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已有 3184 次阅读 2012-12-11 22:03 |个人分类:矿业战国|系统分类:科研笔记| 矿业项目可行性

WBS No.  WBS Description  Scope/Requirements  Preliminaries and Project Management 

      Contract Negotiation and Preparation
      Kick-Off Meeting
      Bi-Weekly Progress Report
      Monthly Progress Reports
TOC Item      
1  Summary & Recommendations
Summary, recommendations and executive
summary for standalone reading.
1.1  Executive Summary   
1.2  Recommendations   
2  Introduction
Sets out relevant factual known information
to establish a context for the study.
2.1  Introduction of Meridian Minerals   
2.2  Introduction of Lennard Shelf mines history   
Introduction of purpose of the Feasibility
Study and description of the study process
3  Development Approach
Sets out the corporate business strategy,
sustainability, strategic analysis and exit
strategy pertinent to the study .
Description of general development approach
proposed by Meridian
4  Risk Assessment
Sets out policy, practises, risk assessment,
risk mitigation plan and risk register.
4.1  Policy and practises   
4.2  Risk Assessment   
4.3  Risk Mitigation Plan   
4.4  Risk Register   
5  Health and Safety
Sets out policy, procedures, assessment,
strategy, and management plan in sufficient
detail to support the project's cost estimate
and schedule.
5.1  H&S Policy and procedures   
5.2  H&S Assessment   
5.3  H&S Strategy   
5.4  H&S Management Plan    
6  Environmental
Sets out policy, procedures, assessment,
strategy, and management plan in sufficient
detail to support the project's cost estimate
and schedule.
6.1  Environmental Policy and Procedures   
6.2  Environmental Assessment   
6.3  Environmental Strategy   
6.4  Environmental Management Plan   
6.4.1  Review permits and approvals required   
6.4.2  Develop permits and approvals register   
Geology and Mineral Resource
Confirmation by Consultant based on
information by the Company
7.1  Data Acquisition   
7.2  Review design of drill program, review results   
7.3  Regional, Local and Property Geology   
7.4  Geological Structure   
7.5  Geology Model   
7.6  Resource Estimate   
8  Mining and Ore Reserve Estimate
Sets out data acquisition, standards, mine
planning, mine configuration, production
schedule, reserve estimate and waste dump
design in sufficient detail to support the
project’s cost estimate and schedule.
8.1  Data Acquisition and Standards   
8.2  Geotechnical Considerations   
8.3  Hydro-geology and Hydrology   
8.4  Mining Method Selection   
8.5  Mine Design and Configuration   
8.6  Waste Dump Design   
8.7  Dewatering Plan   
8.8  Ore Reserve Estimate   
9  Mineral Processing
Sets out data acquisition, process selection &
design, production schedule, materials
handling (ROM ore through to product
transport) and tailings disposal in sufficient
detail to support the project’s cost estimate
and schedule.
9.1  Data Acquisition and Standards   
9.2  Process Selection & Design   
9.3  Process Schedule   
9.4  Materials Handling   
9.5  Tailings Disposal    
10  Water Management
Sets out policy, procedure, assessment and
the project’s water supply and disposal
management plan in sufficient detail to
support the project’s cost estimate and
10.1  Policy and Procedures   
10.2  Water Supply Assessment   
10.3  Water Storage and Disposal   
11  Infrastructure and Services
Sets out data acquisition, standards, design,
and site configuration in sufficient detail to
support the project’s cost estimate and
11.1  Data Acquisition and Standards   
11.2  Infrastructure Design and Configuration   
11.3  Electrical Power Supply   
11.4  Water Supply   
11.5  Workforce Accommodation   
11.6  Equipment Maintenance Facilities   
11.7  Administration Facilities   
12  Logistics
Sets out policy, procedure, assessment and
logistics plan to support study sections of
infrastructure & services, project execution
and project operation.
12.1  Logistics Policy & Procedures   
12.2  Logistics Assessment   
12.3  Logistics Plan   
12.3.1  Transport of Consumables and Supplies   
12.3.2  Outgoing Transport of Products   
13  Human Resources
Sets out policy and corporate standards for
the project’s organisation and project
personnel sourcing, recruitment, training,
accommodation and remuneration in
sufficient detail to support the study sections
of project execution and project operation.
13.1  HR Policy & Procedures   
13.2  Management Organisation and Structure   
13.3  Workforce Sourcing and Recruitment   
13.4  Workforce Training   
13.5  Workforce Accommodation   
13.6  Workforce Remuneration   
14  Technology & Information Systems
Sets out policy and standards for technology,
IT equipment and information systems in
sufficient detail to support the study sections
of project execution and project operation.
14.1  Technology Policy & Procedures   
14.2  Phone (voice) Communication   
14.3  Internet Communication   
14.4  Computer Systems   
14.5  Management Information System    14.5.1  Production Reporting Systems   
15  Project Execution
Sets out the approach, strategy and
procedures to the Project Execution phase in
sufficient detail to support the project’s cost
estimate and schedule – and is the precursor
to a Project Execution Plan.
15.1  Project Execution Strategy and Approach   
15.2  Project Execution Policy & Procedures   
15.3  Project Execution Plan   
15.4  Project Execution Schedule   
16  Project Operation
Sets out the approach, strategy and
procedures to the Project Operation phase in
sufficient detail to support the project’s cost
estimate and schedule.
16.1  Project Operation Strategy and Approach   
16.2  Project Operation Policy & Procedures   
16.3  Project Operation Plan   
16.4  Project Operation Schedule   
17  Project Closure
Sets out the approach, strategy and
procedures to the Project Closure phase in
sufficient detail to support the project’s cost
estimate and schedule.
17.1  Project Closure Strategy and Approach   
17.2  Project Closure Policy & Procedures   
17.3  Project Closure Plan   
17.4  Project Closure Schedule   
18  External Relations
Sets out policy, procedure, assessment and
management plan in sufficient detail to
support the study sections of project
execution and project operation.
18.1  External Relations Policy & Procedures   
18.2  External Relations Assessment   
18.3  External Relations Management Plan   
19  Capital Costs
Sets out policy and standards for the
project’s capital cost estimation and collates
capital costs of the different study
disciplines/study report sections.
19.1  Policy & Estimation Standards   
19.2  Capital Cost Estimate   
19.2.1  Geology and Exploration   
19.2.2  Mining Equipment and Mine Commissioning   
19.2.3  Processing Plant Construction   
19.2.4  Infrastructure (Power, Water, General)   
19.2.5  Environmental (Permits, Rehab, Closure)   
19.2.6  Transport (to & from site)   
19.2.7  General and Administration   
19.3  Total Capital Estimate and Schedule    
20  Operating Costs
Sets out policy and standards for the
project’s operating cost estimation and
collates operating costs of the different study
disciplines/study report sections.
20.1  Policy & Estimation Standards   
20.2  Operating Cost Estimate   
20.2.1  Geology and Exploration   
20.2.2  Mining   
20.2.3  Processing   
20.2.4  Infrastructure   
20.2.5  Environmental   
20.2.6  Transport   
20.2.7  General and Administration   
20.3  Total Operating Cost Estimate   
21  Marketing
Sets out policy, procedure, assessment and
the project’s marketing plan in sufficient
detail to meet the business strategy and to
support the project’s cost estimate and
21.1  Marketing Policy & Procedures   
21.2  Marketing Assessment   
21.3  Product Marketing Plan   
22  Ownership, Legal & Permitting
Sets out ownership, legal agreements, and
permits required to develop, construct and
operate the proposed project.
22.1  Project Ownership   
22.2  Legal Agreements   
22.3  Review Operating Permits and Approvals   
22.4  Develop permits and approvals register   
22.5  Review Native Title Agreement   
Investigate attitude of Kimberley Lands
23  Technical-Economic Modelling
Sets out policy and standards for technical-
economic modelling and presents the  model
employed and the results of such modelling. 
23.1  Policy and Standards   
23.2  Model Structure   
23.3  Model Assumptions   
23.4  Model Construction   
23.5  Model Results    
24  Financial Modelling and Funding
Sets out the funding means proposed for the
project in sufficient detail to support the
financial modelling and contracting strategy
24.1  Funding Policy   
24.2  Equity Funding   
24.3  Debt Funding   
24.4  Tax Modelling   
24.5  After-Tax Cashflow    
24.6  NPV, IRR and Breakeven Analysis   
25  Status of Studies
Sets out the standard achieved by this study
report and results of peer reviews as
25.1  Standards Achieved   
25.2  Peer Reviews   
26  Future Work Plan
Sets out work required post completion of
the study for the next study phase or project
   Future Work Required   
   Future Work Plan and Schedule   
   Future Work Approvals Process   
27  Bibliography & Glossary
Listing of published reports and terms as
employed in the study report.
28  Appendices
Appendices in support of the study report
such as drawings, detailed cost estimates,
detailed schedules, technical reports and
data room details for subsequent due


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