【网站简介】 下设催化原理 、催化剂设计 、催化实验技术 、催化工业应用 和催化考试子板块
【网站简介】“中国催化剂信息咨询网”(简称“中催网”)是国内唯一一家全面报导全球催化剂产品、生产、使用、技术、市场等信息的综合性网站。网站由中国氮肥工业协会 与南化集团研究院共同主办,由多位长期在催化领域从事研究的专家作顾问,并汇集了各专业优秀的人才,为“中催网”提供了可靠的技术支持。“中催网”运用现代化通讯网络技术,及时报道国内外最新催化动态,发布前沿催化科技信息,为企业提供网上咨询、中介服务。网站信息涵盖面广、专业性强,内容涉及到化工催化剂及与催化剂相关的上下游产品,并逐步拓宽到石油炼制、石油化工及环保等领域。“中催网”聚焦于国内催化企业,它将提供一个全方位的展示企业形象及产品性能的舞台,从而为催化剂研发、生产、使用、回收等单位创造发展的契机;充分利用 信息平台,进行国际间技术交流与合作,推动国内的催化剂行业发展,使中国的催化工业走向世界,并与世界同行。
【网站简介】网站定位于: 为制造、经销、代理等催化剂行业厂商宣传企业形象、展示产品信息 为该领域的企业提供更多、更快、更广的商业机会 为制催化剂生产厂家和用户单位提供全面了解催化剂行情的网上市场。网站内容丰富,信息量大,能满足不同客户的具体需求。
【网站简介】商业网站,公司除了大规模合成金属有机均相 催化剂外,目前已形成数个系列,数十个品种的钯碳(Pd/C)、铂碳(Pt/C)等载体类催化剂,铝镍合金粉、雷尼镍催化剂,顺铂、卡铂、奥沙利铂等抗肿 瘤医药中间体贵金属无机化合物。在医药、农药、精细化工、石油化工、环保及电镀行业得到广泛的应用。公司通过与客户的密切合作,能够根据客户提出的特殊规 范进行新型催化剂及化合物的研究开发和生产,同时对客户信息执行严格的保密措施。凯大的核心竞争力在于:“以人为本,技术为先”。设有凯大论坛,有部分催化技术文章
【网站名称】Enrique Iglesia
【网站简介】Enrique Iglesia is Chancellor's Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of California at Berkeley and a Faculty Scientist in the E.O. Lawrence
His recent awards include the 2006 Robert Burwell Lectureship Award of the North American Catalysis Society, the 2005 George A. Olah Award in Hydrocarbon Chemistry of the American Chemical Society, the 2004 Award for Excellence in Natural Gas Conversion, the 2004 Wilhelm Manchot Chemistry Prize of the Technical University of Munich, the 2003 Robert H. Wilhelm Award in Chemical Reaction Engineering of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, and the 1997 Paul H. Emmett Award in Fundamental Catalysis of the Catalysis Society. His teaching awards include the 2005 Donald Sterling Noyce Prize for Undergraduate Teaching, the highest recognition for teaching in the physical sciences at Berkeley, the 1998 Best Teacher Award of the Berkeley Chapter of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, and the 1996 Award for Excellence in Academic Teaching of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers. In 2005, he was selected as the V.N. Ipatieff Lecturer at
【网站名称】美国加州理工学院:Robert H. Grubbs教授的研究小组
【网站简介】主要研究烯烃复分解反应。1992年Robert Grubbs发现了钌卡宾络合物,并成功应用于降冰片烯的开环聚台反应,克服了其他催化剂对功能基团容许范围小的缺点,该催化剂不但对空气稳定,甚至在 水、醇或酸的存在下,仍然可以保持催化活性。在此基础上,于1996年Grubbs对原催化剂作了改进,该催化剂不但具有比原催化剂更高的活性和相似的稳 定性,而且更容易合成,成为应用最为广泛的烯烃复分解催化剂。2003 Tetrahedron Prize由Robert H. Grubbs和Dieter Seebach分享。
【网站简介】邹志刚,男,1955年3月生,教育部“长江学者奖励计划”特聘教授。1996年获日本东京大学理学博士学位。现为南京大学环境材料与再生能源研究中心主任,博士生导师,兼任日本国家材料研究所(NIMS)客座研究员。长期从事材料物理化学和光催化材料的研究,在Nature、Phys. Rev. Lett.和Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.等杂志上发表论文130余篇,申请专利10多项。
【网站简介】催化基础国家重点实验室于1984年由国家计委批准筹建,1987年底建成,1987年12月通过国家验收并正式对外开放。现任实验室主任是中国科学院院士李灿研究员;现任学术委员会主任是法国巴黎第六大学 Michel Che 教授,中国科学院院士林励吾研究员任学术委员会名誉主任,学术委员会由催化学界著名专家18人组成。
l 固体酸催化剂
l 氧化催化剂
l 加氢和脱氢催化剂
l 环境保护催化剂
l 精细化工催化剂
l 反应分离一体化技术—无机膜催化反应器
【网站简介】浙江大催化研究所(原杭州大学催化研究所)创建于70年代,先后在金松寿和郑小明带领和全体教职工和学生 的努力下,经过二十几年的持续发展,已成为硬件设施先进,梯队结构合理、研究方向明确、研究成果突出的研究所。1992年2月创建了浙江省应用化学重点研 究实验室,1994年2月被省政府批准对外开放。 主要研究内容:
碳一化学研究重点是以甲烷、合成气和二氧化碳转化为主的有关催化剂和催化过程的应用基础研究和开发研制,绿色民用和车用燃料的添加剂和氟利昂完全替代品的 开发研究。环境保护催化剂的研究开发,重点是工厂有害废气、机动车排放废气、宾馆和饭店排放油烟废气和室内空气的净化催化剂与反应装置的研制开发。生物体 系中复杂分子的识别与相互作用力的研究。多相、均相催化反应动力学和表面化学研究。精细化学材料,特别是纳米催化剂和均相配位催化剂的制备、表征及其在医 药农药等的绿色合成的工艺中的应用研究。
【网站名称】吉林大学 无机国家重点实验室
【网站简介】无机合成与制备化学国家重点实验室位于吉林大学前卫校区南区,建立于2001年,其前身无机水热合成实验室是教育部重 点实验室,于1993年正式对外开放。中科院院士
【网站简介】固体表面物理化学国家重点实验室(厦门大学)于1986年通过论证,1987年获准建设,1990年建成验收,向国内外开放。实验室的首届室主任为田昭 武院士,学术委员会主任为蔡启瑞院士。实验室领导班子和学术委员会于1996年进行了换届,实验室主任为万惠霖院士,学术委员会主任为张乾二院士。现任实 验室主任由田中群院士担任,学术委员会主任由万惠霖院士担任。实验室以固体表面、固/气和固/液界面的结构与功能为主要研究对象,在催化化学、电化学、结构与量子化学及相关学科交叉融合的基础上,着重从原子、分子水平和纳米尺度上,研究表面和界面的结构与反应机理,设计和合成有关催化剂和电极材料以及纳米结构体系。
【网站名称】北京大学 绿色催化实验室
【网站简介】绿色化工与应用催化研究室研究和解决国家和企业急需的资源综合利用、无污染化工过程、高附加值化工产品及其相关领域中的战 略性、综合性和前瞻性的重大科学和技术问题,重点发展二氧化碳的综合利用、油品(包括石油油品和煤焦油油品)的绿色加工、高附加值的精细化工、新型聚氨酯 材料和纳米材料的知识创新和高技术产业链。
【网站简介】中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所始建于1958年。 经过40多年的发展,现已成为具有持续科技创新与发展能力,特色鲜明的国家“西部资源化学与新材料高新技术创新研究基地”。 建所以来,为国家经济建设,特别是我国石油化工和“两弹一星”做出了重大贡献。在实施知识创新工程中,形成了资源化学、新材料和化学生物学三大学科领域。 拥有羰基合成与选择氧化国家重点实验室、固体润滑国家重点实验室、精细石油化工中间体国家工程中心和甘肃省天然药物重点实验室等重要的科学研究平台。兰州 化学物理研究所是国家首批批准有权授予研究生学位的单位之一,是中国科学院博士生重点培养基地,是物理化学、分析化学和材料学博士学位和物理化学、分析化 学、有机化学、材料学、工业催化硕士学位授予单位。
【网站简介】绿色化学研究发展中心(Center for Green Chemistry and Catalysis) 是一个以催化研究为基础的创新性研究中心,下属两个研究课题组:(一)、绿色化学与催化课题组:1.进行新型催化剂的研制;2.新的典型绿色反应介质―― 离子液体的制备和性能研究和应用;3.非光气过程合成1,6-己二胺基异氰酸酯,以实现化学化工过程的绿色化和可持续发展化;4.纳米金催化剂的制备、表 征和应用;5.电化学应用研究。(二)、精细石油化工催化课题组:1.研制开发除氢、脱氧、氧化、加氢、胺化等方面的催化剂;2.气体净化用钯 - 铂贵金属催化剂,进行气体净化、精细化工中间体合成、环境催化方面的研究。3.逐步形成以贵金属和金属氧化物催化剂为核心技术的产品体系,进一步优化产品结构和提高产品的市场适应力。
【网站简介】羰基合成与选择氧化国家重点实验室(简称:OSSO重点实验室、OSSO State Key Lab.)系利用世界银行贷款建设的国家重点学科发展子项目。实验室主要以西部资源(油气、矿产、生物)的优化与综合利用为背景,以羰基合成和选择氧化催化过程为主要手段,瞄准世界前沿,重视学科交叉,通过化学催化与生物催化、表面催化与界面催化、多相催化与均相催化之间的相关研究,开展以精细化学品和新材料的环境友好催化合成为目标的催化科学与技术领域的前瞻性应 用基础和战略性高新技术研究。实验室研究领域:(1)均相络合催化;(2)生物酶催化化学;(3)低碳烃多相选择氧化;(4)环境催化与清洁转化工艺;(5)精细化工催化及耦合技术。
l 有机光电材料与器件
l 超分子组装与薄膜
l 催化新材料与催化反应化学
l 光敏材料及光物理化学
l 电池材料与电物理化学
l 理论与计算化学
【网站名称】南京大学 环境材料与再生能源研究中心
【网站简介】南京大学 环境材料与再生能源研究中心 ( Eco-Materials and Renewable Energy Research Center )于 2003年5月正式成立,中心以长江学者奖励计划特聘教授 邹志刚 博士为学科带头人,得到了南京大学的重点支持, 2003 年首期投入经费 550 万元。研究中心目前主要沿着五个方向开展研究:(1)开发利用具有可见光响应的新型光催化材料,直接由太阳能分解水生产氢气。(2)开发利用具有可见光响应的新 型光催化材料,直接利用太阳能分解有毒有害气体液体的物质,净化环境。(3)开发新型、高效、低成本的可见光响应型太阳能电池。(4)开发低温低压质子交换膜燃料电池。(5)特殊功能材料的研究开发。
【网站简介】精细化工国家重点实验室是国家计划委员会利用世界银行贷款,以大连理工大学精细化工国家重点学科为基础建立起来的。实验室批准建设日期为1989年6月 16日计科技函[1989]32号,1991年开始建设,
【网站简介】在上海市科委及学校的支持下,2003年10月上海市正式批准成立了绿色化学与化工过程绿色化上海市重点实验室。本实验室以原离子液体化学研究中心为主体,集中力量开展绿色化学基础研究和应用开发,实现产-学-研一体化,为上海市未来的“化工生态园”提供产品和技术平台。重点实验室以“原子经济性”为核 心,开发绿色化学反应和合成路线,研制新的高效绿色催化剂及其它绿色功能材料,为从源头上消除污染提供理论和实验基础。在上述研究基础上,针对化工过程中 的环境与资源问题,并与上海市高桥石化,上海石化等上海有关化工单位紧密合作,开展绿色化学应用研究,开发绿色化工工艺和技术,实现化工过程绿色化,真正 从源头上消除污染,为在上海乃至全国化学工业的可持续发展做出应有的贡献。
【网站简介】FLOTU(Fluidization Laboratory of Tsinghua University)是清华大学化工系反应工程 实验室的简称,得名于其为流态化工程和科学研究领域所做出的贡献。在过去的近20年研究中,以金涌院士为首的FLOTU研究小组已经成为世界上重要的流态 化科研基地和工程开发中心;同时也是国内外著名的反应工程教学及研究中心。为了促进学科发展,“粉体工程”、“绿色化工工程与工艺”等新学科相继得以引入 和发展,形成了工程研究与工艺研究相结合的新局面。
l 气固流态化反应
1. 密相气固流体力学行为(提升管、下行床和湍床)
2. 催化裂解过程:FCC/DCC重油催化裂解, 下行床甲醇/二甲醚合成烯烃, 生物质裂解
3. 纳米聚团流化
4. 纳米聚团反应器中大规模制备碳纳米管
5. CFD数学模拟
6. 新型多相流测量方法:PDA, PIV, X-ray, 磷光示踪
7. 多相反应:丙烯腈,胺
8. PVC 切向流干燥与工业规模重力混仓过程
9. 流化床反应器的放大与工程设计
l 催化反应工程与工艺
研究领域主要集中在环境友好的催化反应工程与工艺。 研究目标是寻求与发展根本的化学以及工程原理用以设计新型以及高效的反应器以及反应过程。主要研究项目包括:
1. 合成气一步法浆态床反应器二甲醚合成
2. 固体酸催化剂CHP分解
3. 固体酸催化剂12烷基苯合成
1. 流化床反应器有机硅合成
2. 连续催化重整径向重整移动床反应器的优化设计
3. 气-液-固循环流化床反应器
4. 自循环浆态床反应器用于清洁燃料合成
5. 气-液-固循环移动床反应器
6. 催化精馏多功能反应器
【网站简介】学工程联合国家重点实验室由萃取分离(清华大学)、精馏分离(天津大学)、固定床反应 工程(华东理工大学)和聚合反应工程(浙江大学)四个分室组成。1987年由国家计委和国家教委批准筹建,1991年建成验收并开放运行。清华大学汪家鼎 教授(科学院院士)为第一任实验室主任,南京化工大学
l 天然气节能造气催化剂及工艺
l 精细化工中间体清洁生产催化剂与工艺
l 新型催化剂等材料的制备技术
l 合成气催化转化技术
l 碳纳米管的制备与应用技术
(2)以一碳化合物为原料合成有机化工产品的应用基础研究:重 点研究甲烷活化及转化技术(甲烷催化部分氧化制甲醇和甲醛,甲烷催化裂解制碳纤维和氢气,甲烷二氧化碳共活化与转化等); 合成气合成技术(CO气相催化偶联,航天用高能燃料二甲基肼的合成,异丁烯合成,羰基合成等):甲醇下游产品(合成碳酸二甲酯、合成醋酸等)的制备技术以 及二氧化碳的化学利用。
(3) 适用于一碳化工超常及新型反应技术和新催化材料:重点研究等离子体反应技术(甲烷、二氧化碳等离子体催化转化,煤等离子制合成气、乙炔、含氧化合物);激光促进表面化学反应技术(激光表面催化甲烷直接氧化合成甲醇,光催化C02和水气相合成甲醇和甲烷);超临界催化反应技术;膜催化臼分离一体化反应技术;催化蒸馏偶合反应技术;生物酶催化反应技术等在一碳化学化工中的应用和相关的新催化、净化材料。
【网站名称】荷兰 Utrecht大学催化组
【网站简介】The research in the Inorganic Chemistry and Catalysis group involves synthesis, characterisation and performance of well-defined solid catalysts and materials. Strongholds are catalyst synthesis techniques and spectroscopy for the study of catalysts under working conditions. The fundamental challenge is to establish the relation between structure and catalytic function on both an atomic and mesoscopic scale.
【网站名称】西班牙 催化和石化研究所
【网站简介】. : Group for Molecular Design of Heterogeneous Catalysts
GCFA .... : Group of Fundamental and Applied Catalysis
ABG ...... : Applied Biocatalysis Group
BEC ...... : Bio-Electrocatalysis Laboratory
GIBB ..... : Grupo of Engineering of Biocatalysts and Biotransformations
XPS ...... : Service of X-Ray Photoelectron Espectroscopy
EAC ...... : Catalyst Structure and Activity Group
【网站简介】The Fluid Catalytic Cracking Network is an on-line community providing information, news and analysis for fluid catalytic cracking professionals. The FCC Network is a result of a collaborative effort between Refining Process Services and their team of innovative corporate sponsors. The goal is to be the definitive source of Fluid Catalytic Cracking information on the internet.
【网站简介】ACS is an association of catalysis societies from 30 countries. The main efforts of IACS are the organisation of ICC(International Congress on Catalysis,), a quadrennial congress on Catalysis and the structuring, support and defence of catalysis as science and technology throughout the world.
The International Congress on Catalysis, Inc., a corporation of
In view of the continuing and growing interest in catalysis, it was agreed to establish an international organization originally called International Congress on Catalysis, but its name has been changed in 1996 to International Association of Catalysis Societies, IACS.
【网站名称】荷兰催化研究学会Dutch Institute for Catalysis Research(NIOK)
【网站简介】Dutch Institute for Catalysis Research(NIOK), which stands for (Dutch Institute for Catalysis Research), is a virtual institute consisting of Dutch University Groups active in all areas of catalysis. It is a nationwide graduate school which fosters the advancement of both higher education and research and stimulates collaboration between scientists of different disciplines and Universities. NIOK acts as the platform and sparring partner for national and international contacts on catalysis with academia, industry and government. It was established in 1991 by the major catalysis groups of seven Dutch Universities. Later, NIOK was recognised by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences (KNAW) and it is supported by an industrial advisory board VIRAN which consists of members from Dutch and multinational industries involved in many aspects of catalytic processes.
【网站名称】面向可持续发展的先进催化技术(ACTS, 荷兰催化技术发展促进组织) Advanced Catalytic Technologies for Sustainability(ACTS, Dutch platform for pre-competitive research in the field of catalysis)
【网站简介】ACTS is the Dutch platform for pre-competitive research in the field of catalysis, in which major parties from industry, academia and government co-operate. It is the mission of ACTS to embody the aspiration of these partners to initiate and support the development of new technological concepts for the sustainable production of materials and energy carriers, essential for the supply of food, comfort, health, shelter and mobility to the inhabitants of tomorrow's world. Through its activities ACTS will contribute to the sustainable economic growth and to the knowledge infrastructure in the
【网站名称】荷兰NRSC-Catalysis:化学设计所控制的催化Catalysis Controlled by Chemical Design:
【网站简介】NRSC-Catalysis has its basis in the Graduate Research School NIOK (Netherlands Institute for Catalysis Research), complemented with scientists from the Holland Research School of Molecular Chemistry (HRSMC) and the Research School for Polymers PTN.
It is one of the six top research schools selected in 1998 by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). And supported financially by the Netherlands Ministry of Education, Culture and Sciences in the Research "In-depth" Strategy. This incentive in the
The interdisciplinary character of the NRSC-Catalysis is rooted in the three thrust areas of homogeneous catalysis, molecular heterogeneous catalysis and functional architectures, all governing integrated aspects, derived from the traditional disciplines organic, inorganic and physical chemistry.
sub-programmes or research topics are defined:
l Catalyst design
l Closing the gap between homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis
l Supramolecular catalysis
l Probing the event, theory and modeling
【网站名称】Eltron Research Inc.(能源、化工加工、环境和催化研究公司)
【网站简介】Eltron Research Inc. is a high technology company dedicated to basic and applied research in energy, chemical processing, environmental, and catalysis technologies. Eltron Research Inc. identifies more efficient strategies for utilization of energy and chemical resources, and provides novel approaches for reducing, controlling and monitoring the environmental impact of these technologies. The company was founded in 1982 and occupies a modern 26,000 square foot research facility in
【网站名称】美国芝加哥大学化学系:Viresh H. Rawal教授的研究小组 (非对称催化与有机合成)
【网站简介】Much of the activity in the research group is directed at discovering new ways to make complex molecules. This includes (a) the design of unique strategies to particular families of structurally-intricate molecules, often possessing useful pharmacological properties, or (b) the invention of new reactions, or the development of useful aspects of known reactions, particularly their asymmetric variants.
They have been actively involved in the development useful synthetic methods. For example, they have developed several methods for aryl-aryl couplings using a novel palladacyclic catalyst. In the area of asymmetric synthesis, they have developed simple, highly-reactive new diene, the chiral version of which allows the synthesis of substituted cyclohexenones with enantiopurities as high as 99:1. They are also actively pursuing the design of new methods for asymmetric synthesis. Finally, they have begun a program aimed at the development of chiral catalysts for asymmetric synthesis.
【网站名称】美国德州A&M大学化学系:Jack H. Lundsford教授的研究小组 (多相催化与表面化学)
【网站简介】Their research is devoted to fundamental studies of catalysts and catalytic reactions that are of technological importance. They are interested in discovering new principles that have broad application in catalysis. An example is the role of surface generated gas phase radicals in catalytic reactions. Speculation concerning the role of such radicals has appeared in the literature for many years; however, only recently have they developed techniques for detecting these radicals and demonstrating that radical reactions constitute a major pathway for the formation of the desired products.
A major focus of the research is the partial oxidation of methane to more useful compounds, such as ethane and methanol. They have made progress in developing catalysts for the conversion of methane to ethane and ethene and in establishing that the oxidative dimerization reaction proceeds through methyl radicals, which couple primarily in the gas phase. Currently, they are attempting to synthesize new catalysts that are more selective in the activation of methane. The introduction of chlorine, for example, has a very positive effect on the yield of ethene. Research is also underway to determine the types of oxygen ions that are capable of activating methane. FTIR, XPS, ESR, and Raman spectroscopies are used in these experiments. A matrix-isolation ESR system is being used to explore the rates of reaction between methyl radicals and metal oxide surfaces. Other surface-generated radicals are detected by laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy.
【网站名称】美国宾夕法尼亚大学化学系:Xumu Zhang(张绪穆)教授的研究小组 (不对称催化)
【网站简介】The central theme of Professor Zhang's research is the development of novel transition metal-based catalysts for enantioselective organic transformations. A growing demand in pharmaceutical industries is to make a chiral drug in enantiomerically pure form. The focus of Zhang's research is to develop a useful chiral toolbox (n ligands) for strategically important asymmetric catalytic reactions (m reactions) by inventing a diverse set of novel chiral ligands and combining them with transition metals as effective enantioselective catalysts. The toolbox approach addresses the fundamental problems in organic stereochemistry and will result in practical methods for the synthesis of chiral pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals.
Novel chiral heterobicyclo[
The first Rh-catalyzed enyne isomerization has been discovered, and highly enantioselective Rh-catalyzed ene reaction has been realized. High throughput methods have been used to explore new transition metal catalyzed reactions and asymmetric catalysis.
n 金属有机化学
n 不对称合成
n 非对称催化
n 分子识别
n 不对称催化合成
n 对映(异构)体
n 高通量化学
n 生物活性化合物
n 仿生化学
【网站名称】荷兰代尔夫特工业大学生物技术系:生物催化与有机化学研究小组 (Roger A. Sheldon)
【网站简介】These goals are pursued via four research topics:
l Application of enzymes in organic synthesis: the development of highly regio- and enantioselective C-C bond formation and hydrolytic reactions in non-natural environments.
l Development of biocatalytic and biomimetic methods for clean and selective oxidations.
l Development of cascade reactions for one-pot, multistep syntheses.
l Application of metal-based homogeneous and heterogeneous catalytic methods, e.g. carbonylation, cyclisation reactions, as alternatives for classical stoichiometric reagents.
n 生物催化
n 酶
n 非对称催化
n 绿色化学
n 氧化催化
n 固定化酶
【网站名称】英国里丁大学: 表面科学与催化里丁研究中心
【网站简介】The research undertaken in the Centre is the application of fundamental science to problems in pure and applied catalysis and surface science. The staff have had long associations with industrial companies across a wide spectrum of chemical, petrochemical, refinery processing, energy conversion, and environmental research. Interests include:
l Novel Carbon Materials
l Carbon Nanotubes and spheroidal carbons (onions)
l Metal nanoparticles
l Solid state chemical sensors
l Electrocatalysis using modified electrode surfaces
l Development of modified electrodes and sensors
l Environmental Catalysis
l Characterisation of adsorbed species on well-defined single crystal surfaces
l Characterisation of the morphology of supported catalysts
l Development and extension of infrared spectroscopy methods
【网站简介】Interdisciplinary Research Center for Catalysis (ICAT) is a center with its own board and leadership. The center ensures the interdisciplinary approach through participation of researchers from the Departments of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, and Physics all at DTU and close collaboration with other institutions. The objective of ICAT is to perform basic and strategical research in a broad range of disciplines within heterogeneous catalysis ensuring a Danish contribution and participation in international research and education at the highest level.
l Research Program in Alloy Catalysis
l Catalyst Structure and Reactivity
l Electrochemical Promotion of Catalysts
l Synthesis of Catalysts by Aerosol Methods
l New Trends in Catalysis Research
【网站名称】意大利大学校际化学反应与催化协会 (CIRCC)
【网站简介】the scientific mission of the Consortium is the development of:
l Basic knowledge
l New skills in chemical reactivity and catalysis
l Applied catalysis and chemistry
l Networking capacities
Projects and their management
l All the Partner Units pursue the following objectives in their research programmes:
New low-cost processes
l High efficiency and selectivity
l Waste reduction at source
l Direct syntheses
l No-solvent or green-solvents utilization
l Low energy reactions
l New syntheses of products with an established market
l New materials
l New products
【网站简介】The group research interesting include: Preparation, structural and chemical characterization of both donor stabilized and non stabilized molecules of polyvalent main group elements,especially phosphorus(V) compounds; ploration of the synthetic potential of these compounds; Chemistry and coordination chemistry of substituted phosphates. Structure-property relationships for heterophosphate based coordination polymers of polyvalent metal cations.
l Solid state and structural chemistry of transition metal oxides, phosphates and phosphonates;
l Preparation of new compounds unveiling the interplay between structure and catalytic activity of these materials in oxidation and ammoxidation reactions;
l Halogen-Halogen interactions in Phosphonium halides.
l 磷酸盐配位化学
l 过渡金属氧化物
l 瞵酸酯
l Surface Dynamics
l Metal Oxides
l Low Temperature STM
l Surface Electrochemistry
l Combinatorial Electrocatalysis
l Combinatorial Heterogeneous Catalysis
l New Mass Spectrometer
n 电催化
n 多相催化
n 表面电化学
n 表面科学
n 异相催化
【网站名称】BioCatalysis (生物催化数据库)
【网站简介】BioCatalysis is a selective, thematic database compiled by Accelrys in collaboration with Professor Bryan Jones (Toronto) and Professor Herbert Holland (Brock). The database focuses on chemical synthesis using biocatalysts, including pure enzymes, whole cells, catalytic antibodies and enzyme analogues.
The database focuses on the synthetic use of enzymic systems and micro-organisms, techniques which offer advantages of selectivity (chemo-, regio- and enantio-), ease of use and environmental friendliness. Entries are selected to illustrate the types of reactions catalysed, with an emphasis on preparatively useful transformations. In addition to natural enzymes, the database also includes information on artificial enzymes, enzyme mimics, modified enzymes and catalytic antibodies. About 20% of the database represents patent information.
使用说明: As well as offering literature references and searchable structures, the database also includes a wide range of important non-structural information - all searchable. So data on, for example, reaction conditions, yield, e.e. & d.e., scale, EC & CAS numbers of the biocatalysts, etc. can all be retrieved. In addition, extensive use of keywords makes it easy to formulate efficient and effective queries based on reaction characteristics.
【网站简介】The Center for Catalysis and Surface Science is one of only four catalysis centers in the United States. Current research can be grouped into the following areas:
l Characterization of active sites(活性位)on solid surfaces and of reaction intermediates(反应中间产物);
l Interaction of metals with oxides, in particular zeolites(沸石), and other promoter effects;
l Selectivity of advanced oxidation catalysis(氧化催化);
l Environmental catalysis directed toward destruction of gaseous pollutants(环境催化).
【网站名称】美国西北大学化学工程系:Harold H. Kung的研究小组 (环境催化)
【网站简介】Environmental catalysis
* Synthesis using environmentally friendly reactions
* Fuels for future vehicles
* Destruction of pollutant
New materials
* For biomedical applications
* For catalysis and novel applications
【网站名称】Network for Industrial Catalysis in Europe (欧洲工业催化组织NICE)
【网站简介】The Network for Industrial Catalysis in Europe (NICE) represents a group of companies with diverse interests in catalysis and catalytic processes. The driving force for its creation was a desire to create an industrially led focus for academic research on catalysis in targeted, application-based areas.
Objectives of NICE:
l To create a network of producers and users of industrial catalysts and catalytic processes to help focus academic and related research in
l To provide a forum for the dissemination of current and emerging scientific and technological knowledge and ideas relating to all aspects of industrially relevant catalysts and catalytic processes;
l To promote coordinated, multidisciplinary, collaborative research between companies and between companies and academia in non- and precompetitive areas;
l To influence the planners and funders of National and European research pro- grammes of directions and priorities for future research.
【网站简介】The Catalysis Center will focus on the synthesis and characterization of new inorganic solids with surface texture and reactivity showing promise in heterogeneous catalysis.
The Center's mission is to provide a coalescing and learning experience for graduate students and post-doctoral fellows in diverse research groups dealing with the synthesis, characterization and use of catalytic solids with unique structure and function. In addition, the Center intends to provide a set of tools to increase the level of complexity and the research "nimbleness" that they can bring to bear on emerging problems in heterogeneous catalysis. The Center will provide modest seed funding, a broad and robust experimental and theoretical infrastructure, and the required logistical support to allow groups within the College to enter new areas in heterogeneous catalysis.
【网站名称】北美催化学会 (NACS)
【网站简介】The North American Catalysis Society was founded in 1956 to promote and encourage the growth and development of the science of catalysis and those scientific disciplines ancillary thereto; to provide educational services to members and other interested individuals; to organize and participate in professional meetings of scientists; to report, discuss and exchange information and viewpoints in the field of catalysis; to serve as a central exchange for the several catalysis clubs concerning information on their activities; and to provide liaison with foreign catalysis societies, with the International Congress on Catalysis, and with other scientific organizations and individuals, no pecuniary gain or profit to members, incidental or otherwise, being contemplated.
The Society is an affiliation of 13 local Catalysis Clubs and Societies in
【网站简介】The Catalysis Section of the Royal Dutch Chemical Society is an organization with about 700 members, both in academia and in industry. The Section is co-organizer of theNational Catalysis & Chemistry Conference. This national catalysis conference will combine and replace a range of smaller meetings. The section is the parent organization of the Dutch Zeolite Association.
【网站简介】The Wolfson Materials and Catalysis Centre (WMCC) was established in 2000 with grant aid from the Wolfson Trust, to bring together synthetic, catalytic and materials expertise at UEA. The Centre is led jointly by Prof. M. Bochmann and Professor M. J. Cook.
The Centre brings a multidisciplinary approach to molecular-level research in catalysis and materials chemistry, including:
Polymerisation catalysis development and testing of alkene polymerisation catalysts, heterogenised catalysts: M. Bochmann, S.J. Lancaster, C. Redshaw
New materials based on functionalised copolymers: M. Bochmann, S.J. Lancaster
Novel palladium catalysts for organic synthesis: A.N. Cammidge
Synthesis and development of liquid crystalline materials and supramolecular structures: M.J. Cook, A.N. Cammidge
Non-linear optical materials: G.R. Stephenson
Photophysics of macrocycles: M.J. Cook, D.A. Russell
Development of sensors and devices by thin film formulations and polymer imprinting methods: M. J. Cook, D. A. Russell, A.G. Mayes
Solid-state NMR of polymers and catalyst support materials: N.J. Clayden
FT-Raman, Raman/differential scanning calorimetry, neutron scattering and muon spectroscopy on inorganic materials: U.A. Jayasooriya
RAIRS and transmission FTIR spectroscopy: D.A. Russell, M.J. Cook
Surface plasmon resonance: D.A. Russell, A.G. Mayes
Organometalcarbonyl Sensors and Bioprobes: G.R. Stephenson
Part of WMCC's activities are linked to EU Research Networks on New Olefin Copolymer Materials by Metal Catalysed Polymerisations (coordinated by M. Bochmann), Non-linear optical materials (coordinated by G.R. Stephenson) and silicon oxycarbide glasses (U. A. Jayasooriya).
【网站名称】欧洲催化学会联合会 (EFCATS)
【网站简介】EFCATS is a federation of catalysis societies from 24 European countries.
The main effort of EFCATS is the organisation of EUROPACAT, a biennial European congress on catalysis.
Constitution of the European Federation of Catalysis Societies:
Whereas there have been formed within the countries of Europe a number of societies, and branches of national scientific societies, devoted to the study of catalysis and related subjects.
And whereas each has organised and continues to organise its own programme of conferences, supplemented by bilateral meetings sponsored by governments and national funding agencies.
Now thereof, bearing in mind the momentum towards European unity it is timely to provide a means whereby scientists and engineers throughout the continent of
While it is not intended that the Federation shall replace or usurp the functions of the existing national societies, which will be free to continue to organise their own activities at the national level, it is expected that it will initiate and coordinate activities, especially conferences, having a multinational charater, and will exercise an important role in enhancing the status of catalysis as a fit subject for research. The existing societies, in the capacity of local branches of EFCATS, will however play a vital part in releasing the new Federation′s aims.
【网站名称】意大利催化学会 (GIC)
【网站简介】The Italian Group of Catalysis (Gruppo Interdivisionale di Catalisi, GIC) is an interdivisional group of the Italian Chemical Society (Società Chimica Italiana, SCI). More than 500 academic and industrial researchers belong to this group. The scope is the coordination of the activities in the field of catalysis, the promotion of interdisciplinar approaches to catalysis and the education of young researchers. Each year, GIC is organizing alternating a school on catalysis or a national meeting, as well as have organized through its members several international congresses on catalysis. GIC belongs to EFCATS, the European Federation of Catalysis.
【网站名称】有机反应催化学会 (ORCS, Organic Reaction Catalysis Society)
【网站简介】The scope of the topics covered in these meetings includes selective homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis for the synthesis of fine chemicals and pharmaceuticals, solid acid catalysis, and catalysis for selective oxidation, hydrogenation, hydrogenolysis, amination. Additional topics include chiral catalysis and environmentally friendly catalysis. The proceedings of the conferences are considered research publications; and, since 1980, they have been published in a hard cover book in the Chemical Industries Series by Taylor & Francis (formerly Marcel Dekker).
【网站简介】nterdisciplinary Research Center for Catalysis (ICAT) is a center with its own board and leadership. The center ensures the interdisciplinary approach through participation of researchers from the Departments of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, and Physics all at DTU and close collaboration with other institutions. The objective of ICAT is to perform basic and strategical research in a broad range of disciplines within heterogeneous catalysis ensuring a Danish contribution and participation in international research and education at the highest level.
【网站简介】RCELYON, an academic research laboratory entirely dedicated to catalysis, targets its research activities on sustainable development issues; it is eager to meet societal demands for sustainable energy production and the preservation of our environment. An essential duty is to deepen the fundamental knowledge reqired to understand catalytic mechanisms and to develop the concepts which will lead in the future to a safer chemistry more respectful for the environment. Meanwhile, our partnership with industry will be maintained and developed to meet socio-economic demands: for IRCELYON there is a continuum between applied and fundamental catalysis.
【网站名称】Network for Industrial Catalysis in Europe (欧洲工业催化组织NICE)
【网站简介】The DECHEMA (Society for Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology) is a non-profit making scientific and technical society based in Frankfurt on Main. It was founded in 1926. Nowadays it has over 5000 private and institutional members. Our aim is to promote research and technical advances in the areas of chemical engineering, biotechnology and environmental protection.
Our work is interdisciplinary, with scientists, engineers, and technologists working together under one roof. Experts from science, business, and government departments cooperate in working parties and subject divisions.
【网站简介】It´s a nordic association for people and companies interested in catalysis.
The main task is to arrange The Nordic Symposium on Catalysis every two years.
It also arranges summer schools in catalysis as needed.The board consist of 8 members, two from each country.
The society is represented with two members in the European Federation of Catalysis Societies
Prof. G.D. Stucky http://www.mrl.ucsb.edu/mrl/faculty/stucky.html;
Prof. A. Corma http://www.uni-protokolle.de/nachrichten/id/127592/;
Prof. Mark E. Davis http://www.che.caltech.edu/groups/med/
(1) Prof. D. Wayne Goodman Department of Chemistry,Texas A & M University
http://www.ezkaoyan.com/school/t ... 200512161343421.htm
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