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The Name of Rose: Comments

已有 4137 次阅读 2013-9-22 20:37 |个人分类:千里旅行,万卷阅历 Travelling and reading help yo|系统分类:生活其它| The, name, rose, Umberto, Eco

Umberto Eco:

The Name of Rose

The year is 1327. Franciscans in a wealthy Italian abbey are suspected of heresy, and Brother William of Baskerville arrives to investigate. When his delicate mission is suddenly overshadowed by seven bizarre deaths, Brother William turns detective. His tools are the logic of Aristotle, the theology of Aquinas, the empirical insights of Roger Bacon—all sharpened to a glistening edge by wry humor and a ferocious curiosity. He collects evidence, deciphers secret symbols and coded manuscripts, and digs into the eerie labyrinth of the abbey, where “the most interesting things happen at night.”

Adapted from Umberto Eco's best-selling novel, director Jean-Jacques Annaud's The Name of the Rose is a 14th century murder-mystery thriller starring Sean Connery(肖恩·康纳利爵士,官佐勋章获得者,奥斯卡奖、金球奖和英国影视艺术学会奖得主,他最为人所知的身份或许就是詹姆斯·邦德的第一任扮演者(他一共出演了7部007电影)。1987年,他凭借《铁面无私》获得了奥斯卡最佳男配角奖。他于2000年7月由英国女王伊丽莎白二世授勋为爵。在荧幕上,肖恩·康纳利以保持一口苏格兰腔调而著称,不管他在影片中所饰演角色的国籍为何。尽管较之当代的诸多性感偶像他的年龄偏大,却仍然凭借粗犷的外表和1.88米的身高多次被多家杂志提名为当代最具吸引力的男子) as a Sherlock Holmes-esque Franciscan monk called William of Baskerville. When a murder occurs at a secluded Benedictine Abbey, William is called in to investigate. As he and his apprentice, Adson von Melk (Christian Slater), delve deeper and deeper into the case, more dead bodies begin to turn up. Eventually, Bernardo Gui, an inquisitor played by F. Murray Abraham gets involved, but he may not have the best intentions. Sean Connery's performance earned him the award for Best Actor at the 1988 British Academy Awards.


  Franciscan and Benedictine monks are dispatched to a remote monastery to resolve a dispute over doctrine in The Name of the Rose. When William of Baskerville (Sean Connery) and his novice Adso (a very young Christian Slater) arrive, they find the discussions have been stalled by the death of a young, talented scribe. The resident monks are all atwitter, wringing their hands and worrying that the murder is a sign of the apocalypse. Their fervor reaches a fever pitch as more of their brethren begin to turn up dead, describing some choice passages of Revelations. So William fires up his logic, ceaselessly name checks Aristotle and begins to piece together a mystery that involves secret secular knowledge, a labyrinthine library, and a struggle between wild religious superstition and cold reason.

   Based on Umberto Eco's dense and demanding bestseller, The Name of the Rose, is basically a love letter to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Unfortunately, the film version never passes up an opportunity to remind us of that fact.There is some real detective work going on, and overall it's fun to watch the whodunit at the core of film unfold. But we get a deerstalker full of cheap deductions and observations along the way, laying a thin coating of crap over what is otherwise an effective murder mystery. Director Jean-Jacques Annaud and his staff of writers are too interested in intertextual cleverness to allow the audience to do the some simple sleuthing of its own. Is it too much to ask the audience to connect William of Baskerville with the Sherlock Holmes story that shares his name? Do we really need the awkward "It's elementary," delivered with a veritable wink? William even uses his powers of deduction to solve the mysterious location of the bathroom. Seriously.

  Annaud does a great job, however, conjuring up a godforsaken medieval monastery that is about a appealing as the black plague. And that's the point. We get a slaughterhouse with its steaming buckets of blood and fleshy pig entrails. How about a sluice gate garbage disposal system that doubles as dinner bell for local inhabitants? Foreboding stone buildings set atop misty mountain peaks? Check. The supporting roles are dressed up much the same, presumably by Hieronymus Bosch's casting director. Blind monks watch wits with raving religious lunatics, while in the background a sweaty, bald cleric punishes his flesh with a cat-o'-nine-tails. But the standout here is heretical hunchback Salvatore (Ron Perlman), whose unintelligible pan-linguistic babbling makes him an easy scapegoat when the Inquisition unexpectedly comes calling.

 But the window dressing is not enough to buoy the principle acting. Connery looks like he's having fun throughout, but he's too cavalier to be convincing as a 14th century monk. When Slater's face isn't over-expressing fear and confusion, it settles into a deer-in-the-headlights torpor. And the brief appearance of F. Murray Abraham as Inquisitor Bernardo Gui is limited to fiery glaring and grand proclamations.

  The Name of the Rose has the insight to use the setting and practices of the early Church for creepy effect, but treats the audience too much like Dr. Watson.


   埃科(Umberto Eco,1932-),意大利哲学家、作家,当代著名的符号学家。1954年毕业于都灵大学,做过文化编辑,先后在都灵大学、米兰大学和佛罗伦萨大学任教,目前为波洛涅大学人文学院院长、符号学教授。主要学术著作有《开放的文本》、《符号学理论》、《符号学与语言哲学》、《阐释的局限》等。另有《玫瑰之名》、《福柯摆》等“严肃的畅销小说”多部。他的对话录《诠释与过度诠释》中译后,曾在国内引起过巨大的反响。



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