放射性皮炎是头和颈癌的放射治疗的患者的常见副作用。本研究分析了氢对单次或多次局部放射治疗引起的皮肤辐射损伤的保护作用,及其可能的分子机制。方法:头部和颈部区域接受单剂量或分次照射动物于照射前小鼠皮下注射氢溶液。体外分析氢气对辐射诱导的细胞生存力,细胞凋亡和生化检测等效果进行测定。结果:氢显著减少辐射引起的皮炎,加速组织恢复,减少小鼠单剂量15或20 Gy的辐射引起的体重损失。氢也可以保护角质形成细胞放射损伤。结果表明,氢对急性放射性皮炎具有积极的作用。
Hydrogen Protects Mice From Dermatitis Caused by Local Radiation.pdf
J Dermatolog Treat. 2012 Dec 31. [Epub ahead of print]
Hydrogen Protects Mice From Dermatitis Caused by Local Radiation.
Mei K, Zhao S, Qian L, Li B, Ni J, Cai J.
Radiation therapy produced unwanted side effect on normal tissues, such as radiodermatitis. Hydrogen was previously shown capable of radiation protective in both animals and cell cultures. The effect of hydrogen was now to be investigated on radiation-induced cutaneous. Objective: Development of dermatitis is a frequent side effect of radiotherapy of patients with head-and-neck cancer. Here we analyzed the radioprotective efficacy of hydrogen under conditions of local, single dose or fractionated radiation treatment, and its possible molecular mechanisms. Methods: Mice received either single-dose or fractioned irradiation of the head-and-neck area with or without subcutaneous injection of hydrogen solution before irradiation. In vitro, the effect of hydrogen medium on radiation-induced cell viability , apoptosis and biochemical assays was measured. Result: hydrogen significantly reduced the severity of dermatitis, accelerated tissue recovery, and reduced the extent of radiation induced weight loss in mice after a single dose of 15 or 20 Gy but not 25 Gy of radiation. Hydrogen was also protective from cumulative doses of 30 Gy delivered in three fractions, respectively. Hydrogen also protect HaCaT cells from radiation-induced injury, it could significantly inhibit ionizing injury. Conclusion: These results suggest that hydrogen has a positive effect on acute radiodermatitis.
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