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已有 2276 次阅读 2012-12-3 17:29 |系统分类:海外观察| office, style, little



Hello, little Hannah, nice to meet you.


May I introduce myself to you?


I am your aunt who lives in Shanghai. Shanghai is a city where is far away from Antwerp. Antwerp is in the west, while Shanghai is in the Far East. You are the first baby I knew once you were born though we are so far from each other. Is it amazing? I wish I could meet you in person one day. I knew little Giny a few days later after she was born five years ago. But till now I didn’t meet her once.


In the countryside where I was born, the aunts of a baby can only meet this baby in the third day after birth.  The aunts will bring a special steamed bun to bless this baby and her mother a health, fruitful and strong life.


It is the third day after you come to the world. I cannot bring this special steamed bun to Antwerp. But this email will take my sincerely wishes to you and your parents. Congratulations for your parents to having such a lovely baby and congratulations for you to be born in such a loved family.


Maybe your aunts in Belgium will bring you a totally different presents, maybe you have a totally different celebrations and wishes.  I wish this email will impress you how grand and how open the world is. Life is an adventure full of unknown, in this sense it is also attractive. in Chinese we say qian li yuan fen yi xian qian (千里缘分一线牵). We know each other by a narrow chance but this narrow chance will bring a totally difference. I sincerely invite you and your parents to visit China someday. I wish you will know how different the world is and you will enjoy the difference.


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