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已有 7320 次阅读 2012-10-25 16:45 |系统分类:海外观察| EOR, 纳微米球, 逐级深部调驱

       纳微米球逐级深部调驱技术是EOR(Enhanced Oil Recovery)领域中国人的发明,在2004年12月2日,在中石化的大力支持下在胜利油田做了第一个现场试验,证明是一种有效的改善油藏非均质性,解决层内和层间矛盾的合理方式,可以有效的提高原油产量和采收率,提高石油开采的经济效益。本课题组在2005年现场实验结束后申请了三项中国发明专利。
Tatneft: A New Oil Recovery Enhancement Technology Monday, October 15th, 2012

A technology of increasing crude oil recovery from the reservoir by injecting microgel polymer systems with surfactants (MGS-KPS technology) is being successfully applied at OAO TATNEFT. This engineering development of TatNIPIneft experts (part of the Company) was awarded the Grand Prix of the XIX-th International Exhibition “Oil and Gas. Petrochemistry – 2012″.

The MGS-KPS technology is designed to regulate the process of oil displacement and increasing crude oil recovery in heterogeneous and multilayered reservoirs, and can be applied both at an early stage of the reservoir flooding and in long-term flooding conditions. The technological effect is achieved through reducing the permeability of water-bearing intervals and increasing the efficiency of crude oil displacement from less permeable zones of the reservoir by pumping gelling polymer compositions of various types.

The technology provides for application of polyacrylamide based gel-forming compositions obtained through using gel (cross-linking) inductors of two types. Depending on the geological and technical conditions of the application site different modalities are defined: injection of a mobile microgel system or sequential injection of a gel-forming slug and a microgel composition. The inclusion of surface-active agents (surfactants) into the mobile microgel system simultaneously increases the formation coverage ratio and crude oil displacement.

The MGS-KPS technology can be implemented in all seasons, which is provided by the lack of restrictions on the mineralization of the water used to obtain compositions as well as the use of surfactants with a low pour point. Compared with other polymer solutions the MGS-CPS compositions are characterized by low polymer and cross linking agent content, but they provide for a high residual resistance factor. This helps to reduce treatment costs without a loss of the process efficiency. A possibility of choosing from a variety of compositions and methods of injection depending on the conditions of the application site also contributes to the economic and technological efficiency.

This technology has been introduced at the oil fields of OAO TATNEFT since January 2012. Injection under the MGS-KPS technology was performed in 87 injection wells during eight months of 2012 and the technology is in great demand of all the NGDUs of OAO TATNEFT. The forecast duration of the technological efficiency is 2 years.


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