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1st Asian Conference on Open Access Scholarly Publishing

已有 3176 次阅读 2014-3-13 12:27 |个人分类:开放获取|系统分类:科研笔记

COASP Asia – ProgramDay One: Monday 2 June 2014

12:00 – Registration and welcome lunch

13:00 – Welcome remarks, Paul Peters, OASPA

13:15 – Opening Keynote: Open access and the changing face of research, Deborah Kahn, BioMed Central

14:00 – Trust & Transparency in Open Access Publishing, Lars Bjornshauge, Directory of Open Access Journals

14:30 – Coffee break

Session Three: The changing landscape of academic publishing – new initiatives                  

15:00 – Open (and Big) Data – the next challenge, Scott Edmunds, GigaScience/BGI Hong Kong

15:30 – Open Access Books – mapping the territory, Ellen Collins, OAPEN

16:00 – Should we change peer-review/Alternative systems for peer review, Ginny Barbour, PLOS

16:30 - Public Impact and Alternative Metrics – the changing landscape of research dissemination and how to quantify its impact,  Pat Loria, Charles Sturt University

17:00 - ’altmetrics.ceek.jp’ – a measurement of Japanese scholarly literatures outreach, Sho Sato, Doshisya University 

17:30 – Drinks reception followed by the conference dinner

Day Two: Tuesday 3 June 2014

Session Two: Open Access in Asia Pacific                                                                                    

09:30 – Research Assessment and Visibility in less served countries, Jeong-Wook Seo, Seoul University

10:15 - Open access in Japan – trends and community responses in physics, Tatsuzo Dazai, Japan Society of Applied Physics

11:00 – Coffee Break

11:30 - Open access in Singapore – drivers and trends, players and progress, Dianne Cmor, Nanyang Technological University

Session Three: Trust and Transparency in Open Access                                                          

12:15 - Open Access in Australia: National and Global Perspectives, Colin Steele, Australian National University

13:00 – Lunch

14:00 – OA funding and policies in the GRC, Dr. S.H. Kim, National Research Foundation of Korea 

14:45 - The Librarians View – the role of librarians in promoting OA/trust & transparency, Andrew Waller,  University of Calgary

15:30 – Coffee break

16:00 - Trust and Transparency in open access publishing 2, Caroline Sutton, OASPA

16:45 –  Closing remarks, Paul Peters, OASPA

*Please note this program is subject to change



BioMed Central

Early bird discount available until 31st March 2014

We are pleased to announce the complete program for the 1st Asian Conference on Open Access Scholarly Publishing, to be held this June in Thailand and encourage you toregister and benefit from the early bird discount.

The conference will be split up into three sessions and feature thought-provoking talks by:

Open Access in Asia-Pacific
Jeong-Wook Seo, Seoul University
Tatsuzo Dazai, Japan Society of Applied Physics
Dianne Cmor, Nanyang Technological University
Deborah Khan, BioMed Central
Trust & Transparency in Open Access
Caroline Sutton, OASPA
Dr. S.H. Kim, National Research Foundation of Korea
Andrew Waller, University of Calgary
Lars Bjornshauge, Directory of Open Access Journals

The changing landscape of academic publishing - new initiatives
Scott Edmunds, GigaScience/BGI Hong Kong
Ellen Collins, OAPEN
Ginny Barbour, PLOS
Pat Loria, Charles Sturt University
Sho Sato, Doshisya University
Colin Steele, Australian National University

To benefit from the early bird discount register your place before 31st March 2014.

For information on sponsorship opportunities available contact us.

BioMed Central


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