

Effects of nano-Ag on the combustion process of Al-CuO MIC

已有 4004 次阅读 2013-11-22 20:53 |系统分类:论文交流| process, MIC, combustion, Al-CuO

Effects of nano-Ag on the combustion process of Al–CuO metastable intermolecula.pdf

    Effects of nano-Ag on the combustion process of Al-CuO metastable intermolecular composite (MIC)


Jinpeng Shen, Zhiqiang Qiao, Kaili Zhang, Jun Wang, Rui Li, Hongmei Xu,Guangcheng Yang*, Fude Nie

(Applied Thermal Engineering 62 (2014) 732-737)


Abstract:Effects of nano-Ag with high thermal conductivity on the combustion wave behavior of Al-CuO MIC
(metastable intermolecular composite) are studied in this paper by incorporating Al-CuO MIC with
nano-Ag particles in different weight proportions. The physical and chemical characteristics of Al-CuO
MIC are determined using scanning electron microscope (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and differential
scanning calorimeter (DSC). The combustion wave behavior is identified by high-speed video recording
(HSVR). The experimental observations confirm that the presence of nano-Ag particles improves the heat
transfer efficiency. With nano-Ag increasing from 1 wt% to 10 wt%, the first exothermic peak temperature
decreases from 607.8 C to 567.6 C, and average combustion speed (ACS) increases at first and then
reduces. The most suitable amount of nano-Ag is 2 wt% with the ACS and instantaneous combustion
velocity on the order of 954.0 m/s, 1562.5 m/s. Moreover, heat transfer mechanisms in the combustion
process of Al-CuO MIC are better understood, especially by distinguishing conduction from convection
during the combustion propagation. Furthermore, three stages (ignition, acceleration and steady combustion)
of reactive propagation are observed in the combustion process. And the corresponding
dominative heat transfer mechanisms in the three stages are conduction, conduction to convection
transition, and convection, respectively.

上一篇:Preparation and Characterization of a Novel Cocrystal Exps
下一篇:Pressure loss and compensation on microheater chip
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