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已有 3210 次阅读 2013-6-6 12:00 |系统分类:科研笔记| 论文发表, 伦理

•    人和动物研究对象的不当使用
•    署名不端
•    一稿多投
•    重复发表
•    剽窃
•    捏造或篡改数据
署名不端问题出版社很想消灭,但现在仍常可见到。国际医学期刊编辑委员会[InternationalCommittee of Medical Journal Editors,(ICMJE);http://www.icmje.org]已经就署名资格制订了指南。根据ICMJE指南,署名资格必须基于:①对研究的构思/设计或数据的获取/分析/解释具有实质性贡献;②参与撰写论文,或对重要知识部分进行关键性修改;③同意终稿发表。这三条必须全部满足才能具备署名资格。相对次要的贡献者可在“致谢”部分列出。应当注意的是,一些期刊有自己的署名规定,通常含在《稿约》中。
最后三种学术不端行为是:剽窃、捏造和篡改数据。美国国家科学基金把它们列为学术不端的鉴戒。剽窃是指“擅用他人的思想、方法、结果、或语言而未申明出处。这包括通过秘密审读他人论文或经费申请书所获取的信息”(出自Federal Office of Science and Technology Policy,1999)。转述是允许的,但其方式要恰当。如果要进行直接转述就要用引号表明,不然就需要变换说法。捏造是指无中生有地制造并报道数据,篡改则是指对试验进行操纵,或更改已获得的数据,导致所报道文献不能准确反映真实的研究状况。所有学术不端都有严重后果,从拒稿到解雇,以及可能的法律诉讼。

Ethics: following good practice
Mostscientists and clinicians are familiar with the concept of ethics as itrelates to research, particularly research involving human and animalsubjects. Indeed, most studies require ethical approval of theprotocols from an institutional committee (following internationallyestablished guidelines) before the research can commence. Additionalguidelines relate to publications practice (including the use ofmedical communications agencies), authorship, reproduction of content,and the validity of the data being presented. Unethical behavior canlead to rejection or even a ban from some journals. But what comprisesunethical behavior and how can it be avoided?
The following practices are considered to be unethical:
•    Improper use of human subjects and animals in research
•    Improper authorship
•    Making multiple submissions of the same manuscript
•    Submitting a redundant publication
•    Plagiarism
•    Data fabrication and falsification
Thefirst of these is probably the one that most people are familiar with.Experiments on human subjects and animals should follow the ethicalstandards set out in the Helsinki Declaration of 1975 (revised by theWorld Medical Organisation in Edinburgh in 2000), which led to theestablishment of ethics committees. These guidelines ensure the welfareof the animals or human subjects involved in research and require thathuman subjects provide informed consent for the experiments; that is,they are informed of the purpose and nature of the experiments andconsent to being subject to them. All research using human and animalsubjects must comply with the Helsinki Declaration or, if not, theresearchers must explain the rationale underlying their approach andobtain approval from a local or institutional ethical review body.
Improperauthorship is unfortunately a frequently occurring practice thatpublishers are keen to put an end to. The International Committee ofMedical Journal Editors (ICMJE; http://www.icmje.org) have establishedguidelines for qualification for authorship. According to the ICMJE,authorship credit should be based on: 1) substantial contributions toconception and design, or acquisition of data, or analysis andinterpretation of data; 2) drafting the article or revising itcritically for important intellectual content; and 3) final approval ofthe version to be published. All three of these criteria need to besatisfied for a person to qualify for authorship. Lesser contributionsshould usually be noted in the acknowledgments section of themanuscript. It should be noted that some journals have their owncriteria for authorship; these are usually set out in the Guide forAuthors.
“Multiple submissions” refers to the practice of submittingthe same manuscript to more than one journal, simultaneously. Althoughthis might save some of your time, if identified, it will result inyour paper being rejected and a possible ban from publishing in thejournals in question. It simply isn’t worth the risk. Journal editorsregularly talk to each other and will exchange information aboutsuspicious papers. It is also quite likely that different journals willappoint the same peer reviewers, leading to discovery of any additionalsubmissions. Therefore, you should not submit your manuscript to asecond journal until you receive a final decision from the firstjournal.
Redundant publications are publications containing findingsthat have already been published. Journal editors want originalcontent, and this was put into policy in 1969 in the form of theIngelfinger rule, “the policy of considering a manuscript forpublication only if its substance has not been submitted or reportedelsewhere”, named after Franz Ingelfinger, the editor of the NewEngland Journal of Medicine at that time. The aim of this rule was toprotect the journal from publishing material that had already beenpublished and had therefore lost its originality. The rule isreiterated in the ICMJE Guidelines (III.D.2 Redundant Publication),which states that journal editors “do not wish to receive papers onwork that has already been reported in large part in a publishedarticle or is contained in another paper that has been submitted oraccepted for publication elsewhere”. Notable exceptions to this includepresentations at scientific meetings and published abstracts (althoughfull disclosure of these should be made at the time of submission) andsituations in which researchers have been forced to release data in thecourse of government deliberations or because of public healthconcerns.
The final three types of unethical behavior, plagiarism,fabrication and falsification, are listed by the US National ScienceFoundation as definitive examples of scientific misconduct. Plagiarismis “the appropriation of another person’s ideas, processes, results, orwords without giving appropriate credit, including those obtainedthrough confidential review of others’ research proposals andmanuscripts” (Federal Office of Science and Technology Policy, 1999).Paraphrasing is allowed, but needs to be performed appropriately:speech marks should be used for direct quotes, otherwise alternativephrases should be used. Fabrication refers to the making up of data orresults and reporting them, while falsification refers to themanipulation of experiments or the modification of obtained resultssuch that the research is not accurately represented in the literature.All types of misconduct have serious consequences ranging fromrejection of a paper to termination of employment and possible legalproceedings.
Finally, not disclosing any potential conflicts ofinterest, financial or otherwise, could be considered unethicalbehavior. Authors are usually asked to declare potential conflicts ofinterest when submitting manuscripts. These include any financial orpersonal relationships that might inappropriately influence youractions, for example, your employment situation, consultancies, andstock ownership. Conflicts of interest are not necessarily bad, orobstacles to publication, but it is vital that they are declared.
Itis important that scientists, engineers and clinicians are aware ofwhat represents ethical and unethical behaviors so that the latter canbe avoided. Behaving ethically will give you the confidence of yourpeers, colleagues and journal editors; behaving unethically could leadto a loss of grant support, unemployment, a ban from journals andpossible legal proceedings. Thus, be aware of the boundaries.

Dr Daniel McGowan


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