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已有 5621 次阅读 2011-11-18 18:25 |个人分类:科学丑闻|系统分类:科研笔记| 论文, University, 新闻发布会, 世纪光棍节, 详细信息

第一:   上周,也就是2011年11月11日(世纪光棍节?!)出版的<Science>杂志上,主编BRUCE ALBERTS亲自执笔写下一段表示对一篇来自荷兰的论文的造假表示担忧,所幸这次没有华人受到牵涉。大概翻译如下:
D. A. Stapel and S. Lindenberg 在发表的论文(1)中报导了.....,2011年10月31日,作者所在的单位荷兰Tilburg University举行了一个新闻发布会,宣布开始调查Stapel and Lindenberg论文工作中可能存在的数据伪造,正式的报告显示Stapel 的造假是的确存在的,我们正在等待更多的详细信息,因此发表这段文字以警示我们的读者,我们对这篇论文报导的所谓发现的真实性表示极度怀疑。BRUCE ALBERTS (主编)
Science 11 November 2011:  
Vol. 334 no. 6057 p. 760  
DOI: 10.1126/science.1216027
Editorial Expression of Concern
discrimination” by D. A. Stapel and S. Lindenberg (1) reported the effects of the physi-
cal environment on human stereotyping and discriminatory behavior. On 31 October 2011, 
Tilburg University held a press conference to announce interim findings of its investiga-
tion into possible data fraud in the body of work published by Stapel. The official report in 
Dutch (translated into English using Google software) indicates that the extent of the fraud 
by Stapel is substantial. Pending further details of the Tilburg Committee’s findings, Science
is publishing this Editorial Expression of Concern to alert our readers that serious concerns 
have been raised about the validity of the findings in this Report. 
 1. D. A. Stapel, S. Lindenberg, Science 332, 251 (2011).
  Published online 1 November 2011; 10.1126/science.1216027
第二:被认定造假的D. A. Stapel and S. Lindenberg 发表的论文摘要如下:
Science 8 April 2011: 
Vol. 332 no. 6026 pp. 251-253  
DOI: 10.1126/science.1201068
Coping with Chaos: How Disordered Contexts Promote Stereotyping and Discrimination
  1. Diederik A. Stapel1,* and 
  2. Siegwart Lindenberg1,2,*

+Author Affiliations

  1. 1Tilburg Institute for Behavioral Economics Research, Tilburg University, Post Office Box 90153, 5000 LE Tilburg, Netherlands.
  2. 2Interuniversity Center for Social Science Theory and Methodology, Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences, University of Groningen, Grote Rozenstraat 31, NL-9712 TG Groningen.

  1. 1Tilburg Institute for Behavioral Economics Research, Tilburg University, Post Office Box 90153, 5000 LE Tilburg, Netherlands.
  2. 2Interuniversity Center for Social Science Theory and Methodology, Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences, University of Groningen, Grote Rozenstraat 31, NL-9712 TG Groningen.
  1. *To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: (D.A.S.); (S.L.)

Being the victim of discrimination can have serious negative health- and quality-of-life–related consequences. Yet, could being discriminated against depend on such seemingly trivial matters as garbage on the streets? In this study, we show, in two field experiments, that disordered contexts (such as litter or a broken-up sidewalk and an abandoned bicycle) indeed promote stereotyping and discrimination in real-world situations and, in three lab experiments, that it is a heightened need for structure that mediates these effects (number of subjects: between 40 and 70 per experiment). These findings considerably advance our knowledge of the impact of the physical environment on stereotyping and discrimination and have clear policy implications: Diagnose environmental disorder early and intervene immediately.

  • Received for publication 30 November 2010.
  • Accepted for publication 2 March 2011.
Science 24 June 2011:  
Vol. 332 no. 6037 pp. 1501-1502  
DOI: 10.1126/science.332.6037.1501-c
Effects of Creating Order from Chaos

In their analysis of disorder and discrimination (“Coping with chaos: How disordered contexts promote stereotyping and discrimination,” Reports, 8 April, p. 251), D. A. Stapel and S. Lindenberg find that a disordered environment promotes more discrimination than one that is clean and ordered.

Unfortunately, their design precludes this conclusion. Part of the study involved subjects (all Caucasian) choosing one seat among six, with the first seat occupied by a confederate (either a white person or a black person). In the ordered condition, the distance between the seat chosen and the confederate was unaffected by the race of the confederate, whereas in the disordered condition, the distance was greater if the confederate was black than if he was white.

Although the authors were careful to balance the sexes of the subjects (half female, half male), they did not balance the races of the subjects (all Caucasian). Their conclusion, that disorder affects stereotyping, only holds if results from the neglected populations (e.g., blacks) are irrelevant.

The unexamined conditions are not irrelevant. Suppose blacks sat farther from blacks than whites under the disordered condition (just as the whites did). This would bring the entire conclusion into question. Suppose they sat farther from whites than blacks in the disordered condition. This would support the conclusion, but show that stereotyping is not a white-only phenomenon. Suppose they sat farther from whites in the ordered condition than in the disordered condition. This would suggest disorder increases stereotyping by whites that and that order increases stereotyping by blacks, and therefore vitiate their policy recommendations: “One way to fight unwanted stereotyping and discrimination is to diagnose environmental disorder early and to intervene immediately by cleaning up and creating physical order” (p. 253).

  1. William Vaughan
  1. Casco Courseware, LLC, 207 South Road, Chebeague Island, ME 04017, USA.
  1. E-mail:
第四: 11月4日出版的这一期上的评论中看出,造假的结论就很明显了,
Science 4 November 2011:  
Vol. 334 no. 6056 p. 579  
DOI: 10.1126/science.334.6056.579
Psychologist Accused of Fraud on 'Astonishing Scale'

A Dutch committee has concluded in a report this week that one of the Netherlands' leading social psychologists made up or manipulated data in dozens of papers over nearly a decade. Diederik Stapel of Tilburg University in the Netherlands was suspended in September after three junior researchers reported that they suspected scientific misconduct in his works. Stapel then reportedly told university officials that some of his papers contained falsified data. The university launched an investigation, as did the University of Groningen and the University of Amsterdam, where Stapel had worked previously. The Tilburg commission released an interim report on 31 October, which includes preliminary results from all three investigations. The investigators found evidence of misconduct on an "astonishing scale," the report says.



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