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翻译:开始新的一天的33种方法(中英文) --3

已有 4016 次阅读 2012-2-3 17:29 |个人分类:译海泛舟|系统分类:人文社科| 一日之计在于晨

21. Write A Powerful Goal写上一个宏伟的目标

Mornings are very good for writing goals. I especially like that time of the day for writing goals because I have very few interference from the outside world. Which makes me much more authentic. I value more the goals written in the morning because I am less influenced. I know for sure that during the morning I don’t have to prove anything to anyone, I’m just me and what I want. Some of my best health decisions are picked up during the morning.



22. Clean Your Desk清理桌面

Again, this must be done before having breakfast, or before any other domestic task (and this also assumes you work from home, at some point). Put things in order, wipe the dust, prepare your working setup. And then start the day as usual. After having breakfast, interacting with your family or just finishing your morning routine, come back to your office. A shiny, fresh and neat vibration will welcome you. A short sign of appreciation from yourself.



23. Sing a Song唱一支歌

I do this all the time in the shower. And I highly recommend it. Despite what your neighbors may say (or even some of your early riser family members). Singing a song goes hand in hand with reading a poem. Doesn’t matter if you know how to sing. just go ahead and knock some “Let It Be” as loud as you can (“Let It Be” is my favorite shower song, by the way). If you hear me humming some tunes in my beard that’s a good sign I started with a loud song in the shower.

我常常在淋浴的时候高歌,而且我极力向大家推荐这种方式,尽管你的邻居(甚至部分早起的家人)可能会说道。唱一支歌与读一首诗的效果一样。不要管你是否知道如何唱,只管大声高歌一曲“Let It Be”("Let It Be"是我最喜欢的一首歌)。如果你听到我翘起胡子哼唱某些曲调,很好,我在洗澡时大声高歌.


24. Read and Evaluate your Morning Phrase 大声朗读并评价你的Morning Phrase

Do you have a morning phrase? Craft one, it’s easy. Starting a day with a morning phrase it’s like a mental programming exercise for maximizing your potential. It may take even less than 5 minutes and it’s a powerful tool for energy channeling. The trick is to keep it for at least several weeks. But the advantage is that this exercise is very powerful. Wanna setup a millionaire mindset? Or just planning or quitting smoking? Put it in a morning phrase and use it.

你有Morning phrase吗?如果没有,那就想一句吧!这很简单.用一句话开始你新的一天,就像在做智力编程练习,可以最大地激发你的潜能.做这个可能花不到你5分钟的时间,这是一种强大的能量导入方式.但你得至少连续坚持几周才行,好处是这种练习的效果会非常强大.想要形成百万富翁的思维模式?或者仅仅是想要制定某个计划或者想要戒烟?把它放在你的Morning phrase中!


25. Delete Some Email删掉一些邮件

Or some old, unneeded files. That's the mirror in the virtual world of number 5. Remove the clutter. Get rid of old messages, logs or files. Be in the flow. They say you have to let go the current you in order to become who you really want. I used to be a packer. Making folders and packing and storing everything in my computer. Now I start my mornings every now and then with a refreshing session of file deletion. Making room for what the day may bring in.


删掉一些邮件,或者删除一些旧的、不再需要的文件。这是与第5条相对应的虚拟世界。移去一些杂乱的东西,扔掉旧的信息、日志或者文件。Be in the flow。有人说,为了成为你想要做的人,你得放手现在。我过去是一个“打包工人”,在电脑中建文件夹,并存放所有的东西。现在,我每天一早开始就做文件清理和删除工作,为当天其它要放入的东西腾出空间。

邱敦莲译自 http://www.dragosroua.com/33-ways-to-start-your-day/


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