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Douglas Hanahan和Robert A Weinberg的高引论文(>1000次/篇) 精选

已有 30001 次阅读 2013-11-26 21:54 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:博客资讯| 癌症, 综述, 高引论文

1. 两篇颇具影响力的综述性论文

Douglas HanahanRobert A Weinberg 2000年发表在Cell上的《The hallmarks of cancer》累计被引用已经仅1.2万次(Scopus),谷歌学术搜索近1.8万次;几乎是每一位从事癌症研究的科研人员的必读的经典综述性文献。但是11年之后,二位合作有撰写了一篇新的癌症研究综述性文献,2011年3月4日在Cell发表,题为《Hallmarks of Cancer: The Next Generation》,将肿瘤的六种武器扩充到十种武器。不同数据库的引用统计结果如下:

1)The Hallmarks of Cancer • Review article
Cell, Volume 100, Issue 1, January 2000, Pages 57-70
Hanahan, D.; Weinberg, R.A.

Cited by Scopus (11879)

2)Hallmarks of Cancer: The Next Generation • Review article

Cell, Volume 144, Issue 5, March 2011, Pages 646-674
Hanahan, D.; Weinberg, Robert A.

Cited by Scopus (3708)

[引用] The hallmarks of cancer
D Hanahan, RA Weinberg - cell, 2000 - Cell Press
[HTML] Hallmarks of cancer: the next generation
D Hanahan, RA Weinberg - Cell, 2011 - Elsevier
The hallmarks of cancer comprise six biological capabilities acquired during the multistep
development of human tumors. The hallmarks constitute an organizing principle for
rationalizing the complexities of neoplastic disease. They include sustaining proliferative ...

2 Robert A WeinbergDouglas Hanahan的高引论文(被引千次以上)

2.1 Robert A Weinberg美国科学院院士,世界着名的Whitehead研究所创始人之一,他曾发现了第一个人类癌基因Ras和第一个抑癌基因Rb,他的一系列杰出研究工作已经成为肿瘤研究领域乃至整个医学生物学领域的重要里程碑。

[引用] The hallmarks of cancer

D Hanahan, RA Weinberg - cell, 2000 - Cell Press

被引用次数:17676 相关文章 所有 94 个版本 引用

ncsu.edu 中的 [PDF]

[引用] The retinoblastoma protein and cell cycle control

RA Weinberg - Cell, 1995 - Cell Press

被引用次数:4135 相关文章 所有 5 个版本 引用

sciencedirect.com 中的 [HTML]

[HTML] Hallmarks of cancer: the next  generation

D Hanahan, RA Weinberg - Cell, 2011 - Elsevier

The hallmarks of cancer comprise six biological capabilities acquired  during the multistep
 development of human tumors. The hallmarks constitute an organizing principle  for
 rationalizing the complexities of neoplastic disease. They include sustaining  proliferative

被引用次数:5597 相关文章 所有 51 个版本 引用

Tumorigenic conversion of primary  embryo fibroblasts requires at least two cooperating oncogenes.

H Land, LF Parada, RA Weinberg - Nature, 1982 - europepmc.org

Transfection of embryo fibroblasts by a human ras oncogene does not  convert them into
 tumour cells unless the fibroblasts are established and immortalized before  transfection. The
 embryo fibroblasts become tumorigenic if a second oncogene such as a viral or  cellular

被引用次数:2527 相关文章 所有 10 个版本 引用 


uu.nl 中的 [PDF]

Identification of a human DNA  segment having properties of the gene that predisposes to retinoblastoma and  osteosarcoma

SH Friend, RA Bernards, S Rogelj, RA Weinberg… - …, 1986 -  igitur-archive.library.uu.nl

The genomes of various tumor cells contain mutant oncogenes that act  dominantly, in that
 their effects can be observed when they are introduced into non-malignent  cells. There is
 evidence for another class of oncogenes, in which tumour-predisposing  mutations are

被引用次数:2442 相关文章 所有 9 个版本 引用

Creation of human tumour cells  with defined genetic elements

…, RL Beijersbergen, MW Brooks, RA Weinberg - Nature, 1999 - nature.com

Abstract During malignant transformation, cancer cells acquire genetic  mutations that
 override the normal mechanisms controlling cellular proliferation. Primary  rodent cells are
 efficiently converted into tumorigenic cells by the coexpression of  cooperating oncogenes

被引用次数:1926 相关文章 所有 7 个版本 引用

sciencedirect.com 中的 [HTML]

[HTML] The epithelial-mesenchymal  transition generates cells with properties of stem cells

…, K Polyak, C Brisken, J Yang, RA Weinberg - Cell, 2008 - Elsevier

The epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a key developmental  program that is often
 activated during cancer invasion and metastasis. We here report that the  induction of an
 EMT in immortalized human mammary epithelial cells (HMLEs) results in the  acquisition of

被引用次数:2443 相关文章 所有 34 个版本 引用

Tumor suppressor genes

RA Weinberg - Science, 1991 - sciencemag.org

Abstract For the past decade, cellular oncogenes have attracted the  attention of biologists
 intent on understanding the molecular origins of cancer. As the present  decade unfolds,
 oncogenes are yielding their place at center stage to a second group of  actors, the tumor

被引用次数:1609 相关文章 所有 6 个版本 引用

sciencedirect.com 中的 [HTML]

[HTML] < i> hEST2</i>, the  Putative Human Telomerase Catalytic Subunit Gene, Is Up-Regulated in Tumor  Cells and during Immortalization

…, Q Liu, S Bacchetti, DA Haber, RA Weinberg - cell, 1997 - Elsevier

Telomerase, the ribonucleoprotein enzyme that elongates telomeres, is  repressed in normal
 human somatic cells but is reactivated during tumor progression. We report  the cloning of a
 human gene, hEST2, that shares significant sequence similarity with the  telomerase

被引用次数:1844 相关文章 所有 6 个版本 引用

sciencedirect.com 中的 [HTML]

[HTML] Twist, a master regulator of  morphogenesis, plays an essential role in tumor metastasis

…, P Savagner, I Gitelman, A Richardson, RA Weinberg - Cell, 2004 -  Elsevier

Metastasis is a multistep process during which cancer cells disseminate  from the site of
 primary tumors and establish secondary tumors in distant organs. In a search  for key
 regulators of metastasis in a murine breast tumor model, we have found that  the

被引用次数:1843 相关文章 所有 6 个版本 引用

[PDF] Association between an oncogene  and an anti-oncogene: the adenovirus E 1 A proteins bind to the  retinoblastoma gene product

…, SH Friend, M Raybuck, RA Weinberg… - …, 1988 -  staging-www.nature.com

One of the cellular targets implicated in the process of transformation  by the adenovirus EIA
 proteins is a 105K cellular protein. Previously, this protein had been shown  to form stable
 protein/protein complexes with the EIA polypeptides but its identity was  unknown. Here,

被引用次数:1300 相关文章 所有 7 个版本 引用

scottsdalecc.edu 中的 [PDF]

[图书] Foundations of sport and exercise  psychology

RS Weinberg, D Gould - 2010 - books.google.com

The latest edition of the best-selling sport and exercise psychology  book on the market,"
 Foundations of Sport and"" Exercise Psychology," Fifth  Edition, provides a thorough
 introduction to the key concepts in the field. Written by internationally  respected authors, it

被引用次数:1751 相关文章 所有 10 个版本 引用

stanford.edu 中的 [PDF]

[PDF] Effects of an Rb mutation in the  mouse

…, EM Schmitt, RT Bronson, MA Goodell, RA Weinberg - Nature, 1992 - stanford.edu

The retinoblastoma gene is mutated in several types of human cancer and  is the best
 characterized of the tumour-suppressor genes. A mouse strain has been  constructed in
 which one allele of Rb is disrupted. These heterozygous animals are not  predisposed to

被引用次数:1565 相关文章 所有 8 个版本 引用

sciencedirect.com 中的 [HTML]

[HTML] < i> hSIR2SIRT1</i>  Functions as an NAD-Dependent p53 Deacetylase

…, RA Frye, TK Pandita, L Guarente, RA Weinberg - Cell, 2001 - Elsevier

DNA damage-induced acetylation of p53 protein leads to its activation  and either growth
 arrest or apoptosis. We show here that the protein product of the gene  hSIR2SIRT1, the
 human homolog of the S. cerevisiae Sir2 protein known to be involved in cell  aging and in

被引用次数:1623 相关文章 所有 10 个版本 引用

sciencedirect.com 中的 [HTML]

[HTML] Stromal fibroblasts present in  invasive human breast carcinomas promote tumor growth and angiogenesis  through elevated SDF-1/CXCL12 secretion

…, R Naeem, VJ Carey, AL Richardson, RA Weinberg - Cell, 2005 - Elsevier

Fibroblasts often constitute the majority of the stromal cells within a  breast carcinoma, yet the
 functional contributions of these cells to tumorigenesis are poorly  understood. Using a
 coimplantation tumor xenograft model, we demonstrate that  carcinoma-associated

被引用次数:1635 相关文章 所有 6 个版本 引用

Tumor spectrum analysis in<  i> p53</i>-mutant mice

…, EM Schmitt, S Halachmi, RT Bronson,  RA Weinberg - Current Biology, 1994 - Elsevier

Background: The p53 tumor suppressor gene is mutated in a large  percentage of human
 malignancies, including tumors of the colon, breast, lung and brain.  Individuals who inherit
 one mutant allele of p53 are susceptible to a wide range of tumor types. The  gene

被引用次数:1458 相关文章 所有 5 个版本 引用

nih.gov 中的 [HTML]

[HTML] The basics of epithelial-mesenchymal transition

R Kalluri, RA Weinberg - The Journal of clinical investigation, 2009 -  ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

Abstract The origins of the mesenchymal cells participating in tissue  repair and pathological
 processes, notably tissue fibrosis, tumor invasiveness, and metastasis, are  poorly
 understood. However, emerging evidence suggests that epithelial-mesenchymal

被引用次数:1546 相关文章 所有 8 个版本 引用

Cellular oncogenes and multistep carcinogenesis

H Land, LF Parada, RA Weinberg - Science, 1983 - sciencemag.org

Abstract Two dozen cellular proto-oncogenes have been discovered to date  through the
 study of retroviruses and the use of gene transfer. They form a structurally  and functionally
 heterogeneous group. At least five distinct mechanisms are responsible for  their

被引用次数:1120 相关文章 所有 4 个版本 引用

lumc.nl 中的 [PDF]

Mesenchymal stem cells within  tumour stroma promote breast cancer metastasis

…, AL Richardson, K Polyak, R Tubo, RA Weinberg - Nature, 2007 - nature.com

Abstract Mesenchymal stem cells have been recently described to localize  to breast
 carcinomas, where they integrate into the tumour-associated stroma. However,  the
 involvement of mesenchymal stem cells (or their derivatives) in tumour  pathophysiology

被引用次数:1331 相关文章 所有 13 个版本 引用

The neu oncogene: an erb-B-related  gene encoding a 185,000-Mr tumour antigen

…, SJ Decker, JA Drebin, MI Greene, RA Weinberg - 1984 - nature.com

A series of rat neuro/glioblastomas all contain the same transforming  gene (neu) which
 induces synthesis of a tumour antigen of relative molecular mass (M r)  185,000 (p185). The
 neu oncogene bears homology to erb-B and the tumour antigen, p185, is  serologically

被引用次数:1011 相关文章 所有 6 个版本 引用

Tumour invasion and metastasis  initiated by microRNA-10b in breast cancer

L Ma, J Teruya-Feldstein, RA Weinberg - Nature, 2007 - nature.com

Abstract MicroRNAs have been implicated in regulating diverse cellular  pathways. Although
 there is emerging evidence that some microRNAs can function as oncogenes or  tumour
 suppressors, the role of microRNAs in mediating cancer metastasis remains  unexplored.

被引用次数:1307 相关文章 所有 14 个版本 引用

Association of Sos Ras exchange  protein with Grb2 is implicated in tyrosine kinase signal transduction and  transformation

…, MW Brooks, L Buday, AM Sizeland, RA Weinberg - 1993 - nature.com

The proteins Grb2–Sem-5, Shc and Sos have been implicated in the  signalling pathway
 from tyrosine kinase receptors to Ras. Grb2–Sem-5 binds directly to murine  Sos1, a Ras
 exchange factor, through two SH3 domains. Sos is also associated with  ligand-activated

被引用次数:1051 相关文章 所有 6 个版本 引用

The neu oncogene encodes an  epidermal growth factor receptor-related protein

CI Bargmann, MC Hung, RA Weinberg - 1986 - nature.com

The neu oncogene is repeatedly activated in neuro-and glioblastomas  derived by
 transplacental mutagenesis of the BDIX strain of rat with ethylnitrosourea 1.  Foci induced by
 the DNAs from such tumours on NIH 3T3 cells contain the neu oncogene and an

被引用次数:1104 相关文章 所有 5 个版本 引用

aacrjournals.org 中的 [PDF]

[引用] Oncogenes, antioncogenes, and the  molecular bases of multistep carcinogenesis

RA Weinberg - Cancer Research, 1989 - AACR

Tumorigenesis in humans and laboratory animals is a com plex,  mu11ÂĄstepprocess (1, 2).
 In humans, in whom the process has been studied only indirectly, measurements  of age-
 depen dent tumor incidence indicate kinetics dependent on the fifth or sixth  power of

被引用次数:1005 相关文章 所有 5 个版本 引用


2.2 Hanahan, D — San Francisco,  USA

3 highly cited papers in  open-access literature.

URL to this profile

[1988 – 2007] Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of  California, San Francisco 94143-0534.

[1987] Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, New York 11724.

[引用] The hallmarks of cancer

D Hanahan,  RA Weinberg - cell, 2000 - Cell Press

被引用次数:17676 相关文章 所有 94  个版本 引用

protocol-online.org 中的 [PDF]

Studies on transformation of<  i> Escherichia coli</i> with plasmids

D Hanahan -  Journal of molecular biology, 1983 - Elsevier

Factors that affect the probability of genetic  transformation of Escherichia coli by plasmids
 have been evaluated. A set of conditions is described under which about one  in every 400
 plasmid molecules produces a transformed cell. These conditions include cell  growth in ...

被引用次数:10000 相关文章 所有 7 个版本 引用

[引用] Patterns and emerging mechanisms of the  angiogenic switch during tumorigenesis

D Hanahan,  J Folkman - cell, 1996 - Cell Press

被引用次数:6172 相关文章 所有 6 个版本 引用

sciencedirect.com 中的 [HTML]

[HTML] Hallmarks of cancer: the next  generation

D Hanahan,  RA Weinberg - Cell, 2011 - Elsevier

The hallmarks of cancer comprise six biological  capabilities acquired during the multistep
 development of human tumors. The hallmarks constitute an organizing principle  for
 rationalizing the complexities of neoplastic disease. They include sustaining  proliferative ...

被引用次数:5597 相关文章 所有 51  个版本 引用

nih.gov 中的 [HTML]

Matrix metalloproteinase-9  triggers the angiogenic switch during carcinogenesis

…, P Thorpe, S Itohara, Z Werb, D Hanahan - Nature cell …, 2000 - nature.com

Abstract During carcinogenesis of pancreatic islets in  transgenic mice, an angiogenic switch
 activates the quiescent vasculature. Paradoxically, vascular endothelial  growth factor
 (VEGF) and its receptors are expressed constitutively. Nevertheless, a synthetic  inhibitor ( ...

被引用次数:1888 相关文章 所有 9 个版本 引用

harvard.edu 中的 [PDF]

[PDF] Induction of angiogenesis during  the transition from hyperplasia to neoplasia

J Folkman, K Watson, D Ingber, D Hanahan - Nature, 1989 - web1.tch.harvard.edu

It is now well established that unrestricted growth of  tumours is dependent upon
 angiogenesis1, 2. Previous studies on tumour growth, however, have not  revealed when or
 how the transition to an angiogenic state occurs during early tumour  development. The ...

被引用次数:1863 相关文章 所有 8 个版本 引用

[引用] Techniques for transformation of E. coli

D Hanahan -  DNA cloning, 1985

被引用次数:1530 相关文章 引用

sciencedirect.com 中的 [HTML]

[HTML] MMP-9/gelatinase B is a key  regulator of growth plate angiogenesis and apoptosis of hypertrophic  chondrocytes

…, G Bergers, JE Berger, JA Helms, D Hanahan… - Cell, 1998 - Elsevier

Homozygous mice with a null mutation in the  MMP-9/gelatinase B gene exhibit an abnormal
 pattern of skeletal growth plate vascularization and ossification. Although  hypertrophic
 chondrocytes develop normally, apoptosis, vascularization, and ossification  are delayed, ...

被引用次数:1375 相关文章 所有 7 个版本 引用

Heritable formation of pancreatic  β-cell tumours in transgenic mice expressing recombinant insulin/simian virus  40 oncogenes

D Hanahan -  Nature, 1985 - nature.com

Abstract Following the transfer into fertilized mouse  eggs of recombinant genes composed of
 the upstream region of the rat insulin II gene linked to sequences coding for  the large-T
 antigen of simian virus 40, large-T antigen is detected exclusively in the  beta-Cells of the ...

被引用次数:1141 相关文章 所有 5 个版本 引用

akadns.net 中的 [PDF]

[PDF] Signaling vascular morphogenesis  and maintenance

D Hanahan -  SCIENCE-NEW YORK THEN WASHINGTON-, 1997 - columbia.akadns.net

Blood vessels are constructed by two processes:  vasculogenesis, whereby a primitive
 vascular network is established during embryogenesis from multipotential  mesenchymal
 progenitors, and angiogenesis, in which preexisting vessels (both in embryo  and adult) ...

被引用次数:1164 相关文章 所有 21  个版本 引用 

Benefits of targeting both pericytes and endothelial  cells in the tumor vasculature with kinase inhibitors

…, E Bergsland, D Hanahan - Journal of Clinical …, 2003 - Am Soc Clin  Investig

Methods Drug treatment of transgenic mice. The mice in these studies  were males and
 females of the RIP1Tag2 transgenic mouse lineage that were bred 45  generations into the
 C57Bl/6J background. Animals were treated from 5 to 10.5 weeks of age in the  prevention

被引用次数:1109 相关文章 所有 7 个版本 引用

sciencedirect.com 中的 [HTML]

[HTML] Antiangiogenic therapy elicits  malignant progression of tumors to increased local invasion and distant  metastasis

…, H Okuyama, F Viñals, M Inoue, G Bergers, D Hanahan… - Cancer cell, 2009 -  Elsevier

Multiple angiogenesis inhibitors have been therapeutically validated in  preclinical cancer
 models, and several in clinical trials. Here we report that angiogenesis  inhibitors targeting
 the VEGF pathway demonstrate antitumor effects in mouse models of pancreatic

被引用次数:1120 相关文章 所有 18 个版本 引用

Modes of resistance to  anti-angiogenic therapy

G Bergers, D Hanahan - Nature Reviews Cancer, 2008 - nature.com

Abstract Angiogenesis inhibitors targeting the vascular endothelial  growth factor (VEGF)
 signalling pathways are affording demonstrable therapeutic efficacy in mouse  models of
 cancer and in an increasing number of human cancers. However, in both  preclinical and

被引用次数:1045 相关文章 所有 10 个版本 引用


3. Robert A WeinbergDouglas Hanahan的合作者关系图

3.1 Robert A Weinberg合作者关系图
3.2 Douglas Hanahan合作者关系图


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