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新书速递:学术与专业出版 (by Campbell R et al.)

已有 5682 次阅读 2013-7-13 23:33 |个人分类:业内资讯|系统分类:博客资讯| 专业


1. 引言

2. 出版形式快速演变背景下的同行评议

3. 学术生态

4. 数字化革命

5. 出版与传播策略

6. 期刊出版的商业模式演变

7. 图书出版业务模式演变

8. 编辑与出版流程

9. 电子出版规范

10. 引用,文献计量和质量:影响与使用的评估

11. 为用户提供相关内容

12. 销售,许可与市场

13. 图书馆在学术生态系统中作用的演变

14. 出版道德和诚信

15. 法律和版权

16. 关系管理

17. 期刊出版有前途吗?

18. 外部环境及其对学术与专业出版的影响

19. 学术与专业出版中的职业发展

20. 后记:专业与学术出版中的信誉


Academic and Professional Publishing

Robert Campbell and Ian Borthwick

1.       Introduction: overview of academic and professional publishing

2.       Peer review in a rapidly evolving publishing landscape

3.       The scholarly ecosystem

4.       The digital revolution

5.       Publishing and communication strategies

6.       Development of journal publishing business models and finances

7.       Development of book publishing business models and finances

8.       Editorial and production workflows

9.       Electronic publishing standards

10.   Citation, bibliometrics and quality: assessing impact and usage

11.   Relating content to the user

12.   Sales, licensing and marketing

13.   The evolving role of libraries in the scholarly ecosystem

14.   Publishing ethics and integrity

15.   Legal aspects and copyright

16.   Relationship management

17.   Does journal publishing have a future?

18.   External forces and their impacts on academic and professional publishing

19.   Career development in academic and professional publishing

20.   Epilogue: trust in academic and professional publishing



上一篇:OA出版剖析(Mikael Laakso)
下一篇:科学基金资助与SCI论文产出(孙金伟 等)
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3 郭胜锋 陈辉 蒋磊

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