暑假自学的专业书(不包括读物和论文等)如上文 Matlab Getting Started,Matlab User's Guide(这两个是自带的,全当总结用) Networks An Introduction M. E. J. Newman 2010 .pdf(这是复杂网络的入门) Mathematical.Statistics.and.Data.Analysis,.3ed,.Rice,.pdf(增补数理统计部分) Analysis of Financial Time Series 3rd Edition.Tsay 2010 .pdf(时间序列中级教材) Elementary Differential Equations.sixth edition C.Henry Edwards.pdf(增补指数、线性系统、边界值等) Differential equations, dynamical systems and an introduction to chaos.pdf(增补动力系统概念) Dynamical Systems(Jost).pdf(这个太难了,后来发现是数学专业的专题,看了一半不了了之)
现在正在看或马上准备看的 Nonlinear Systems - Analysis, Stability, and Control (Shankar Sastry).pdf Synchronization A universal concept in nonlinear sciences.Arkady Pikovsky, Michael Rosenblum and Jürgen Kurths.pdf Nonlinear Time Series Analysis.second edition,holger kantz and thomas schreiber.pdf
Nonlinear Systems - Analysis, Stability, and Control (Shankar Sastry).pdf 数理基础太差!看这本时李群、微分几何都不会啊!