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2014第五届中美临床与转化医学国际论坛 6月21-22日 北京

已有 5037 次阅读 2014-3-2 10:12 |个人分类:转化医学|系统分类:科研笔记

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另外,在今年论坛中, 我们还首次设立了"研究生论文奖",旨在鼓励和支持博士/硕士生积极参与国际论坛交流, 把握医学科学发展的最前沿领域的进展。请鼓励您的学生积极参加此活动。

学生 时占祥

The 2nd


The 5th Sino-American Symposium

on Clinical and Translational Medicine (SAS-CTM)

June 21-22, 2014, Beijing


 Sino-Amer ic an Sympos ium Sci ent i f ic Adv isory Commi t t ee

 Chinese Int erna t iona l Medi ca l Founda t ion, Chine se Medica l Associa t ion

 Tr ans la t ional Medicine Journa l

 Globa l MD Organi zat ion (Globa l MD)


U S A (par t ial l y ) :

Dr . Anantha Shekha r ( Indi ana) * * * co -Chai r

Dr . Bar r y Col ler (New Yor k )

Dr . Har r y Sel ker (Bos ton)

Dr . John Gal lo n (Mar y lan d)

Dr . Rober t Cal i f f (Nor th Carol ina)

Dr . Joseph Kolar s (Mi ch ig an)

Dr . Dav id Rober t son (Nas hv i l le)

Dr . Greg Kos k i (Bo s ton)

Dr . Mar tha Brumf ield (New Yor k )

Dr . Paul B. Wat k ins (Nor th Carol ina)

Dr . Ri chard Bucala (New Haven)

Dr . Rober t Sherwin (New Haven)

Dr . Rober t Scherpbier (UNICEF)

Dr . Thomas A. Pear son (Flor ida)

Dr . Tesheia Johnso n (New Haven)

Dr . Barbara Al v ing (Mar y l and)

Dr . Jef f Cohen (New Yor k )

Dr . Gordon Bernard (Nas h v i l le)

Dr . Phi l ips Greenlan d (Ch i cago)

Dr . Mi chael Cohen (Flor id a)

Dr . Stephen Fr iend (Seat t le)

Dr . Edward L in (Seat t l e)

Dr . Maninder Kah lon (Cal i fornia)

Dr . Qiang Tian (Seat t le)

Dr . Vi c k i Sey fer t -Margol i s (DC) * * * Commi t tee Sec re tar y

Constructing a Comprehensive Infrastructure to Advancing Translational Sciences

Core topics & fields

 Biobanks: Challenges and Opportunities in Advancing Translational Research

 Biomarkers: How to Guide Innovation and Validation in Disease Targeted Therapeutics and Outcomes

 Bioethics: The Role of “Culture” in Forming Partnerships and Managing Conflicts of Interests

 Bioinformatics: Constructing Effective Approaches to Integrate Therapeutics and Research Information

 Big Data: Defining What Each Partner Really Wants and How to Benefit for Patient Health Care

 Best Practice of Translational Research: Models for Industry—Academia Partnerships in the U.S. and in China:

“Pitfall and Successes Stories”

 The IOM Report Card on the NIH - CTSAs: What Can China Learn? From CTSA 2.0 to SAS-CTM 2.0

C h i n a (par t ial l y ) :

Dr . J i anping Da i (co-Chai r , Vi c e Chai rman of Chi nes e Med As s oc iat i on)

Dr . Zhu Chen (Chai rman of t he Chi nes e Medi c al As s oc i at i on)

Dr . Fuchu He (Pr es i dent of t he Chi nes e Mi l i t ar y Medi c al Ac ademy )

Dr . Xiaob in Fu (Di r ec t or of I ns t i t ut e of Bas i c Res . PLA Gener al Hospi t al )

Dr . Yonghao Gui (Dean of Fudan Shanghai Sc hool of Med. )

Dr . Kunlong He (Di r ec t or of Trans l at i onal Res . Cent er PLA Gener al Hos pi t al )

Dr . Changshen Ma (Di r ec t or , Nat i onal Bi obank for Car di ov as c ul ar Di s eas es )

Dr . Xiaomi ng Wang (Deputy Dean of Bei j i ng Capi t al Med. Uni v . )

Dr . Huanming Yang (Chai rman for BGI Board)

Dr . J ie Chen (Vi ce President of the PUMC Hospi tal )

Dr . J ie He (Pr es i dent of t he Chi nes e Canc er Hos pi t al , CAMS)

Dr . Kerong Da i (Di rector for Shanghai No.9 Hospi tal Center of CTS)

Dr . Yang Ke (Dean of Pekin g Univ. Medical Center )

Dr . Yangming (Pres ident of Navy General Hospi tal )

Dr . Mengfen Li (Dean of Guangzhou Zhongshan Med. School )

Dr . Honghao Zhou (Di rec tor , Ins. of Cl inical Pharmacology, Xiangya)

Dr . Yi x in Zeng (Dean of PUMC Medical Col lege)

Dr . J ing Chen g ( T s i n g h u a Universi ty , Di recto r of BioChip Inst i tu te)

Dr . Yi tao Zeng (Di re ctor , Shanghai Genet ics Res. Ins t i tute)

Dr . Nanshan Zhong (Di r ec t or , Zhongs han I ns t i tut e of Res pi r at or y Di s eas es )

Dr . J in Liu (Di rec tor of West ern China Hospi tal , OR)

Dr . Qimin Zhan (Vice Pre si dent of Chinese Academy of Medical Sc i . )

Dr . J ianming L i (Pres ident of Sichuan Western China Hospi tal )

Dr . Aipin g Lu (Dean of Hongkong TCM Col lege)

Dr . Tim Shi (Global MD Org) * * * Commi t tee Sec retar y

SAS-CTM is the “Adaptor” between the US and China, and World widely, it transfer energies, inspirits and outcomes to success

The 5th SAS-CTM Scientific Advisory Committee Members

2014 5th Sino-American Symposium

on Clinical and Translational Medicine (SAS-CTM)


Golden Opportunities for Global Transitional Sciences

June 21—22, 2014, Beijing International Conference Center

Keynote Lectures:

 Challenging the challenges: from the big data to the big translational vision

 The IOM report card on the NIH - CTSAs: What can China learn?

 The FDA’s biomarker strategies for the therapeutics development

 Guiding principles for responsible sharing of clinical research data

 Vulnerability in the different healthcare systems

 Social network tools: solutions for healthcare improvement

Core Topics & Fields:

 Biobanks: Challenges and Opportunities in Advancing Translational Research

 From the world largest biobank & biorepositories organizations and enterprises, as well as academia translational centers

and hospitals’ biobank facilities to share their valuable expertise on biobanking

 ISBER experts will coach on designing and operating a biobank facility under the hospital environments

 CAP accredited biobank facilities will share their experience on the quality control and data informatics

 Biomarkers: How to Guide Innovation and Validation in Disease Targeted Therapeutics and Outcomes

 The FDA Biomarkers Qualification program and the validation standards of novel biomarkers for drug development,

diagnostics and therapeutic outcomes

 How is Precision Medicine led by the biomarker discovery in cancer, cardiovascular, diabetics and rare diseases

 Biomarkers in different phases of drug development

 Use of Biomarkers in “Go”/ ”No-Go” decisions

 Data management for biomarkers

 Bioethics: The Role of “Culture” in Forming Partnerships and Managing Conflicts of Interests

 Bioethics standards or understanding the standards: consensus of bioethics rules

 Definition and protection of vulnerable groups under the different health care and social environments

 Consents the patients and normal individuals for biospecimen collections

 HIPPA Law and the protections of data information and privacy

 Accreditation of human research protection programs and the IRB responsibilities in the novel translational research

 Bioinformatics: Constructing Effective Approaches to Integrate Therapeutics and Research Information

 How to build up the effectiveness and practical bioinformatics infrastructure within the hospital environments

 Potential benefits vs. potential harms for data sharing

 What types of data could be shared? Current practices and principles

 Big Data: Defining What Each Partner Really Wants and How to Benefit for Patient Health Care

 Clinical genomic resources: clinically relevant and variants in practices

 Next Generation Medicine— a perspective on the analysis of thousands of whole patient genomes

 Bioinformatics in the Amazon Cloud

 Data integration and System Biology: new visualization and quantitative proteomics tools

 Best Practice of Clinical and Translational Research and Scientific Integrity:

 Certificated training and education programs for physician-scientists and clinical research coordinators

 Models for industry— academia partnerships in the U.S. and in China: “pitfall and successes stories”

 How to come up the scientific questions and to write the scientific sound articles for publication

Program Outline



201420142014 第五届中美临床与转化医学国际论坛

内 容 简 介

主题演讲: 建设转化医学全面发展的综合功能架构

 自我挑战:从大数据时代到转化医学前沿视野

 评估NIH转化医学基金项目:进入NIH-CTSA 2.0时代,中国从中学习什么?

 FDA生物标记物认证:开发治疗疾病的新策略

 临床研究数据共享规范及责任

 保护在不同公共卫生与医疗体制下的弱势群体

 社交网络工具:影响和改变未来公共卫生及医疗政策的新途径


 生物样本库: 转化医学研究的新挑战与机遇

 全球最大生物样本库协会和临床样本库机构、企业化样本存储中心、大学转化医学研究中心以及 医院临床样本库专家共享实践经验、探讨实际问题、寻求最佳解决方案和合作模式

 ISBER协会专家专题讲座如何设计和管理临床医院的疾病样本资源库及其转化研究应用

 CAP认证的生物样本库机构讲解获得认证的体会以及质量监控和数据信息化管理策略

 生物标志物:::验证生物靶标的有效性并指导靶向性疾病应用治疗和提高精准医疗效果

 FDA生物标志物验证项目:如何验证并利用新发现的生物标志物研发创新药物、诊断方案和预测临床疗效

 精准医学的理念与实践:探讨生物标志物指导癌症、心脑血管疾病、糖尿病和罕见疾病的诊断与治疗

 在药物研发的不同阶段和预测临床疗效过程中,生物标志物的实际效果与争议

 用生物标志物确定:“Go”/”No-Go”的决策选择

 生物标志物研究中数据管理与再挖掘利用

 医学研究中的伦理实践: 尊重不同文化理念是建立解决利益冲突的基石

 什么是伦理规范标准,如何理解? 倡导开展伦理研究实践

 在不同的医疗保健机制和社会环境下如何定义医学研究中的弱势群体以及保护弱势个体

 收集生物样本过程中告知患者和健康志愿者的伦理道德意义

 美国HIPPA 保护隐私法案的博弈:共享研究数据与保护个人健康信息隐私

 人体医学研究保护机制的国际认证以及伦理委员会在转化医学研究中如何保护受试者权益

 生物信息学:::建立转化研究与临床诊疗实践中高效率生物信息化整合系统

 医院与研究院所如何建立高效率与可应用的生物信息系统

 研究数据共享的纠结:潜在的获益对比潜在的风险

 目前的实践与共识:什么样的数据可以共享?

 大数据时代:如何让患者从疾病诊疗真正获益

 临床基因组学大数据资源:临床疾病的相关性与诊疗实践中的差异性

 基因医学前沿领域:面对千万个体的基因组学数据结果分析,能够预测什么?

 大数据平台:亚马逊生物信息云数据库

 系统生物学与数据整合的效果: 蛋白组学定量研究工具与转化研究新视野

 最佳临床与转化研究实践:规范准则与科学诚信

 临床医生-科学家及临床协调专员的专业化发展:建立和完善临床与转化医学培训教育的认证体系

 探讨中美之间企业与学院派的合作模式:教训与经验—培养人才是第一位

 如何提出科学研究问题;如何撰写并发表具有科学实证依据的研究论文



咨询报名联系: 全球医生组织,梁虹老师, 电话:010-65051185;邮箱:Admin@globalmd.org

Registration fee ($USD): Individual from Institution/hospital: $450USD; Student/Postgraduate: $250USD

Government/official :$450USD; Industrial/Commercial agency: $900USD

注册费(人民币): 科研机构/医院代表:2500元/人; 在校学生/研究生/NIH培训学员:1500元/人

政府机构/慈善机构:2500元/人; 企业/商业代表:5000元/人

Registration and Hotel information/visa issue, please contact: GlobalMD Office: Dr. Hong Liang, Liang@GlobalMD.org

注册和酒店等咨询,请联系: 全球医生组织,梁虹老师, 电话:010-65051185;邮箱:Admin@globalmd.org

凡有意申请该奖项的研究生(硕士/博士/双学位等),请递交论文摘要(250字英文) 给全球医生组织中国代表处,论文摘要将由中美临床与转化医学学术专家委员会审议,获奖研究生将获得“研究生论文奖金”并免费参加此次中美临床与转化医学国际论坛;与转化医学领域著名专家座谈。此外,获奖论文将刊登在《转化医学杂志》2014年中美转化医学国际论坛专刊。

有意报名申请“中美临床与转化医学研究生论文奖”的研究生,请联系:Dr. Tim Shi, Admin@GlobalMD.org


Registration fee (注册费)(food and hotel on your own, 注意:餐宿费用自理)

Name (F/Last)(姓名): ______________________________; Suffix(职称)/Job title(职位):_________________


Mail Address(联系地址)____________________________________________________________________



Which field/topic are you interested in?(关注中美论坛哪个领域/专题?):

( )Biobank; ( ) Biomarkers; ( )Bioethics; ( )Bioinformatics; ( )Big Data; ( ) Best Practice of TM

Are you in charge of/as a PI for a translational research project 是否负责/主管临床与转化科研项目 ( )?Are you working for/participating in a translational research project 是否参与临床与转化医学研究项目( )?

Which field / specific area? 哪个专业( )?

At the Symposium, are you any particular interesting in communication with any hospital site/expert?


Registration Form (注册表)

2014 5th Sino2014 Sino---American Symposium on CTMAmerican CTM


全球医生组织(Global MD)与中华医学会、中华国际医学交流基金会共同合作, 为在读研究生提供100名临床与转化医学优秀论文奖。不限专科领域,必须是研究课题文章,包括内容:






Further information, please visit the SAS-CTM Website:

www.ChinaCTS.org or www.ChinaGlobalMD.cn


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