6 Data check and autocorrection

       5.7 Example

Chapter 6.  Power system optimization through integrating InterPSS with GAMS


上一篇:What is reactive power ?(如何定义/解释无功功率)
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