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已有 4765 次阅读 2013-10-11 10:02 |个人分类:知识发现|系统分类:科研笔记| 知识, 爱因斯坦


爱因斯坦大脑研究进展  http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=280034&do=blog&id=731942


A-query: Einstein brain
C-query: alzheimer's disease

The B-list contains title words and phrases (terms) that appeared in both the A and the C literature. 184 articles appeared in both literatures and were not included in the process of computing the B-list but can be viewed here. The results of this search are saved under id # 14261 and can be accessed from the start page after you leave this session. There are 687 terms on the current B-list (239 are predicted to be relevant(发现239个爱因斯坦大脑与老年性痴呆关联的基因研究相关知识概念,这些知识概念是文献中隐含的知识点,称为非相关文献的知识概念,也称隐性知识,这些文献之间没有引证关系(引用或互引),科研人员可以去分析这些知识点,也许从中获得科研启发,对科研选题有所帮助;也许对正在进行中的科研工作有参考意义。), which is shown ranked according to predicted relevance. The list can be further trimmed down using the filters listed in the left margin.

To assess whether there appears to be a biologically significant relationship between the AB and BC literatures for specific B-terms, please select one or more B-terms and then click the button to view the corresponding AB and BC literatures. Use Ctrl to select multiple B-terms.











job id # 14261 started Thu Oct 10 20:53:56 2013
Max_citations: 50000
Stoplist: /var/www/arrowsmith_uic/data/stopwords_pubmed
Ngram_max: 3
A_query_raw: Einstein brainThu Oct 10 20:54:02 2013

A query = Einstein brain started Thu Oct 10 20:54:02 2013
A query resulted in 2662 titles
C_query_raw: Einstein brain Thu Oct 10 20:55:11 2013

C: Einstein brain 2662

A: pubmed_query_A 2662

AC: ( Einstein brain ) AND ( Einstein brain ) 2662

C_query_raw: alzheimer's disease Thu Oct 10 20:57:23 2013

C: alzheimer's disease 94006

A: pubmed_query_A 2662

AC: ( Einstein brain ) AND ( alzheimer's disease ) 184

C_query_raw: alzheimer's disease Thu Oct 10 20:57:26 2013

C: alzheimer's disease 94006

A: pubmed_query_A 2662

AC: ( Einstein brain ) AND ( alzheimer's disease ) 184

C query = alzheimer's disease started Thu Oct 10 20:57:26 2013
C query resulted in 50000 titles
A AND C query resulted in 184 titles
8454 B-terms ready on Thu Oct 10 20:57:51 2013

Genes & Molecular Sequences, and Gene & Protein Names
687 B-terms left after filter executed Thu Oct 10 20:58:45 2013

B-list on Thu Oct 10 21:02:32 2013
1 tau protein
2 adiponectin
3 cyclin dependent kinase
4 bdnf
5 cannabinoid receptor
6 akt
7 neurotrophin
8 ltp
9 caspase-3
10 glutamate receptor
11 autophagy
12 fmrp
13 cd14
14 calmodulin
15 paxillin
16 5-ht1a
17 chaperone
18 leptin receptor
19 leptin
20 bcl xl
21 beta catenin
22 homeobox gene
23 neuroglobin
24 ryanodine receptor
25 homeobox
26 mtor
27 neuregulin
28 tyrosine kinase
29 erk1
30 prion protein
31 kibra
32 herg
33 grb2
34 receptor gene
35 mglur
36 microtubule associated protein
37 galanin receptor
38 cdna
39 ubiquitin
40 caspase
41 prosaa
42 fmr1
43 eaat2
44 differentially expressed gene
45 ca1
46 gp130
47 chemokine receptor
48 cytokine
49 parkin gene
50 p2x7
51 npc1
52 myc
53 tau
54 lrrk2
55 phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase
56 exon
57 pi3k
58 mri
59 protein kinase b
60 proenkephalin
61 p70 s6 kinase
62 gene family
63 single nucleotide polymorphism
64 opioid receptor
65 isoform
66 stat3
67 c fos
68 huntingtin
69 s6
70 erk2
71 chemokine
72 protein kinase
73 erp
74 gaba a receptor
75 cntf
76 genome wide
77 promoter
78 estrogen receptor alpha
79 vglut2
80 transgene expression
81 bcl
82 spastin
83 ciliary neurotrophic factor
84 gene alternatively spliced
85 map2
86 protein tyrosine phosphatase
87 dynein
88 gp120
89 candidate gene
90 vglut1
91 caveolin-1
92 transporter
93 cb1
94 ca3
95 tubulin
96 gfap
97 tnfalpha
98 galanin
99 immediate early gene
100 gene encoding
101 ccr5
102 il-1
103 hsv-1
104 comt
105 ampa
106 ap-1
107 microrna
108 calbindin
109 gabaa
110 tyrosine phosphatase
111 epileptiform
112 troponin
113 mcp-1
114 nf kappab
115 transcription factor
116 intron
117 olfactory
118 diabetes
119 receptor kinase
120 igf i
121 bmp4
122 meg
123 pten
124 glur2
125 ikk
126 p2y
127 survivin
128 trkb
129 myelin basic protein
130 connexin
131 cyclin
132 enhancer
133 cytokine production
134 fgf
135 igf
136 parkin
137 alpha7
138 catalytic domain
139 beta actin
140 gaba a
141 genome
142 p19
143 ect
144 protein kinase c
145 nr2b
146 neurotrophic factor gene
147 heme
148 lobe
149 p75
150 gm2
151 ptsd
152 growth factor gene
153 rna
154 estrogen receptor
155 kcc2
156 neuropeptide y
157 progesterone receptor
158 sigma
159 pecam-1
160 trpv1
161 choline acetyltransferase
162 il-23
163 glucose transporter
164 fibroblast growth factor
165 receptor tyrosine kinase
166 cxcl8
167 untranslated region
168 connexin43
169 domain
170 mcp-2
171 parkinson disease
172 creb
173 vimentin
174 rem
175 hydrocephalus
176 synapsin
177 pannexin
178 calcium channel
179 glutathione s transferase
180 ngf
181 human genome
182 il-4
183 transgene
184 protein phosphatase
185 cd45
186 il-1beta
187 hspb1
188 promoter mutation
189 meta
190 gtpase
191 gpcr
192 na h exchanger
193 hepatocyte growth factor
194 dopamine receptor
195 hedgehog
196 mg2
197 sh3
198 factor gene
199 tat
200 sirt1
201 noun
202 promoter region
203 fyn
204 potassium channel
205 carboxypeptidase e
206 mela
207 spatial learning
208 pi3 kinase
209 phosphatase
210 c myc
211 cholesterol
212 protein phosphatase 2a
213 cgmp
214 insulin
215 adenylate cyclase
216 demyelination
217 kinase
218 ngf gene
219 erythropoietin
220 nmr
221 ep2
222 gd3
223 metabolic syndrome
224 adaptor
225 aromatase
226 mgat3
227 lif
228 insulin receptor
229 neuropeptide
230 gnrh
231 hsp70
232 kv1
233 bcl-2
234 lh
235 csf
236 tnf
237 cxcl12
238 heat shock protein
239 allele



爱因斯坦大脑、老年性痴呆与脑源性神经营养因子( brain derived neurophic factor , BDNF) 的关系研究。

       脑源性神经营养因子( brain derived neurophic factor , BDNF) 是在脑内合成的一种蛋白质,它广泛分布于中枢神经系统内,在中枢神经系统发育过程中,对神经元的存活、分化、生长发育起重要作用,并能防止神经元受损伤死亡、改善神经元的病理状态、促进受损伤神经元再生及分化等生物效应,而且也是成熟的中枢及周围神经系统的神经元维持生存及正常生理功能所必需。
       BDNF 是于1982 年由德国神经化学家Barde 等人首次从猪脑中分离纯化出具有促进神经生长活性的一种蛋白质,BDNF 分子单体是由119 个氨基酸残基组成的分泌型成熟多肽,蛋白等电点为9199 ,分子量为13.15kD ,主要由β折叠和无规N-级结构组成,含有3 个二硫键,为一种碱性蛋白质,分析表明BDNF 的氨基酸序列有相当一部分与神经生长因子(nerve growth factor ,N GF) 相同,故通称为神经营养因子(neurotrop hic factor ,NTF) 。
       国际在线专稿:据《每日邮报》报道,一个由美国政府资助的科研小组近日发现了一种可以使人忘记痛苦的化合物——“忘忧药”,不久的将来,被痛苦往事困扰的人只需服用一颗药片,失恋的悲伤、对记忆中可怕灾难的恐惧,统统会消失干净。  据报道,“忘忧药”清除的并不是记忆本身,而是记忆所带来的痛苦感受。比如一个经历过可怕车祸的幸存者并不会因为服用这种药忘记车祸的过程,只是在回忆起这段悲惨往事时,他不会再感到恐惧和无助。



AB literature




BC literature


Einstein brainbdnfalzheimer's disease
1: The brain-liver connection between BDNF and glucose control. 2013
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2: Endogenous BDNF regulates inhibitory synaptic transmission in the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus. 2011
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3:BDNF protection of auditory neurons from cisplatin involves changes in intracellular levels of both reactive oxygen species and glutathione. 1997
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4: NT-3 and/or BDNF therapy prevents loss of auditory neurons following loss of hair cells. 1996
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5: Neurotrophic effects of BDNF and CNTF, alone and in combination, on postnatal day 5 rat acoustic ganglion neurons. 1996
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6: Defective HSV-1 vector expressing BDNF in auditory ganglia elicits neurite outgrowth: model for treatment of neuron loss following cochlear degeneration. 1996
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7: NGF, BDNF and NT-3 play unique roles in the in vitro development and patterning of innervation of the mammalian inner ear. 1996
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8:BDNF-activated signal transduction in rat cortical glial cells. 1995
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1: 1H-MRS Assessment of the Therapeutic Effect of Bilateral Intraventricular BDNF Infusion into APP/PS1 Double Transgenic Mice. 2013
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2: Neurogenic and neurotrophic effects of BDNF peptides in mouse hippocampal primary neuronal cell cultures. 2013
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3: GDNF, NGF and BDNF as Therapeutic Options for Neurodegeneration. 2013
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4: NPY modulates miR-30a-5p and BDNF in opposite direction in an in vitro model of Alzheimer disease: a possible role in neuroprotection? 2013
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5: Steroids hormones and BDNF. 2013
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6: Cocoa powder triggers neuroprotective and preventive effects in a human Alzheimer's Disease model by modulating BDNF signaling pathway. 2013
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7: The stimulation of dendritic cells by Amyloid beta 1-42 reduces BDNF production in Alzheimer's disease patients. 2013
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8: Abeta oligomers impair BDNF retrograde trafficking by down-regulating ubiquitin-C-terminal hydrolase, UCH-L1. 2013
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9: 1H-MRS can monitor metabolites changes of lateral intraventricular BDNF infusion into a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease in vivo. 2013
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10: Nobiletin protects against cerebral ischemia via activating the p-Akt, p-CREB, BDNF and Bcl-2 pathway and ameliorating BBB permeability in rat. 2013
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