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已有 7962 次阅读 2012-5-9 19:42 |系统分类:科研笔记| 欧洲专利公约






Article 99  Opposition

(1)Within nine months of the publication ofthe mention of the grant of the European patent in the European PatentBulletin, any person may give notice to the European Patent Office ofopposition to that patent, in accordance with the Implementing Regulations.Notice of opposition shall not be deemed to have been filed until theopposition fee has been paid.

(2)The opposition shall apply to the Europeanpatent in all the Contracting States in which that patent has effect.

(3)Opponents shall be parties to theopposition proceedings as well as the proprietor of the patent.

(4)Where a person provides evidence that in aContracting State, following a final decision, he has been entered in thepatent register of such State instead of the previous proprietor, such personshall, at his request, replace the previous proprietor in respect of suchState. Notwithstanding Article 118,the previous proprietor and the person making the request shall not be regardedas joint proprietors unless both so request.






Article 100 Grounds for  opposition

Opposition may only be filed on the grounds that:

(a)the subject-matter of the European patentis not patentable under Articles 52 to 57;

(b)the European patent does not disclose theinvention in a manner sufficiently clear and complete for it to be carried outby a person skilled in the art;

(c)the subject-matter of the European patentextends beyond the content of the application as filed, or, if the patent wasgranted on a divisional application or on a new application filed under Article 61,beyond the content of the earlier application as filed.







Article 101  Examination of the opposition – Revocation or maintenance of the European  patent

(1)If the opposition is admissible, theOpposition Division shall examine, in accordance with the ImplementingRegulations, whether at least one ground for opposition under Article 100 prejudicesthe maintenance of the European patent. During this examination, the OppositionDivision shall invite the parties, as often as necessary, to file observationson communications from another party or issued by itself.

(2)If the Opposition Division is of theopinion that at least one ground for opposition prejudices the maintenance ofthe European patent, it shall revoke the patent. Otherwise, it shallreject the opposition.

(3)If the Opposition Division is of theopinion that, taking into consideration the amendments made by the proprietorof the European patent during the opposition proceedings, the patent and theinvention to which it relates

(a)meet the requirements of thisConvention, it shall decide to maintain the patent as amended, provided thatthe conditions laid down in the Implementing Regulations are fulfilled;

(b)do not meet the requirements of thisConvention, it shall revoke the patent.


Article 102 (deleted)



Article 103 Publication of a new  specification of the European patent

If the European patent is maintained as amended under Article 101,paragraph 3(a), the European Patent Office shall publish a newspecification of the European patent as soon as possible after the mention ofthe opposition decision has been published in the European Patent Bulletin.





Article 104  Costs

(1)Each party to the opposition proceedingsshall bear the costs it has incurred, unless the Opposition Division, forreasons of equity, orders, in accordance with the Implementing Regulations, adifferent apportionment of costs.

(2)The procedure for fixing costs shall belaid down in the Implementing Regulations.

(3)Any final decision of the European PatentOffice fixing the amount of costs shall be dealt with, for the purpose ofenforcement in the Contracting States, in the same way as a final decisiongiven by a civil court of the State in which enforcement is to take place.Verification of such decision shall be limited to its authenticity.






Article 105  Intervention of the assumed infringer

(1)Any third party may, in accordance withthe Implementing Regulations, intervene in opposition proceedings after theopposition period has expired, if the third party proves that  

(a)proceedings for infringement of thesame patent have been instituted against him, or

(b)following a request of the proprietorof the patent to cease alleged infringement, the third party has institutedproceedings for a ruling that he is not infringing the patent.

(2)An admissible intervention shall betreated as an opposition.




Article 105a Request for limitation  or revocation

(1)At the request of the proprietor, theEuropean patent may be revoked or be limited by an amendment of the claims. Therequest shall be filed with the European Patent Office in accordance with theImplementing Regulations. It shall not be deemed to have been filed until thelimitation or revocation fee has been paid.

(2)The request may not be filed whileopposition proceedings in respect of the European patent are pending.





Article 105b Limitation or revocation  of the European patent

(1)The European Patent Office shall examinewhether the requirements laid down in the Implementing Regulations for limitingor revoking the European patent have been met.

(2)If the European Patent Office considersthat the request for limitation or revocation of the European patent meetsthese requirements, it shall decide to limit or revoke the European patent inaccordance with the Implementing Regulations. Otherwise, it shall rejectthe request.

(3)The decision to limit or revoke theEuropean patent shall apply to the European patent in all the ContractingStates in respect of which it has been granted. It shall take effect on thedate on which the mention of the decision is published in the European PatentBulletin.



Article 105c Publication of the  amended specification of the European patent  

If the European patent is limited under Article 105b,paragraph 2, the European Patent Office shall publish theamended specification of the European patent as soon as possible after themention of the limitation has been published in the European Patent Bulletin.


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2 刘旭霞 林耕

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