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AAAS 2013 Annual Election

已有 4457 次阅读 2013-12-27 10:34 |系统分类:海外观察

American Association for the Advancement of Science
1200 New York Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20005 USA

The preliminary election announcement in Science (September 27) included names of candidates and gave members an opportunity to place additional names in nomination via petition. No petitions were received by the October 18 deadline. Elected officers will begin their terms on February 18, 2014.

Statements by Candidates for President-Elect

Geraldine (Geri) Richmond

I am honored and delighted to be selected as a candidate for the presidency of AAAS. Through its role as advocate for science in the policy arena, its efforts to assist in identifying emerging areas of science, its commitment to science education and career building at all levels, and its outreach to scientists around the globe, it is the voice of American science and the leading general science professional society in the world. I have accepted the nomination to run for presidency of AAAS because of the unique opportunity that it provides to work with its members, officers and directors towards our common goal of assuring the health and vitality of the scientific enterprise around the world.

This is an exciting time to be a scientist. AAAS, with its leading publication, Science, and its plethora of important topics at its annual meeting, is a showcase for the amazing discoveries and innovation that happen every day. It is also a challenging time to be a scientist. With declining research funding in the private and government sectors, scientific and technological advances that are critically needed are being curtailed and stalled. Efforts by legislators to dismantle the peer-review system for judging scientific quality have resurfaced recently and require a counter voice. We critically need the voice and the membership strength of AAAS to be the counter weight to these threats. Our actions must be long-term and strategic. This is not an easy challenge given the short attention-span of many legislators and their staff on technical issues and their often limited scientific educational background.

Throughout my career I have been a strong and vocal advocate for science in the policy arena on a local, national and international level. With my service on a large number of national advisory and governing boards including in my current position on the National Science Board, I have gained significant experience in effective advocacy and setting scientific priorities. I have had the opportunity to testify before Congressional committees on science and technology issues at the state level and also in the U.S. House and Senate. As scientists it is our responsibility to discuss our science and discoveries in terms that relate to the lives of those responsible for setting funding levels. I enjoy working with legislators and their staff to help them to understand technical issues and the importance of investments in research and development in order to assure the prosperity of the nation. I pledge to expand my activities in this arena if you choose to elect me.

AAAS has a vital role to play in assuring that the nation has a strong, diverse and motivated scientific workforce, a role that it takes very seriously. From the emerging to the emeritus scientist, AAAS has programs that reach all levels. I have long admired the many programs that AAAS has developed – and continues to develop – in STEM curriculum, outreach, career advancement and diversity programs. And I continue to be impressed by the amazing talent and productivity of the many AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellows that I have had the privilege of working with over the years.

A career-long passion of mine has been in developing the next generation of scientists and engineers and to make certain that all who seek to be participants in the scientific enterprise have an equal opportunity to reach their full potential. In 1997 I co-founded the organization called COACh (http://coach.uoregon.edu), a grass-roots organization that has been developing and implementing career development programs for women and minorities in STEM fields. Over 10,000 faculty, graduate students, undergraduates and researchers have participated in COACh career-building programs conducted at STEM professional meetings, universities and laboratories in all 50 states. In my role as President I would look forward to working with AAAS to help increase the visibility and effectiveness of its programs aimed at building a strong and inclusive scientific workforce.

With the recognition that most of the important challenges that we face today are global, the International Office of AAAS has a unique role to play in assisting in international collaborations and scientific diplomacy while providing a forum for international discussions around issues of sustainable development and sustainable science. In the role as AAAS President, I pledge to assist in whatever way possible to use science as a mechanism for engaging with other countries and their scientists, particularly those in the developing world. There is a tremendous amount of technical talent and creativity in these countries but limited resources for making research and discovery advances without collaborations with scientists in more developed countries. For the U.S. participants, these international collaborations provide a broader perspective on how their research capabilities can be applied to desperate challenges in developing countries, challenges that often foreshadow what lies ahead for many developed countries as natural resources become more limited. I am passionate about the need for U.S. scientists, and particularly our younger generation scientists, to have the opportunity to develop collaborative scientific projects that bridge cultures and continents and that lead to the creative solutions that arise when bringing together scientists of such varied backgrounds. Through my own international research collaborations and our COACh capacity-building activities conducted in many countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America, I have seen first-hand the positive impact that can result from such collaborations and networks.

And finally, through my many years of contact with AAAS and in my experience as Chair of the Chemistry Section, I continue to be impressed with the amazing number of members, elected officers and directors who put endless hours into programs, activities and governance that is the lifeblood of this organization. For as important as the journal is in highlighting the latest scientific advancements and the AAAS annual meeting is as an additional mechanism for showcasing the best science around the globe, the success of AAAS rests on the passion and devotion of its members to its mission to "advance science, engineering, and innovation throughout the world for the benefit of all people." It would be my privilege and pleasure to be your AAAS President if I am elected.


Lance R. Collins

I am both honored and humbled to be a nominee for the presidency of the AAAS. AAAS is, without a doubt, the most influential professional science society in the world, through its flagship publication Science, and through its influence on science policy in Washington D.C. That influence may never have been as important as it is today. As the saying goes, “may you live in interesting times…”

The challenges of our time are complex, global, and inevitably involve the interplay of many elements of our society, no small undertaking. Yet if we are to address problems at the scale of climate change, sustainable energy, drinkable water, adequate and secure food, and managing diseases, addressing this interplay is precisely what is required. Solutions to these problems extend well beyond the science; they must take into consideration public policy, business, economics and the social sciences. After all, solutions that are not embraced by society will have little impact, regardless of their efficacy. And so the complexity of our “grand challenges,” and the pressure to integrate our knowledge across all of these disciplines, has never been greater. It is a daunting time.

Yet simultaneously we live in a wondrous age in which the remarkable expansion of knowledge, and its easy access through technology, affords us an unprecedented opportunity to take on these global challenges. The internet provides inexpensive access to its vast repository of digital information to a growing fraction of the world. This “democratization” of knowledge will activate the world’s population at a time when we could use its creativity and brainpower. Fueled by the “information age,” we see an accelerating transformation of our digital world. Today we speak of computational complexity and deriving information from “big data.” In the not-too-distant future, we’ll have driverless cars, instant access to health records via a cell phone, and cities that manage their services and transportation autonomously. Witness the rapid expansion of genomics since completing the sequencing of the human genome ten years ago. While there is still much to be understood about the relationship between genetics and health, the genome is fundamentally digital and hence follows its own “Moore’s Law.” In a similar manner, the social sciences are grappling with the revolution sparked by social networks. In principle, the accelerating pace of technology could provide the means to take on the global challenges, if we are able to fully assimilate and exploit it.

Let us not overlook the powerful economic forces unleashed by technology. I witnessed this firsthand during the applied sciences campus competition held in New York City. Late 2010, Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced a bold plan to create a new campus in the city focused on technology innovation and commercialization. The competition grew out of concerns that the city’s economy had grown dangerously reliant on financial services, leaving it particularly vulnerable to economic crises such as the 2008 recession. Through a careful, data-driven study, the city identified the burgeoning tech sector as a new growth industry with potential scale. While the community saw the opportunity, it also identified a critical shortage of tech talent in the city that was stifling that growth, motivating the city to create the competition. The city would provide a “land grant” and some funding, and in return the universities would build new campuses on that land. Cornell University was awarded the first bid to build “Cornell NYC Tech” on the southern end of Roosevelt Island. Subsequently, Columbia and an NYU consortium were awarded campuses in Manhattanville and Brooklyn, respectively. As a member of Cornell’s leadership team, I helped develop the vision for the campus. In place of traditional departments, the campus is framed around interdisciplinary “hubs,” each with a connection to an industry sector. The first three hubs are: “Connective Media” (advertising, media, entertainment, publishing); “Healthier Life” (healthcare, health informatics, insurance, lifestyle technologies); and “Built Environment” (design, urban planning, construction, infrastructure, transportation). At the heart of the campus are four core technology disciplines (Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Operations Research, Information Science) and Business. However, each hub will incorporate all of the disciplines that are necessary to advance technology in its sector. Consequently, Cornell NYC Tech will be a true “campus” of activities, with a unique focus on commercialization impact.

Technology also has the potential to disrupt education. We have all heard about massive open online classes (MOOCs). Providing the world with unfettered access to universities will further democratize STEM fields. While the potential for increasing the world’s access to higher education may be amazing, its greater impact may be in leveling the unacceptable disparities that exist in our K-12 education. Imagine every child in America receiving their STEM education from proven educators who possess a deep love and understanding of their subject. This could have the power to excite talented students of all genders, ethnicities and economic backgrounds to enter into STEM fields. Activating women and underrepresented minorities, alone, could eliminate the shortages we see in the STEM disciplines.

Weighing the challenges and opportunities, I see a brilliant future for our nation. However, we will only achieve that potential through continued support for science from the government and the private sector. The New York City initiative is an example of the power of a public-private-academic partnership. On the other hand, the current vitriolic discourse in Washington that places continued funding of science and engineering in jeopardy is unacceptable. While I believe our financial crisis is real and requires steady stewardship, I do not believe we can cut our way to prosperity. We must combine strategic cuts with strategic investments in areas that can grow our economy. The sciences and engineering are the tips of the prosperity spear, and cutting them further in a lackluster economy would be a disaster. It is imperative that we invest in science and engineering. As AAAS president, I would be a vocal advocate for those continued investments.

General Election

For President-Elect, members of the Board of Directors, and members of the Committee on Nominations

President-elect (one to be elected for a 3-year term; first year as president-elect, second year as president, third year as chairman of the Board)

Geraldine (Geri) Richmond

Lance R. Collins

Geraldine (Geri) Richmond (Physical Chemistry, Materials Science) B.S., 1975, Kansas State U.; Ph.D., 1980, UC Berkeley. Currently: Presidential Chair and Prof., 2013-, U. of Oregon.Previously: Asst. Prof., 1980-1985, Bryn Mawr College; Assoc. Prof., 1985-1991, Knight Prof., 1998-2001, Richard M. and Patricia H. Noyes Prof., 2001-2013, U. of Oregon. Honors: Fellow: AAAS, American Academy of Arts & Sciences, American Chemical Society (ACS), Assn. for Women in Science (AWIS), American Physical Society (APS); Elected Member, Natl. Academy of Sciences (NAS); Sloan Research Fellow, 1985; Presidential Young Investigator Award, 1985, Natl. Science Fdtn.; Camille & Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award, 1986; Garvan Medal, 1996, ACS; Presidential Award for Excellence in Science & Engineering Mentoring, 1997; Spiers Medal, 2004, Royal Society of Chemistry (UK); Guggenheim Fellow, 2007; Joel H. Hildebrand Award, 2011, ACS; Davisson-Germer Prize, 2013, APS; Charles L. Parsons Award, 2013, ACS. Current Professional Activities: Chair & Founder, 1998-2014, COACh for the Advancement of Women Scientists & Engineers; Asst. Secretary for the Sciences, 2010-2015, American Academy of Arts & Sciences; National Science Board Member, 2012-2018. Past Professional Activities: Chair, Frontiers in Science Symposium, 1993-1994, NAS; Exec. Comm., Physical Chemistry Div., 1995-2000, ACS; Council on Chemical Sciences, 1996-2001, Chair, Basic Energy Sciences Adv. Comm., 1998-2003, Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Technical Adv. Comm., 2006-2013, U.S. Dept. of Energy; Chair, Science Adv. Comm., 2006-2008, Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lab.; Presidential Blue Ribbon Commission on Graduate Education in Chemical Sciences, 2011-2012, ACS. AAAS Activities: Chair-Elect/Chair/Retiring Chair, 2008-2011, Section on Chemistry.


Lance R. Collins (Engineering) B.S.E., 1981, Princeton U.; M.S., 1983, Ph.D., 1987, U. of Pennsylvania. Currently: Joseph Silbert Dean of Engineering, 2010-, Prof., 2002-, Cornell U. Previously: Postdoc Fellow, 1987-1990, Visiting Faculty Fellow, 1998, Los Alamos National Laboratory; Visiting Scientist, 1998, CNRS (France); Asst. Prof., Assoc. Prof. and Prof., 1990-2002, Pennsylvania State U.; S.C. Thomas Sze Director, Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, 2005-2010, Cornell U. Honors: Fellow, American Physical Society (APS); Young Minority Investigator Award, 1990, Dow Chemical; Outstanding Paper Award, 1997, Minority Affairs Comm. Outstanding Faculty Service Award, 2004, American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE); Outstanding Faculty Service Award, 2006, Cornell Diversity Engineering Program. Current Professional Activities: Membership Comm., 2006-, Intl. Collaboration for Turbulence Research; Engineering Directorate Advisory Comm., 2011-2014, National Science Foundation (NSF); Member-at-Large, Division of Engineering & Physical Sciences, 2011-2016, Past Chair, U.S. National Comm. on Theoretical & Applied Mechanics, 2012-2014, National Academy of Sciences (NAS). Past Professional Activities: Founder and Chair, Minority Faculty Forum, 1995-2005, AIChE; Chair, Aerosol Physics, 1998-1999, American Assn. for Aerosol Research; Comm. of Visitors, Division of Shared Cyberinfrastructure, 2005, Comm. of Visitors, Division of Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental & Transport Systems, 2012, NSF; Member-at-Large, 2006-2008, Vice Chair, 2008-2010, Chair, 2010-2012, U.S. National Comm. on Theoretical & Applied Mechanics, NAS; Nominating Comm., 2007-2009, Executive Comm., 2008-2011, APS Division of Fluid Dynamics.

Board of Directors (two to  be elected for a 4-year term)

Sean R. Eddy

Laura H. Greene
Joseph L. Travis
Carlos J. Bustamante

Sean R. Eddy (Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Biological Sequence Analysis) B.S., 1986, Caltech; Ph.D., 1991, U. of Colorado Boulder. Currently: Group Leader, 2006-, HHMI Janelia Farm Research Campus; Visiting Senior Fellow, 2004-, Salk Institute. Previously: Postdoc Fellow, 1991-1992, NeXstar Pharmaceuticals; Postdoc Fellow, 1992-1995, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology (UK); Asst. Prof., 1995-2000, Alvin Goldfarb Prof. of Computational Biology, 2000-2001, Assoc. Prof., 2000-2007, Alvin Goldfarb Distinguished Prof. of Computational Biology, 2001-2007, HHMI Investigator, 2000-2006, Washington U. School of Medicine in St. Louis. Honors: Fellow, Academy of Science-St. Louis; Biochemistry Academic Contacts Comm. Award, 1997, Eli Lilly; Benjamin Franklin Award for Open Access in the Life Sciences, 2007, Bioinformatics Organization. Current Professional Activities: Editorial Board: BMC Bioinformatics, 2000-, Nucleic Acids Research, 2002-, PLoS Biology, 2002-; Informatics Adv. Panel, 2007-, Board of Scientific Counselors, 2008-, NIH Natl. Human Genome Research Institute; Board on Life Sciences, 2009-, NAS; Adv. Board Chair, Galaxy Project, 2012-, NIH/Pennsylvania State U.; Adv. Board, Center for Cancer Genomics, 2012-, NCI/NIH. Past Professional Activities: Genome Resources & Sequencing Priorities Comm., 2001-2003, Natl. Advisory Council, 2004-2007, NIH Natl. Human Genome Research Institute; Science and the Media Project, 2006-2010, American Academy of Arts & Sciences; JASON Defense Adv. Panel, 2008-2011, U.S. Dept. of Defense.

Statement by Sean R. Eddy

I am honored to be asked to stand as a candidate for the AAAS Board of Directors. I believe in the key role of science and technology in making the world a better place, in the sense of solving important global challenges, in the sense of promoting education and opportunities for all people, and, not least, in the sense of valuing basic scientific research as one of the most inspiring expressions of human curiosity, culture, and civilization.

Raised in rural Pennsylvania, I have a perspective on education and opportunity in a lower-income region of the U.S., and personal experience with the lifelong effect of a kid's lucky encounter with a dedicated and talented teacher. Trained in molecular biology, but working in computational genome analysis, my research draws on a broad range of approaches from other fields, including statistics, computer science, applied mathematics, and physics, giving me a perspective on communicating science across disciplinary boundaries. Once a collaborator in the Human Genome Project and now a scientist running a small group at HHMI's Janelia Farm, I work in both “big” and “small” science. Thanks to the wide applicability of computational genomics technology and of large data analysis, I have had many privileges to work on issues outside my own specialties, including issues in agricultural and pharmaceutical biotechnology, national security, information technology, education, ethics, and public communication.

These experiences instill in me the knowledge that science and technology are an important part of advancing society, but hardly the only part. Promoting patient and substantive communication of the highest integrity between different people, disciplines, professions, and nations is at the heart of all the best ways forward. This is where I see AAAS's most important role.


Laura H. Greene (Experimental Condensed Matter Physics) B.S., 1974, M.S., 1978, Ohio State U.; M.S., 1980, Ph.D., 1984, Cornell U. Currently: Prof., 1992-, Swanlund Prof. of Physics, 2000-, Center for Advanced Study Prof. of Physics, 2009-, U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Assoc. Director, 2009-, Center for Emergent Superconductivity. Previously: Member of Technical Staff, 1985-1992, Bellcore. Honors: Fellow: AAAS, American Academy of Arts & Sciences, American Physical Society (APS), Inst. of Physics (UK), Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society; Elected Member, Natl. Academy of Sciences (NAS); Maria Goeppert Mayer Award, 1994, APS; E.O. Lawrence Award for Materials Research, 1999, U.S. Dept. of Energy; Visiting Prof., 2004, CNRS (France); Visiting Prof., 2010, UC Irvine; Guggenheim Fdtn. Fellow, 2009-2010; Visiting Fellow Commoner, 2010, U. of Cambridge (UK). Current Professional Activities: Chair, Board of Governors, 2013-, Intl. Institute for Complex & Adaptive Matters; Chair-Elect, Div. of Materials Physics, 2013, Vice-Chair, Buckley Prize Comm., 2014, APS. Past Professional Activities: Basic Energy Advisory Comm., 2000-2013, U.S. Dept. of Energy; Board of Trustees, 2005-2011, Strategic Planning Comm., 2006-2011, Gordon Research Conferences; Exec. Board, Div. of Materials Physics, 2007-2010, Chair, Fellowship Comm., 2012, Founder and Member-at-Large, Forum on Outreach & Engaging the Public, 2012-2013, APS; Board on Physics & Astronomy, 2008-2013, NAS. AAAS Activities: Member, 2000-2003, Chair, 2002-2003, Electorate Nominating Comm., Section B.  

Statement by Laura H. Greene

The Dickens’ quote, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times” accurately applies to the present state of science in the U.S. today. We are experiencing unprecedented advances in a range of fundamental areas of physics, chemistry, and biology, promising transformative changes in our fundamental understanding of our universe at wide-ranging energy, time, and length scales. These advances promise tremendous positive impact in confronting our global energy and public health challenges. At the same time, our government has not been able to respond to our scientific needs to achieve impacts we know are so accessible.

I am honored to be a candidate for the AAAS Board of Directors, and if elected, I would work passionately and tirelessly in promoting fundamental and applied research in the U.S. and on a global scale. Relying on my vast local, national, and international experiences in scientific research, policy, education, outreach, and engagement, I would promote public understanding of the issues and benefits of scientific research nationally and internationally. We need to inform our general public, science students, and political leaders not only of our practical advances, but also showcase our stunning serendipitous discoveries, communicate our need for fundamental research, and impart our love and wonder of the beauty of science. I pledge to do so, always continuing with my complete commitment to supporting young and under-represented groups while promoting free information exchange on an international scale.


Joseph L. Travis (Ecological Genetics) B.A., 1975, U. of Pennsylvania; Ph.D., 1980, Duke U. Currently: Robert O. Lawton Distinguished Prof., 1996-, Prof., 1990-, Florida State U. Previously: Postdoc Fellow, 1980-1981, U. of Virginia; Asst. Prof., 1980-1985, Assoc. Prof., 1985-1990, Chair, Dept. of Biological Science, 1991-1997, Director, School of Computational Science & Information Technology, 2000-2005, Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, 2005-2011, Florida State U. Honors: Fellow, AAAS; Distinguished Visiting Prof., 1991, U. of Miami; Distinguished Visiting Prof., 1991, U. of Zürich (Switzerland); Distinguished Visiting Ecologist, 1994, Colorado State U.; Dennis Chitty Lecturer, 2001, U. of British Columbia (Canada); Distinguished Speaker, 2001, Georgia Southern U.; Gold Medal, 2007, Tallahassee Scientific Society; E.O. Wilson Naturalist Award, 2011, American Society of Naturalists (ASN). Current Professional Activities: President, 2013-2014, American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS). Past Professional Activities: Chair, Membership Comm. and Council Member, 1985-1988, Council Member-at-Large, 1988-1991, Ecological Society of America; Chair, Young Investigators Award Comm., 1990-1992, V.P., 1994, President, 2005, ASN; Editor, 1998-2002, The American Naturalist; Chair, Salmon Recovery Science Review Panel, 2003-2006, Natl. Marine Fisheries Service; Chair, Environmental Research & Education Advisory Comm., 2010-2012, Natl. Science Foundation (NSF); President-Elect/ President/Past President, 2010-2012, Chair, Long-Range Planning Comm., 2010-2012, AIBS.

Statement by Joseph L. Travis

This is a paradoxical period for science. Technical innovation in all disciplines has raised exciting new questions and opened old ones to new scrutiny. At the same time, the economic, political, and social climate has made support for new science - and for young scientists - harder to sustain than in any other period within the last fifty years.

The paradox is no less striking in the areas of scientific education and outreach. On the one hand, educational research is offering new insights into how to teach science more effectively. On the other, academic scientists are all too often unable to capitalize on those advances because too few students come to a university excited about science. In the outreach arenas, science programs and summer camps are enormously popular, even as public skepticism about particular scientific conclusions from climate change to evolution continues to increase.

To resolve these paradoxes and promote science anew, we must rebuild a national constituency for science. This constituency must be enthusiastic about the value of science for its own sake and excited about what science can offer for the quality of life. My experience has been to help develop new programs on my campus for training secondary school science teachers and build a statewide program in Florida for enhancing the content knowledge of practicing science and mathematics teachers. I was also active in establishing new standards for science curricula in Florida. My conviction is that if we work from the bottom up, we will build that constituency. The AAAS must continue to promote science and lead the effort to build a constituency for science - in these and other ways - and I hope to bring to the Board my experience in these areas, along with my passion for science, to help continue this leadership.


Carlos J. Bustamante (Biophysical Chemistry) B.S., 1973, U. Peruana Cayetano (Peru); M.S., 1975, U. Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (Peru); Ph.D., 1981, UC Berkeley. Currently: Raymond & Beverly Sackler Chair of Biophysics, 2012-, Prof., 1998-, UC Berkeley; Director, Advance Microscopies Dept., 1998-, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL); HHMI Investigator, 1994-. Previously: Postdoc Fellow, 1981-1982, LBNL; Asst. Prof., 1982-1986, Assoc. Prof., 1986-1989, Prof., 1989-1990, U. of New Mexico (UNM); Prof., 1991-1998, U. of Oregon; Luis Alvarez Chair of Experimental Physics, 2005-2012, UC Berkeley. Honors: Fellow, American Physical Society (APS); Elected Member: National Academy of Sciences (NAS), Chilean Academy of Science; Honorary Member: Royal Spanish Biochemistry Society, Spanish Biophysical Society; Searle Scholar, 1984; Sloan Fellow, 1985; Max Delbruck Prize in Biological Physics, 2002, APS; Hans Neurath Prize, 2004, Protein Society; Alexander Hollaender Award in Biophysics, 2004, NAS; Richtmeyer Memorial Lecture Award, 2005, American Assn. of Physics Teachers; Honorary Doctorates: U. of Chicago, 2005, U. Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (Peru), 2012, Jiaotong U. (China), 2013; Fellows of the Biophysical Society Award, 2012; Vilcek Prize in Biomedical Science, 2012; Sackler Intl. Prize in Biophysics, 2012. Past Professional Activities: Science Advisory Board, 1997-2000, Searle Scholars Program; Science Advisory Comm., 2001-2003, Board of Directors, 2003-2013, Burroughs Wellcome Fund.

Statement by Carlos J. Bustamante

The problems and challenges facing scientists today appear at times un-surmountable: uncertainty about the necessary funding to support research at universities and institutes; recognition that the national political discourse emphasizes contention instead of dialog; realization that the gap between average citizens and those that seek knowledge keeps increasing; lack of a societal consensus about the most serious challenges to environment and energy resource sustainability.  These are only a few of the many problems that contribute to an atmosphere of uncertainty and distress among scientists.  All of this occurs against a background of concern about the ability of the next generation of scientists to fulfill their exploring mission.

The American scientific infrastructure, as we know it today, was born after the Second World War.  At the end of this conflict America, emerging as the sole and only power left in an otherwise devastated world, accepted the challenge of organizing its research enterprise in an unprecedented scale through the creation of the National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health.  Sixty-five years later it is clear to most that the system is broken.  In light of these challenges, we need to establish a national dialog among scientists, science policy makers, scientific societies, and government to map a successful future for the American scientific enterprise.

We must re-energize the public imagination with the possibilities and return-on-investment of scientific research, helping citizens to realize that science and the knowledge derived from scientific research is the only antidote against prejudice, ignorance, and the sustainability crisis.  I believe that we, as scientists, must be responsible for the transformation of society’s perception of science. We must accept the challenge of shaping our society’s narrative on the importance of science and scientific research.  

Committee on Nominations (four to be elected for a 2-year term)

Sylvia T. Ceyer

Christopher Bower Field
Susan M. Fitzpatrick
Thomas Dean Pollard
Alice Petry Gast
John E. Burris
A. Paul Alivisatos
Susan Gottesman

Sylvia T. Ceyer (Chemistry) B.A., 1974, Hope College; Ph.D., 1979, UC Berkeley. Currently: J.C. Sheehan Prof., 1996-, Head, Dept. of Chemistry, 2010, MIT. Previously: Postdoc Fellow, 1980-1981, Natl. Bureau of Standards; Asst. Prof., 1981-1987, Assoc. Prof., 1987-1990, Prof., 1990-1991, W.M. Keck Fdtn. Prof., 1991-1996, Assoc. Head, Dept. of Chemistry, 2005-2010, MIT. Honors: Fellow: AAAS, American Academy of Arts & Sciences, American Physical Society (APS); Elected Member, NAS; Sloan Fdtn. Fellow, 1986-1988; Camille & Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award, 1986-1991; Nobel Laureate Signature Award, 1993, American Chemical Society (ACS); School of Science Teaching Prize, 1995, MIT; J. Willard Gibbs Medal, 2007, ACS; Arthur Smith Award, 2008, MIT. Current Professional Activities: Editorial Board, 1996-, Chemical Physics; Basic Energy Sciences Advisory Comm., 2005-, U.S. Dept. of Energy. Past Professional Activities: Comm. on Atomic, Molecular & Optical Sciences, 1991-1993, Commission on Physical Sciences, Mathematics & Applications, 1993-1996, Natl. Research Council; Councilor, 2001-2004, APS; Chair, Chemistry Section, 2002-2005, Class I Secretary, 2007-2009, Class I Chair, 2009-2012, NAS; Vice-Chair, 2007, Chair, 2009, Gordon Research Conference on Dynamics at Surfaces; Review Comm., 2009, Danish Natl. Research Fdtn.; Divisional Assoc. Editor, Physical Review Letters, 2000-2005; Editorial Board: Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1989-1991 & 1993-1998; Langmuir, 1991-1996, Accounts of Chemical Research, 1996-2001. AAAS Activities: Annual Mtg. Scientific Program Comm., 2002-2005.


Christopher Bower Field (Global Ecology, Environmental Sciences) A.B., 1975, Harvard U.; Ph.D., 1981, Stanford U. Currently: Dir., Dept. of Global Ecology, 2002-, Carnegie Institution for Science; Prof., 2005-, Faculty Dir., Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve, 2005-, Melvin & Joan Lane Chair in Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies, 2012-, Stanford U.; Senior Fellow, 2008-, Stanford Woods Inst. for Environmental Science; Senior Fellow, 2009-, Stanford Precourt Inst. for Energy. Previously: Asst. Prof., 1981-1984, U. of Utah; Staff Scientist, 1984-2002, Carnegie Institution for Science. Honors: Fellow: AAAS, American Academy of Arts & Sciences, Ecological Society of America; Elected Member, NAS; Sidney & Skippy Prize, 2006, Stanford U.; Townsend Distinguished Lecturer, 2006, U. South Carolina; Heinz Family Fdtn. Award, 2009; Foreign Correspondent, 2012, Argentine Academy of Environmental Science. Current Professional Activities: Science, Technology & Education Adv. Comm. Chair, 2007-, Natl. Ecological Observatory Network; Board on Intl. Science Organizations, 2006-, Comm. on Energy Externalities, 2008-, Chair, Comm. on Ecological Impacts of Climate Change, 2008-, Natl. Research Council (NRC). Past Professional Activities: Member, 1991-1993, Chair, 1993-1998, U.S. Natl. Comm. for Scientific Comm. on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE), NRC; Chair, Adv. Comm., 2000-2005, U.S. Carbon Cycle Science Program; Testimony: U.S. Senate Comm., 1992, U.S. House Comm., 1999, U.S. Senate Briefing, 2007; Editorial Board: Ecology, 1991-1993, Ecological Applications, 1993-1996, PNAS, 2000-2009.


Susan M. Fitzpatrick (Neuroscience; Philanthropy) B.A., 1978, St. John’s U.; Ph.D., 1984, Cornell U. Medical College. Currently: Vice President, 2000-, James S. McDonnell Fdtn.; Adjunct Prof., 2009-, Arizona State U. (ASU). Previously: NRSA Postdoc Fellow, 1984-1988, Assoc. Research Scientist, 1988-1989, Yale U.; Adjunct Asst. Prof., 1989-1993, U. of Miami School of Medicine; Assoc. Exec. Dir. & Dir. of Education & Patient Relations, 1989-1993, Miami Project to Cure Paralysis; Adjunct Asst. Prof., 1990-1992, Barry U.; Exec. Dir., 1993-1994, Brain Trauma Fdtn.; Program Officer, 1994-1998, Program Dir., 1998-2000, James S. McDonnell Fdtn. Honors: Fellow: AAAS, Assn. for Women in Science (AWIS); CSPO Prize, 2010, Consortium for Science, Policy & Outcomes, ASU. Current Professional Activities: Advisor, 1993-, Brain Trauma Fdtn.; Intl. Adv. Board, 2008-, Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science; Dir., 2011-2013, Ontario Brain Inst. (Canada); President, Natl. Board, 2012-2014, AWIS; Dir., 2012-2014, American Occupational Therapy Fdtn. Past Professional Activities: Councilor, Board of Dir., 1999-2001, Chair, Natl. Membership Comm., 2001-2003, Secretary, Natl. Board, 2010-2011, President-elect, Natl. Board, 2011-2012, AWIS; Advisor to the President, 2002-2004, Children’s Neurobiological Solutions Fdtn.; Program Comm., 2002-2005, Cognitive Neuroscience Society; President-elect, Academic Women’s Network, 2005-2006, Exec. Comm., Hope Center, 2005-2008, Washington U. School of Medicine; Co-chair, 2004, Gordon Research Conf. on S&T Policy. AAAS Activities: Board of Directors, 2005-2009.  


Thomas Dean Pollard (Molecular Cellular & Developmental Biology, Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry) B.A., 1964, Pomona College; M.D., 1968, Harvard Medical School. Currently:Sterling Prof., 2006-, Dean, Graduate School of Arts & Sciences, 2010-, Yale U. Previously: Staff Assoc., 1969-1972, NHLBI/NIH; Asst. Prof. to Assoc. Prof., 1972-1978, Harvard Medical School; Bayard Halsted Prof. & Dir., Dept. of Cell Biology & Anatomy, 1977-1996, Johns Hopkins U. School of Medicine; President, 1996-2000, Prof., 1996-2001, Salk Inst. for Biological Studies; Eugene Higgins Prof., 2001-2005, Yale U. Honors: Fellow: AAAS, American Academy of Arts & Sciences; Elected Member: Inst. of Medicine, NAS; Guggenheim Fellow, 1984; E.B. Wilson Medal, 2004, American Society for Cell Biology; Canada Gairdner Intl. Award in Biomedical Sciences, 2006; Hon. Doctorate of Science: Pomona College, 2005, U. of Miami, 2008, Ohio State U., 2013. Current Professional Activities: Board Member, 1990-, Coalition for Life Sciences; Editorial Board, 1991-, Current Biology; Senior Editor, 2005-, Molecular Biology of the Cell. Past Professional Activities: President, 1987-1988, Chair, Public Policy Comm., 2007-2010, American Society for Cell Biology; Council, 1987-1990, President, 1992-1993, Chair, Public Policy Comm., 1995-1999, Biophysical Society; Council, 1994-1998, NIGMS/NIH; Chair, Class II Biological Sciences, 2002-2005, NAS. AAAS Activities: Member, 1996-1997, Chair, 1998-1999, Electorate Nominating Comm., Section N; Comm. on Nominations, 2002-2004 & 2011-2013; Board of Directors, 2006-2010.


Alice Petry Gast (Chemical Engineering) B.S., 1980, U. of Southern California; M.A., 1981, Ph.D., 1984, Princeton U. Currently: President, 2006-, Prof., 2006-, Lehigh U. Previously: Asst. Prof. to Prof., 1985-2001, Stanford U.; Robert T. Haslam Prof., 2001-2006, Vice President for Research & Assoc. Provost, 2001-2006, MIT. Honors: Fellow: AAAS, American Academy of Arts & Sciences; Elected Member, Natl. Academy of Engineering; NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award, 1986; Camille & Henry Dreyfus Fdtn. Teacher-Scholar Award, 1989; Prof. of the Year, 1990, Stanford U. Society of Women Engineers; Guggenheim Fellow, 1991-1992; William O. Baker Award for Initiatives in Research, 1992, NAS; Humboldt Award, 1998; Top 100 Most Influential Chemical Engineers of the Modern Era, 2009, American Inst. of Chemical Engineering. Current Professional Activities: Academic Research Council, 2006-, Singapore Ministry of Education; Comm. on Science, Technology & Law, 2008-2013, Natl. Research Council; Board of Gov., 2010-, New York Academy of Sciences; Board of Trustees, 2011-, King Abdullah U. of Science & Technology (Saudi Arabia); Nomination Evaluation Comm., 2011-, Vice-Chair, 2013-, Natl. Medal of Technology & Innovation, U.S. Patent & Trademark Office; Board of Dir., 2012-, Chevron Corp. Past Professional Activities: Editorial Board, 1999-2004, Langmuir; Science & Technology Adv. Comm., 2004-2007, U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security; U.S. Manufacturing Competitiveness Initiative Steering Comm., 2010-2012, Council on Competitiveness. AAAS Activities: Board of Directors, 2006-2010.


John E. Burris (Marine Biology) A.B., 1971, Harvard U.; Ph.D., 1976, UC San Diego. Currently: President, 2008-, Burroughs Wellcome Fund. Previously: Asst. Prof., 1976-1983, Assoc. Prof., 1983-1985, Adjunct Assoc. Prof., 1985-1989, Adjunct Prof., 1989-2001, Pennsylvania State U.; Director, Board on Biology, 1984-1989, Executive Director, 1988-1992, Commission on Life Sciences, Natl. Research Council; CEO & Director, 1992-2000, Marine Biological Laboratory; President, 2000-2008, Beloit College. Honors: National Associate, National Academy of Sciences. Current Professional Activities: Board of Directors, 2009-, Morgridge Institute for Research; Comm. on Science, Technology & Law, 2010-, NAS. Past Professional Activities:Consultant, Comm. on Science & Human Value, 1993-2002, Natl. Conference of Catholic Bishops; President-elect/President/Past-president, 1995-1998, American Institute of Biological Sciences; Consiglio Scientifico, 1996-2006, Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn (Italy); Life & Microgravity Sciences & Applications Advisory Comm., 1997-2001, NASA; Board of Trustees, 1999-2002, Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study; Board of Trustees, 2001-2007, Grass Foundation; Board of Directors, 2001-2009, Radiation Effects Research Foundation (Japan); Executive Comm., 2003-2007, Board of Directors, 2003-2005, Wisconsin Assn. for Independent Colleges. AAAS Activities: Board of Directors, 2002-2006; Audit Comm., 2004-2006.


A. Paul Alivisatos (Nanoscience, Nanotechnology, Chemistry) B.A., 1981, U. of Chicago; Ph.D., 1986, UC Berkeley. Currently: Director, 2009-, Lawrence Berkeley Natl. Lab (LBNL); Samsung Distinguished Chair in Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, 2013-, Prof., 1995-, Director, Kavli Energy Nanoscience Institute (ENSI), 2013-, UC Berkeley. Previously: Postdoc Fellow, 1986-1988, AT&T Bell Labs; Asst. Prof., 1988-1993, Assoc. Prof., 1993-1995, Chancellor Prof., 1998-2001, UC Berkeley; Director, Molecular Foundry, 2001-2005, Director, Materials Science Div., 2003-2008, Assoc. Lab Director, Physical Science, 2005-2009, LBNL. Honors: Fellow: AAAS, American Academy of Arts & Sciences, American Chemical Society (ACS), American Physical Society, Materials Research Society (MRS); Elected Member, NAS; Sloan Fdtn. Fellow, 1991; Coblentz Award, 1994, Society for Applied Spectroscopy; Wilson Prize, 1994, Harvard U.; Outstanding Young Investigator Award, 1995, MRS; Ernest Orlando Lawrence Award, 2006, U.S. Dept. of Energy; Nanoscience Prize, 2009, Intl. Society for Nanoscale Science, Computation & Engineering; R&D 100 Award, 2009, R&D Magazine; Linus Pauling Medal, 2010, ACS; Von Hippel Award, 2011, MRS; Wolf Prize, 2012, Wolf Fdtn.; NIKI (Victory) Award, 2012, Athens Information Technology (Greece). Current Professional Activities: Co-editor, 2005-, Nano Letters. Past Professional Activities: Founding Editor-in-Chief, 2001-2005, Nano Letters. AAAS Activities: Electorate Nominating Comm., 2002-2005, Section C.


Susan Gottesman (Molecular Biology) B.A., 1967, Radcliffe College; Ph.D., 1971, Harvard U. Currently: Chief, Biochemical Genetics Section, 1987-, Co-chief, 2007-, Lab. of Molecular Biology, Center for Cancer Research, Natl. Cancer Inst. (NCI)/NIH; Distinguished Investigator, 2007-, NIH. Previously: Postdoc Fellow, 1971-1974, Research Chemist, Senior Investigator, 1976-1985, Acting Chief, Biochemical Genetics Section, 1985-1986, Lab. of Molecular Biology, Center for Cancer Research, NCI/NIH; Research Assoc., 1974-1976, MIT.  Honors: Fellow: AAAS, American Academy of Arts & Sciences, American Academy of Microbiology (AAM); Elected Member, NAS; Outstanding Mentor Award, 2006, NCI/NIH; Neidhardt Lecturer, 2010, Gordon Research Conference on Microbial Stress Response; Abbott-ASM Lifetime Achievement Award, 2011, American Society for Microbiology (ASM)/Abbott Laboratory. Current Professional Activities: Audit Comm., 2008-2014, Chair, Class II, 2011-2014, NAS; Board of Gov., 2009-2015, AAM; Editor, 2007-2017, Annual Review of Microbiology; Editorial Board: Genes & Development, 1992-, Journal of Bacteriology, 2006-2015. Past Professional Activities: Chair, Div. of Genetics & Molecular Biology, 1985-1986, Chair, Ethical Practices Comm., 1991-1997, ASM; Nominating Comm., 2002, Chair, Genetics Section, 2003-2006, Council, 2006-2009, NAS; Assoc. Editor: Journal of Bacteriology, 1989-1999, Annual Review of Microbiology, 2001-2007, Genetics, 2005-2010. AAAS Activities: Council Delegate, 1992-1995, Chair-Elect/Chair/Retiring Chair, 2002-2005, Section G; Comm. on Sections, 2004-2007.


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