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生物学研究的几种创新方式 精选

已有 11858 次阅读 2011-10-11 13:15 |个人分类:生态学科研入门|系统分类:科研笔记| 生态学, 创新, 生物学, 创造








创新,innovation,已经成为国家口号和目标了,可见其重要性。对于创新的理论和方法,相信也会有无数的专著和论文,包括社会科学的和自然科学的,甚至是哲学的。这既是国家的需求,也是时代的需要。与创新直接相关的,或者说不可分割的是创造或创造力, creativity。创新的本质是新和改变,可以是思想、技术、过程,也可以是产品。创新的结果是使事情变得更好。创新不是改造,也不是翻新,不是简单的新瓶装旧酒,也不是旧瓶装新酒。 


曾读过生理生态学的大科学家 Bartholomew 的一篇文章,他在文章中论述过创新和创造能力,暂且称为生物学的几种创新方式。主要有四个方面(个人理解,请赐教):


1、提出新而有深度的科学问题 To ask new and incisive questions.)。



2、形成新的假说(To form new hypothesis)

经历过以描述性为主的达尔文时代的博物学研究方法后,当今生物学领域推崇的是以假说驱动(hypothesis-driven) 为主的科学方法。假说验证是科学发展的必要步骤,但根据以往的研究积累,根据自身的学术素养和科学视野,提出和形成新的科学假说是创新性研究所要求的。如果总是验证他人的假说,将无法也不可能形成自己的科学理念和理论基础(体系)。


3、用新的方法、技术和思维解决老问题 (To examine old questions in new way or with new techniques).

曾有国外学者说科学已经走到了尽头,再没有重大发现的可能了。科学是无止境的,科学问题也是层出不穷的。当年谁也不会预料到今天的污染问题,今天的人口问题,今天的能源问题,今天的气候变化问题。但许多重大问题在不同的时代依然需要回答最根本的问题。如生物学中生物体的生存和繁衍 (Survival and reproduction)问题,每个时代都需要回答这些根本问题,无论是博物学时代,细胞学时代,还是今天的基因组学时代。方法的创新,技术手段的创新,思维的创新,可以对过去的一些老问题的解决再一次创新。


4、洞察到以前没有注意到的一些相关关系 (To perceive previously unnoticed relationships)







Innovation: The term innovation derives from the Latin word innovatus, which is the noun form of innovare "to renew or change," stemming from in—"into" + novus—"new". Although the term is broadly used, innovation generally refers to the creation of better or more effective products, processes, technologies, or ideas that are accepted by markets, governments, and society. Innovation differs from invention or renovation in that innovation generally signifies a substantial positive change compared to incremental changes.


Creativity refers to the phenomenon whereby a person creates something new (a product, a solution, a work of art, a novel, a joke, etc.) that has some kind of value. What counts as "new" may be in reference to the individual creator, or to the society or domain within which the novelty occurs. What counts as "valuable" is similarly defined in a variety of ways.

Scholarly interest in creativity ranges widely: Topics to which it is relevant include the relationship between creativity and general intelligence; the mental and neurological processes associated with creative activity; the relationship between personality type and creative ability; the relationship between creativity and mental health; the potential for fostering creativity through education and training, especially as augmented by technology; and the application of an individual's existing creative resources to improve the effectiveness of learning processes and of the teaching processes tailored to them.








下一篇:研究生课程《动物生态学》讨论课记录 (2011)
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