1 The Laser Ranging Technique and Science/Applications of SLR
The laser ranging technique consists of a precise range measurement between an SLR ground
station and a retroreflector-equipped satellite using ultrashort laser pulses corrected for refraction,
satellite center of mass, and the internal delay of the ranging machine. The global network
of SLR stations has supported more than sixty space missions supported since 1970; five of
these missions have been rescued in the last decade by laser ranging measurements.
1.1 Concept: 概念
• Simple measurement of range from accurate time interval
• Space segment is passive
• Accurate atmospheric delay correction (independent of
water vapor)
• Night/Day Operation
• Near real-time global data availability
• Satellite altitudes from below 300 km to synchronous
satellites, and the Moon
• Unambiguous centimeter accuracy orbits
• Long-term stable time series of positions, low degree
spherical harmonics, orbital elements, and others
1.2 Measurements:测量
• Precision Orbit Determination (POD)
• Time history of station positions and motions
• Low degree gravitational harmonics and GM
• Tidal harmonics, planetary Love numbers, etc.
1.3 产品
SLR/LLR products contributing to:
• Terrestrial reference frame (Center of mass and scale)
• Plate tectonics and crustal deformation
• Static and time-varying gravity field
• Earth orientation and rotation (polar motion, length of day)
• Orbits and calibration of altimetry missions (oceans, ice)
• Total Earth mass distribution
• Space science (tether dynamics, etc.)
• Relativity measurements and lunar science
1.4 SLR和地球参考框架
SLR and the Terrestrial Reference Frame
• SLR is one of the key space technologies that contribute to the development
of the ITRF:
- An accurate, stable set of station positions and velocities.
• The unique contribution of SLR to ITRF is the link of its origin to the
center of mass of the Earth system
• SLR contributes also in maintaining a stable scale for the ITRF, in equal
parts with VLBI
• The ITRF Requirements of GGOS are:
- <1 mm reference frame accuracy
- < 0.1 mm/yr stability
• The primary science driver is the
measurement of sea level change
• The GGOS goal requires a factor of
10-20 improvement over current ITRF
performance demonstrated below for
Need for SLR measurements on the GNSS Constellations
• Improve the Terrestrial Reference Frame (co-location of techniques
in space)
• Improve LEO POD based on GNSS tracking of SLR-calibrated GNSS
GNSS World
• Provide independent quality assurance:
- GNSS orbit accuracy cannot be directly validated from the GNSS
data itself
• Assure interoperability amongst GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, COMPASS,
QZSS, etc.
• Ensure realization of constellation-dependent reference frames
(WGS84 , GTRF, etc.) are consistent with ITRF
The International Laser Ranging Service and its Support of Missions through Laser Ranging
The International Laser Ranging Service (ILRS), founded by the International Association of Geodesy (IAG) in 1998, organizes and coordinates Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) and Lunar Laser Ranging (LLR) to support programs in geodetic, geophysical, and lunar research and provides the International Earth Rotation and Reference Frame Service (IERS) with products important to the maintenance of an accurate International Terrestrial Reference Frame(ITRF).
The ILRS produces quality-assured scientific results from the SLR and LLR data including:
• Satellite ephemerides
• Earth orientation parameters
• Position and velocity of the ILRS tracking
• Time-varying geocenter coordinates
• Static and time-varying coefficients of the Earth's gravity field
• Fundamental physical constants
• Lunar ephemerides and librations
• Lunar orientation parameters
The ILRS accomplishes its mission through the following components:
• Tracking Stations and Subnetworks — range to the approved
constellation of artificial satellites and the moon
• Operations Centers
— collect, QC, merge data from tracking sites and transmit todata centers
• Data Centers — archive laser ranging data and products
• Analysis and Associate Analysis Centers — produce official ILRS products(station coordinates and EOP) as well as special products
• Working Groups — provide expertise to make technical decisions and planprogrammatic courses of action
• Central Bureau — coordination and management of ILRS activities
• Governing Board — responsible for general direction of service and defines official ILRS policy
3 Current SLR/LLR Network(图,略)
4 New Technology and Developments
• The Russian Blits satellite with a novel Luneberg Lens, a single corner
cube reflector whose center of mass correction can be very accurately
computed independent of aspect angle resulting in very precise
ranging measurements.
• Stations with kHz repetition laser systems provide ranging measurements
that show details of retroreflector geometry and can measure
spin rate on spherical geodetic satellites. At this time, four stations
in the ILRS network operate at kHz rates.
• NASA supports the development of the Next Generation SLR (NGSLR)
system, a prototype automated SLR system for replication and deployment
as part of the future GGOS network.
• New French MEO system at Grasse built for both satellite and lunar
ranging. The MLRO system in Matera Italy has recently revived its
lunar capabilities.
• New high performance Apache Point Observatory Lunar Laser-ranging
Operation (APOLLO) measures the round-trip travel time of laser
pulses to the lunar retroreflectors to a precision of a few picoseconds,
corresponding to about one mm of precision in range to the
Moon. These data will be used to gauge the relative acceleration of
the Earth and Moon toward the sun in order to ascertain the free-fall
properties of Earth's gravitational self-energy.
4.1 Test Facility for Laser Retroreflector Arrays
Schematic of facility developed at the Laboratori
Nazionali di Frascati to test, characterize
and validate the performance of laser retroreflector
arrays (S. Dell’Agnello et al.). The array
allows performance testing under space simulated
vacuum and thermal conditions.
4.2 LRO Laser Ranging (LRO-LR)
One-way Laser Ranging data from the international SLR network is being used to determine LRO
spacecraft clock drift and to “transfer” time and will also be used to improve orbit determination
in support of gravity modeling and precise positioning.
Approximately 450 hours of successful LRO Laser Ranging data has been collected since launch in
both synchronous (28 Hz) and asynchronous modes by stations in the ILRS network.
The T2L2 experiment on Jason-2 uses an event timer, photo detection modules, and ultra-stable
quartz oscillator and a laser retroreflector array to implement a two way time transfer system to
synchronize clocks on the ground and on the satellite. It is anticipated that time transfer among
participating SLR ground stations will reach the 100 ps level once the current modeling activities
are completed.
4.4 Spin Rate Measurements
Graz kHz SLR station measures the spin
period of Ajisai with accuracy of 80μs. Chart
A shows the spin period measurements of
Ajisai (years 2003.8-2009). Chart B shows
the spin period change during arbitrary selected
163 days. Chart C shows spin period
residuals to the spin period trend function
for the selected data set. The distribution of
the residuals is correlated with the percentage
of the Ajisai orbit illuminated by the
Sun. The spin period is increasing faster
when the full orbit is exposed to the solar
irradiation. The minimum percentage of Ajisai orbit in the Sun is about 75% - this corresponds
to the minimum value of the spin period residuals (chart C). The average slowing
down rate is 29.7 ms/year.
SLR allows for spin period determination of
the passive satellites LAGEOS-1 and
LAGEOS-2. The chart presents spin period
values obtained from all available laser
measurements of all SLR stations: 10 years
for LAGEOS-1 (10426 values) and 15 years
for LAGEOS-2 (15580 values). Due to the increasing
spin period of LAGEOS-2, only Graz
2 kHz SLR system – with its high repetition
rate and 10 ps pulse width – permitted measurement
of the spin period after year 2003;
the kHz data also yields an order of magnitude
higher accuracy
4.5 NASA’s Next Generation SLR (NGSLR)
System Capabilities
• Centimeter ranging accuracy
• Two-way ranging to satellites up to
22,000 km altitude
• Automated
• No ocular, chemical, or electrical hazards
(system with microJoule laser is
• Small, compact, low maintenance
• Lower replication/operating costs
System Characteristics:
• Telescope: 40 cm off-axis parabola
• Mount: Arc-second precision tracking
• Detector: MCP PMT 4-quadrant
• Laser: < 100 microJoules per pulse at
2 KHz
• Outgoing beam divergence: ~ 4
arcsec FWHM
• Pointing accuracy: 2-3 arcseconds
NASA’s Next Generation
Space Geodesy Project
A Core Contribution to the
Global Geodetic Observing System
Submitted by
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
December 16, 2011
Next Generation SLR (NGSLR)
NASA undertook the development of a Next Generation SLR (NGSLR) because it recognized
the older systems were literally "falling apart' and that the older technologies were not capable of
satisfying projected performance requirements. The NGSLR is being built to demonstrate that a
system using existing commercial off-the-shelf technology can satisfy the performance
requirements as an autonomous, photon-counting SLR station with normal point precision at the mm level. The system is intended to provide continuous 24 hour tracking coverage of artificial
satellites up to GNSS altitudes. NGSLR has already demonstrated much of its new technology and performance capability. Some developmental work remains to be completed to fully
demonstrate the technologies can be integrated into a realizable system that meets the required
performance criteria. Based on this experience, specifications then need to be written for a
production system that can be built by industry.
The NGSLR system is now operating at GGAO near MOBLAS-7, one of the early NASA
systems still in operation after nearly 30 years. Over the past year, NGSLR has taken over 250
passes of data, over the full range of capability for engineering, diagnostic, and operational
testing, during both nighttime and daylight conditions. Over the next two years, NASA will
complete the NGSLR prototype and make it part of the prototype GGOS station at GGAO.
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