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已有 21481 次阅读 2013-8-2 12:07 |个人分类:氦气生物学|系统分类:人物纪事

太田成男(Shigeo Ohta),日本医科大学老年病研究所首席教授,1951年生于日本福岛县。1974年毕业于东京大学理学部。1979年完成东京大学研究生部药学系研究科博士课程后,历任瑞士巴塞尔大学生命中心研究所研究员,自治医科大学讲师、副教授,自1994年起任现职。他从30余年的研究中发现,线粒体所具有的机能,和人的身心健康密切相关。他是日本线粒体研究最著名的科学家第。先后担任日本线粒体学会理事长、日本Cell Death学会理事长、氢分子生物医学研究会理事长等职务。著有与作家濑名秀明氏合著的《与线粒体共存》(角川书店)、《线粒体的威力》(新潮社)等多部著作。





1.       Ohsawa, Ikuroh,Masahiro Ishikawa, Kumiko Takahashi, Megumi Watanabe, Kiyomi Nishimaki, KumiYamagata, Ken-ichiro Katsura, Yasuo Katayama, Sadamitsu Asoh, and Shigeo Ohta."Hydrogen acts as a therapeutic antioxidant by selectively reducingcytotoxic oxygen radicals." Nature medicine 13, no. 6 (2007):688-694.

2.       Fukuda, Kei-ichi,Sadamitsu Asoh, Masahiro Ishikawa, Yasuhiro Yamamoto, Ikuroh Ohsawa, and ShigeoOhta. "Inhalation of hydrogen gas suppresses hepatic injury caused byischemia/reperfusion through reducing oxidative stress." Biochemicaland Biophysical Research Communications 361, no. 3 (2007): 670-674.

3.       Hayashida,Kentaro, Motoaki Sano, Ikuroh Ohsawa, Ken Shinmura, Kayoko Tamaki, KensukeKimura, Jin Endo et al. "Inhalation of hydrogen gas reduces infarct sizein the rat model of myocardial ischemia–reperfusion injury." Biochemicaland biophysical research communications 373, no. 1 (2008): 30-35.

4.       Cai, Jianmei,Zhimin Kang, Wen Wu Liu, Xu Luo, Sun Qiang, John H. Zhang, Shigeo Ohta et al."Hydrogen therapy reduces apoptosis in neonatal hypoxia–ischemia ratmodel." Neuroscience letters 441, no. 2 (2008): 167-172.

5.       Nagata, Kazufumi,Naomi Nakashima-Kamimura, Toshio Mikami, Ikuroh Ohsawa, and Shigeo Ohta."Consumption of molecular hydrogen prevents the stress-induced impairmentsin hippocampus-dependent learning tasks during chronic physical restraint inmice." Neuropsychopharmacology 34, no. 2 (2008): 501-508.

6.       Ohsawa, Ikuroh,Kiyomi Nishimaki, Kumi Yamagata, Masahiro Ishikawa, and Shigeo Ohta."Consumption of hydrogen water prevents atherosclerosis in apolipoproteinE knockout mice." Biochemical and biophysical research communications377, no. 4 (2008): 1195-1198.

7.       Sato, Yasunori,Shizuo Kajiyama, Akiko Amano, Yoshitaka Kondo, Toru Sasaki, Setsuko Handa,Ryoya Takahashi et al. "Hydrogen-rich pure water prevents superoxideformation in brain slices of vitamin C-depleted SMP30/GNL knockout mice." Biochemicaland biophysical research communications 375, no. 3 (2008): 346-350.

8.       Fu, Yuan, MikakoIto, Yasunori Fujita, Masafumi Ito, Masatoshi Ichihara, Akio Masuda, YumiSuzuki et al. "Molecular hydrogen is protective against6-hydroxydopamine-induced nigrostriatal degeneration in a rat model of Parkinson'sdisease." Neuroscience Letters 453, no. 2 (2009): 81-85.

9.       Nakashima-Kamimura,Naomi, Takashi Mori, Ikuroh Ohsawa, Sadamitsu Asoh, and Shigeo Ohta."Molecular hydrogen alleviates nephrotoxicity induced by an anti-cancerdrug cisplatin without compromising anti-tumor activity in mice." Cancerchemotherapy and pharmacology 64, no. 4 (2009): 753-761.

10.     Oharazawa,Hideaki, Tsutomu Igarashi, Takashi Yokota, Hiroaki Fujii, Hisaharu Suzuki,Mitsuru Machide, Hiroshi Takahashi, Shigeo Ohta, and Ikuroh Ohsawa. "Protectionof the retina by rapid diffusion of hydrogen: administration of hydrogen-loadedeye drops in retinal ischemia–reperfusion injury." Investigativeophthalmology & visual science 51, no. 1 (2010): 487-492.

11.     Ohta, Shigeo,Atsunori Nakao, and Kinji Ohno. "The 2011 medical molecular hydrogensymposium: an inaugural symposium of the journal medical Gas research." MedGas Res 1, no. 1 (2011): 10.

12.     Hanaoka, Teruyasu,Naomi Kamimura, Takashi Yokota, Shinro Takai, and Shigeo Ohta. "Molecularhydrogen protects chondrocytes from oxidative stress and indirectly alters geneexpressions through reducing peroxynitrite derived from nitric oxide." Medicalgas research 1, no. 1 (2011): 18.

13.     Kamimura, Naomi,Kiyomi Nishimaki, Ikuroh Ohsawa, and Shigeo Ohta. "Molecular hydrogenimproves obesity and diabetes by inducing hepatic FGF21 and stimulating energymetabolism in db/db mice." Obesity 19, no. 7 (2011): 1396-1403.

14.     Terasaki,Yasuhiro, Ikuroh Ohsawa, Mika Terasaki, Mikiko Takahashi, Shinobu Kunugi, KangDedong, Hirokazu Urushiyama et al. "Hydrogen therapy attenuatesirradiation-induced lung damage by reducing oxidative stress." AmericanJournal of Physiology-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology 301, no. 4(2011): L415-L426.

15.     Ohta, Shigeo."Molecular hydrogen is a novel antioxidant to efficiently reduce oxidativestress with potential for the improvement of mitochondrial diseases." Biochimicaet Biophysica Acta (BBA)-General Subjects 1820, no. 5 (2012): 586-594.

16.     Hayashida, Kei,Motoaki Sano, Naomi Kamimura, Takashi Yokota, Masaru Suzuki, Yuichiro Maekawa,Akio Kawamura et al. "H2 Gas Improves Functional Outcome After CardiacArrest to an Extent Comparable to Therapeutic Hypothermia in a Rat Model."Journal of the American Heart Association 1, no. 5 (2012).

17.     Yoritaka, Asako,Masashi Takanashi, Masaaki Hirayama, Toshiki Nakahara, Shigeo Ohta, andNobutaka Hattori. "Pilot study of H2 therapy in Parkinson's disease: Arandomized doubleblind placebocontrolled trial." MovementDisorders (2013).



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