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(论文 Carbon)垂直取向石墨烯超级电容器储能

已有 5461 次阅读 2013-6-6 16:06 |系统分类:论文交流| 论文, 石墨烯, 超级电容器

      采用传统化学方法制备的石墨烯在干燥和转移过程中容易由于范德华力形成团聚,这一弊端严重影响了其有效比表面积。垂直取向石墨烯一般采用等离子体增强化学气相沉积(PECVD)技术在基底表面直接生长,没有严重的层间团聚现象,具有开放的层间结构和独特的形貌结构。本课题组与美国威斯康辛大学的Junhong Chen课题组合作,完成了垂直取向石墨烯在集流体表面的一步式制备,进而应用于超级电容器。该方法无需使用粘结剂和导电剂。垂直取向有利于活性材料浸润,在有机电解液中可以达到甚至超过在水溶液电解液中的性能,拐点频率(knee frequency)达3174 Hz。论文于2012年9月发表于Carbon。请同行批评指正。


Zheng Bo, Zhenhai Wen, Haejune Kim, Ganhua Lu, Kehan Yu, Junhong Chen, 2012 One-step Fabrication and Capacitive Behavior of Supercapacitor Electrodes Using Vertically-oriented Graphene Directly Grown on Metal,Carbon, 50, 4379-4387.

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摘要:We report on a one-step binder-free fabrication method for electrochemical double layer (EDL) capacitor electrodes consisting of vertically-oriented graphene uniformly grown on a metallic current collector. The double-layer capacitive behavior of the resulting electrode is studied in both aqueous and organic electrolytes. Compared with conventional graphene-based EDL capacitor electrode fabrication methods, this method offers the following advantages: (a) no need to use a binder, (b) open channels for better ion access, and (c) exposed edge planes for improved material wettability. These unique features lead to excellent capacitive behavior in organic electrolytes, including a specific capacitance slightly higher than that in aqueous electrolytes at the same potential scan rate and a high knee frequency (3174 Hz in the current work).

下一篇:(论文 Energ. Environ. Sci)基于石墨烯的纳米电晕
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